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Missing VINS-Support #1106

den-schmidt opened this issue Aug 3, 2023 · 2 comments

Missing VINS-Support #1106

den-schmidt opened this issue Aug 3, 2023 · 2 comments


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Hello @matlabbe ,

I want to try out VINS-Fusion support for RTAB-Map. I have the following setup and status:

  1. Docker Container with Ubuntu 18.04 & ROS Melodic
  2. Installed all dependencies for VINS and MSCKF
  3. Built the catkin workspace including rtabmap_ros, vins, and msckf_vio
  4. I applied the VINS patch from here Make errors #380
  5. I applied the MSCKF patch from here Build with msckf_vio results on several errors #304
  6. Then, I moved to building rtabmap from source while setting the flags for VINS and MSCKF
  7. Everything builds like a charm
  8. Starting the following launch file tells me that I do not have VINS-Support...

launch file:

<!-- -->

	<!-- Parameters -->
    <arg name="online" default="false" />

    <!-- Start the RealSense camera -->
    <group if="$(arg online)">
        <node pkg="realsense2_camera" type="rs_camera.launch" name="realsense_camera" output="screen">
            <param name="enable_infra1" value="true" />
            <param name="enable_infra2" value="true" />
            <param name="unite_imu_method" value="linear_interpolation" /> 
			<!-- <param name="unite_imu_method" value="copy" /> -->
            <param name="enable_gyro" value="true" />
            <param name="enable_accel" value="true" />
            <param name="enable_sync" value="true" />
            <param name="initial_reset" value="true" />
            <param name="infra_width" value="1280" />
            <param name="infra_height" value="800" />
            <param name="infra_fps" value="30" />
            <param name="enable_color" value="false" />
            <param name="enable_depth" value="false" />
            <param name="json_file_path" value="/workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/src/slam/config/stereo_1280x800_30fps_emitter_disabled.json" />

	<!-- Start rosbag if parameter "online" is false -->
    <group unless="$(arg online)">
        <node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag_player" args="$(find as_slam)/bagfiles/100723_stereo.bag" />

    <!-- Start IMU filter -->
    <node pkg="imu_filter_madgwick" type="imu_filter_node" name="imu_filter" output="screen">
        <param name="use_mag" value="false" />
        <param name="publish_tf" value="false" />
        <param name="world_frame" value="enu" />
        <remap from="/imu/data_raw" to="/camera/imu" />
        <remap from="/imu/data" to="/rtabmap/imu" />

    <!-- Start RTAB-Map -->
    <include file="$(find rtabmap_ros)/launch/rtabmap.launch">
        <arg name="rtabmap_args" value="--delete_db_on_start
                                        --Optimizer/GravitySigma 0.3
										--Odom/Strategy 9
                                        --OdomVINS/ConfigPath $(find vins)/../config/realsense_d435i/realsense_stereo_imu_config.yaml
										--Reg/Force3DoF false" />

		<arg name="left_image_topic" value="/camera/infra1/image_rect_raw" />
        <arg name="right_image_topic" value="/camera/infra2/image_rect_raw" />
        <arg name="left_camera_info_topic" value="/camera/infra1/camera_info" />
        <arg name="right_camera_info_topic" value="/camera/infra2/camera_info" />
		<arg name="stereo" value="true" />
        <arg name="wait_imu_to_init" value="true" />
        <arg name="imu_topic" value="/rtabmap/imu" />

		<!-- <arg name="rtabmapviz" value="false" />
		<arg name="rviz" value="true" />
		<arg name="rviz_cfg" value="$(find as_slam)/config/config.rviz" /> -->

here is the console output of the launch file:

... logging to /root/.ros/log/1bd420cc-3242-11ee-90fc-8a13d234b321/roslaunch-docker-desktop-2797.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://docker-desktop:44237/


 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/

 * /imu_filter/publish_tf: False
 * /imu_filter/use_mag: False
 * /imu_filter/world_frame: enu
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.13
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Mem/IncrementalMemory: true
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Mem/InitWMWithAllNodes: false
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/approx_sync: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/config_path: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/database_path: ~/.ros/rtabmap.db
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/frame_id: camera_link
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/gen_depth: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/gen_depth_decimation: 1
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/gen_depth_fill_holes_error: 0.1
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/gen_depth_fill_holes_size: 0
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/gen_depth_fill_iterations: 1
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/gen_scan: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/ground_truth_base_frame_id: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/ground_truth_frame_id: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/initial_pose: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/landmark_angular_variance: 9999.0
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/landmark_linear_variance: 0.0001
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/map_frame_id: map
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/odom_frame_id: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/odom_frame_id_init: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/odom_sensor_sync: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/odom_tf_angular_variance: 0.001
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/odom_tf_linear_variance: 0.001
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/publish_tf: True
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/queue_size: 10
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/scan_cloud_max_points: 0
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_depth: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_odom_info: True
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_rgb: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_rgbd: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_scan: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_scan_cloud: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_scan_descriptor: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_stereo: True
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_user_data: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/wait_for_transform_duration: 0.2
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/approx_sync: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/frame_id: camera_link
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/odom_frame_id: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/queue_size: 10
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_depth: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_odom_info: True
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_rgb: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_rgbd: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_scan: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_scan_cloud: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_scan_descriptor: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_stereo: True
 * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/wait_for_transform_duration: 0.2
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/approx_sync: False
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/approx_sync_max_interval: 0.0
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/config_path: 
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/expected_update_rate: 0.0
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/frame_id: camera_link
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/ground_truth_base_frame_id: 
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/ground_truth_frame_id: 
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/guess_frame_id: 
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/guess_min_rotation: 0.0
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/guess_min_translation: 0.0
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/keep_color: False
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/max_update_rate: 0.0
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/odom_frame_id: odom
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/publish_tf: True
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/queue_size: 10
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/subscribe_rgbd: False
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/wait_for_transform_duration: 0.2
 * /rtabmap/stereo_odometry/wait_imu_to_init: True

    imu_filter (imu_filter_madgwick/imu_filter_node)
    rosbag_player (rosbag/play)
    rtabmap (rtabmap_ros/rtabmap)
    rtabmapviz (rtabmap_ros/rtabmapviz)
    stereo_odometry (rtabmap_ros/stereo_odometry)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [2827]

setting /run_id to 1bd420cc-3242-11ee-90fc-8a13d234b321
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2848]
started core service [/rosout]
process[rosbag_player-2]: started with pid [2860]
process[imu_filter-3]: started with pid [2889]
[ INFO] [1691097008.361281460]: Starting ImuFilter
[ INFO] [1691097008.374721114]: Using dt computed from message headers
[ INFO] [1691097008.374874418]: The gravity vector is kept in the IMU message.
[ INFO] [1691097008.394146624]: Imu filter gain set to 0.100000
[ INFO] [1691097008.394283628]: Gyro drift bias set to 0.000000
[ INFO] [1691097008.394385230]: Magnetometer bias values: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
[ INFO] [1691097008.672297334]: First IMU message received.
process[rtabmap/stereo_odometry-4]: started with pid [2898]
[ INFO] [1691097010.640165950]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1691097010.878391229]: Odometry: frame_id               = camera_link
[ INFO] [1691097010.878599231]: Odometry: odom_frame_id          = odom
[ INFO] [1691097010.878781033]: Odometry: publish_tf             = true
[ INFO] [1691097010.878962735]: Odometry: wait_for_transform     = true
[ INFO] [1691097010.879071036]: Odometry: wait_for_transform_duration  = 0.200000
[ INFO] [1691097010.879200537]: Odometry: log_to_rosout_level    = 4
[ INFO] [1691097010.879346438]: Odometry: initial_pose           = xyz=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 rpy=0.000000,-0.000000,0.000000
[ INFO] [1691097010.879658041]: Odometry: ground_truth_frame_id  = 
[ INFO] [1691097010.879776942]: Odometry: ground_truth_base_frame_id = 
[ INFO] [1691097010.879822443]: Odometry: config_path            = 
[ INFO] [1691097010.879861443]: Odometry: publish_null_when_lost = true
[ INFO] [1691097010.879914844]: Odometry: guess_frame_id         = 
[ INFO] [1691097010.879971944]: Odometry: guess_min_translation  = 0.000000
[ INFO] [1691097010.880010245]: Odometry: guess_min_rotation     = 0.000000
[ INFO] [1691097010.880043645]: Odometry: guess_min_time         = 0.000000
[ INFO] [1691097010.880103446]: Odometry: expected_update_rate   = 0.000000 Hz
[ INFO] [1691097010.880163046]: Odometry: max_update_rate        = 0.000000 Hz
[ INFO] [1691097010.880296347]: Odometry: min_update_rate        = 0.000000 Hz
[ INFO] [1691097010.880389948]: Odometry: wait_imu_to_init       = true
[ INFO] [1691097010.880526250]: Odometry: stereoParams_=1 visParams_=1 icpParams_=0
process[rtabmap/rtabmap-5]: started with pid [2914]
[ INFO] [1691097011.699060429]: Update odometry parameter "Odom/Strategy"="9" from arguments
[ INFO] [1691097011.699199930]: Update odometry parameter "OdomVINS/ConfigPath"="/workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/src/VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator/../config/realsense_d435i/realsense_stereo_imu_config.yaml" from arguments
[ INFO] [1691097011.699251130]: Update odometry parameter "Optimizer/GravitySigma"="0.3" from arguments
[ INFO] [1691097011.699290931]: Update odometry parameter "Reg/Force3DoF"="false" from arguments
[ INFO] [1691097012.312831736]: odometry: Subscribing to IMU topic /rtabmap/imu
[ INFO] [1691097012.336970869]: Starting node...
[ INFO] [1691097012.337120070]: StereoOdometry: approx_sync = false
[ INFO] [1691097012.337310372]: StereoOdometry: queue_size = 10
[ INFO] [1691097012.337573075]: StereoOdometry: subscribe_rgbd = false
[ INFO] [1691097012.337849477]: StereoOdometry: keep_color = false
[ INFO] [1691097012.442731287]: 
/rtabmap/stereo_odometry subscribed to (exact sync):
   /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw \
   /camera/infra2/image_rect_raw \
   /camera/infra1/camera_info \
[ INFO] [1691097012.472955678]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.735) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.736) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.736) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.736) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.737) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.737) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.737) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.737) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.737) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.737) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.737) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.738) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.739) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.740) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.740) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.740) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.740) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.740) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.740) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.740) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.741) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.741) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.743867885]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.002387s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.755) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.755) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.755) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.755) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.756) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.756) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.756) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.756) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.756718709]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000221s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.784) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.784) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.784) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.784) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.784) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.784) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.784) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.785783789]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000810s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.814) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.815120271]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000125s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.848) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.848) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.848) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.848) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.848) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.848) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.849) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.849) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.849337501]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000165s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.887) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.887) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.887) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.887) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.887) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.888) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.888) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.888675779]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000285s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.930) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.931) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.931) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.932) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.932) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.932) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.932) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.932) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.932366500]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000109s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.948) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.948) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.948) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.948) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.948) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.949) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.949) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.950) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.950413974]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000237s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.997) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.998) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.998) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.998) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.999) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.999) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:12.999) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097012.999634147]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000253s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.016) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.016) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.016) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.016) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.017) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.017) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.017) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.017) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.017708521]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000127s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.059) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.059) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.059) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.059) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.060) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.060) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.060) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.060) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.060953538]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000404s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.083) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.083) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.083) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.083) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.084) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.084) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.084) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.085514874]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.001043s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.121) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.121) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.121) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.122) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.122) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.125) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.125) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.125) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.125955563]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000210s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.154) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.155) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.155) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.155) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.155) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.155) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.155) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.156) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.156529171]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000274s
^C[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.194) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.194) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.194) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.194) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.194) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.195) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.195) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.195346345]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000196s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.227) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.227) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.228) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.228) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.228) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.228) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.228) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.228) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.229169820]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000217s
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.260) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.260) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.260) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.260) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.260) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.261) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.261) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.261) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.261693969]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000174s
[rtabmap/rtabmapviz-6] killing on exit
[rtabmap/rtabmap-5] killing on exit
[rtabmap/stereo_odometry-4] killing on exit
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.288) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.289) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.289) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.292) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.292) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.292) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ERROR] (2023-08-03 21:10:13.293) OdometryVINS.cpp:511::computeTransform() RTAB-Map is not built with VINS support! Select another visual odometry approach.
[ INFO] [1691097013.293307499]: Odom: quality=0, std dev=0.000000m|0.000000rad, update time=0.000196s

last but not least, my cmake output:

-- The imported target "vtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets" references the file
but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references.

-- The imported target "vtk" references the file
but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references.

-- PCL definitions don't contain "-march=native", make sure all libraries using Eigen are also compiled without that flag to avoid some segmentation faults (with gdb referring to some Eigen functions).
-- Found Sqlite3: /usr/include /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Found OpenMP_C: -fopenmp  
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp  
-- Found OpenMP: TRUE  found components:  C CXX 
-- Found OpenMP: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Add PCL_OMP to definitions
-- Found OpenCV: /usr/include;/usr/include/opencv
-- Found PCL: /usr/include/pcl-1.8;/usr/include/eigen3;/usr/include;/usr/include/ni;/usr/include/openni2;/usr/include/vtk-6.3;/usr/include/freetype2;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/event/libevent2022/libevent;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/event/libevent2022/libevent/include;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include;/usr/include/python2.7;/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu;/usr/include/hdf5/openmpi;/usr/include/libxml2;/usr/include/jsoncpp;/usr/include/tcl
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/include
-- Could NOT find Qt5Svg (missing: Qt5Svg_DIR)
CMake Warning at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5/Qt5Config.cmake:39 (message):
  Failed to find Qt5 component "Svg" config file at
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:300 (FIND_PACKAGE)

-- Found Freenect: /usr/include
-- Found OpenNI2: /usr/include/openni2
-- Found DC1394: /usr/include/dc1394
-- RTAB-Map's cmake g2o find module used for convenience (for older g2o versions)
CMake Warning at cmake_modules/FindG2O.cmake:127 (MESSAGE):
  Latest g2o version detected with c++11 interface (config file:
  /opt/ros/melodic/include/g2o/config.h).  Make sure g2o is built with
  "-DBUILD_WITH_MARCH_NATIVE=OFF" to avoid segmentation faults caused by
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:468 (FIND_PACKAGE)

-- Old g2o factory version detected without shared ptr (factory file: /opt/ros/melodic/include/g2o/core/factory.h).
-- Found g2o: /opt/ros/melodic/include;/usr/include/suitesparse;/usr/include/suitesparse
-- FlyCaptureBridge_LIBRARY=FlyCaptureBridge_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Boost version: 1.65.1
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   thread
--   filesystem
--   system
--   program_options
--   date_time
--   chrono
--   atomic
-- Boost version: 1.65.1
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   thread
--   filesystem
--   system
--   program_options
--   date_time
--   chrono
--   atomic
-- Found libpointmatcher: /opt/ros/melodic/include;/usr/include/eigen3
-- Boost version: 1.65.1
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   thread
--   filesystem
--   system
--   program_options
--   date_time
--   chrono
--   atomic
-- Boost version: 1.65.1
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   thread
--   filesystem
--   system
--   program_options
--   date_time
--   chrono
--   timer
--   serialization
--   atomic
-- Found RealSense2: 
-- Found octomap 1.9.8: /opt/ros/melodic/include
-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /libraries/rtabmap/build/devel
-- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/devel;/opt/ros/melodic
-- This workspace overlays: /workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/devel;/opt/ros/melodic
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2 (found suitable version "2.7.17", minimum required is "2") 
-- Using PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python2
-- Using Debian Python package layout
-- Using empy: /usr/bin/empy
-- Call enable_testing()
-- Using CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: /libraries/rtabmap/build/test_results
-- Found gtest sources under '/usr/src/googletest': gtests will be built
-- Found gmock sources under '/usr/src/googletest': gmock will be built
CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/src/googletest/CMakeLists.txt:3 (project):
  Policy CMP0048 is not set: project() command manages VERSION variables.
  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0048" for policy details.  Use the cmake_policy
  command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The following variable(s) would be set to empty:

This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/src/googletest/googlemock/CMakeLists.txt:40 (project):
  Policy CMP0048 is not set: project() command manages VERSION variables.
  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0048" for policy details.  Use the cmake_policy
  command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The following variable(s) would be set to empty:

This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/src/googletest/googletest/CMakeLists.txt:47 (project):
  Policy CMP0048 is not set: project() command manages VERSION variables.
  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0048" for policy details.  Use the cmake_policy
  command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The following variable(s) would be set to empty:

This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2 (found version "2.7.17") 
-- Using Python nosetests: /usr/bin/nosetests-2.7
-- catkin 0.7.29
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
-- Found msckf_vio: /workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/devel/.private/msckf_vio/include;/workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/src/msckf_vio/include;/usr/include;/usr/include/eigen3;/usr/include/opencv;/usr/include/suitesparse;/opt/ros/melodic/include;/opt/ros/melodic/share/xmlrpcpp/cmake/../../../include/xmlrpcpp;/opt/ros/melodic/share/orocos_kdl/cmake/../../../include;/workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/src/vision_opencv/cv_bridge/include;/usr/include/pcl-1.8;/usr/include/ni;/usr/include/openni2;/usr/include/vtk-6.3;/usr/include/freetype2;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/event/libevent2022/libevent;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/event/libevent2022/libevent/include;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include;/usr/include/python2.7;/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu;/usr/include/hdf5/openmpi;/usr/include/libxml2;/usr/include/jsoncpp;/usr/include/tcl
-- Found vins: /workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/src/VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator/src;/opt/ros/melodic/include;/usr/include;/opt/ros/melodic/share/xmlrpcpp/cmake/../../../include/xmlrpcpp;/workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/src/vision_opencv/cv_bridge/include;/usr/include/opencv;/workspaces/vdi-cup/mxck_ws/src/VINS-Fusion/camera_models/include
-- Architecture: x86_64
-- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11
-- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11 - Success
-- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX0X - Success
-- Found Pthreads
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Info :
--   RTAB-Map Version =     0.20.23
--   CMAKE_VERSION =        3.10.2
--   CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = /usr/local
--   CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE =     Release
--   BUILD_APP =            ON
--   BUILD_TOOLS =          ON
--   BUILD_EXAMPLES =       ON
--   CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS =  -fmessage-length=0  -fopenmp -std=c++11
--   PCL_VERSION = 1.8.1
-- Optional dependencies ('*' affects some default parameters) :
--  *With OpenCV 3.2.0 xfeatures2d = NO, nonfree = NO (License: BSD)
--   With Qt 5.9.5            = YES (License: Open Source or Commercial)
--   With VTK 6.3              = YES (License: BSD)
--   With external SQLite3     = YES (License: Public Domain)
--   With ORB OcTree           = YES (License: GPLv3)
--   With SupertPoint          = NO (WITH_TORCH=OFF)
--   With Python3              = NO (WITH_PYTHON=OFF)
--   With Madgwick             = YES (License: GPL)
--   With FastCV               = NO (FastCV not found)
--   With PDAL                 = NO (PDAL not found)
--  Solvers:
--   With TORO                 = YES (License: Creative Commons [Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike])
--  *With g2o                  = YES (License: BSD)
--  *With GTSAM                = NO (GTSAM not found)
--  *With Ceres                = NO (WITH_CERES=OFF)
--   With VERTIGO              = YES (License: GPLv3)
--   With cvsba                = NO (WITH_CVSBA=OFF)
--  *With libpointmatcher      = YES (License: BSD)
--   With CCCoreLib            = NO (WITH_CCCORELIB=OFF)
--   With Open3D               = NO (WITH_OPEN3D=OFF)
--   With OpenGV               = NO (WITH_OPENGV=OFF)
--  Reconstruction Approaches:
--   With OCTOMAP              = YES (License: BSD)
--   With CPUTSDF              = NO (WITH_CPUTSDF=OFF)
--   With OpenChisel           = NO (WITH_OPENCHISEL=OFF)
--   With AliceVision          = NO (WITH_ALICE_VISION=OFF)
--  Camera Drivers:
--   With Freenect             = YES (License: Apache v2 and/or GPLv2)
--   With OpenNI2              = YES (License: Apache v2)
--   With Freenect2            = NO (libfreenect2 not found)
--   With Kinect for Windows 2 = NO (Kinect for Windows 2 SDK not found)
--   With Kinect for Azure     = NO (Kinect for Azure SDK not found)
--   With dc1394               = YES (License: LGPL)
--   With FlyCapture2/Triclops = NO (Point Grey SDK not found)
--   With ZED                  = NO (ZED sdk and/or cuda not found)
--   With ZEDOC                = NO (ZED Open Capture not found)
--   With RealSense            = NO (librealsense not found)
--   With RealSense2           = YES (License: Apache-2)
--   With MyntEyeS             = NO (mynteye s sdk not found)
--   With DepthAI              = NO (WITH_DEPTHAI=OFF)
--  Odometry Approaches:
--   With loam_velodyne        = NO (WITH_LOAM=OFF)
--   With floam                = NO (WITH_FLOAM=OFF)
--   With libfovis             = NO (WITH_FOVIS=OFF)
--   With libviso2             = NO (WITH_VISO2=OFF)
--   With dvo_core             = NO (WITH_DVO=OFF)
--   With okvis                = NO (okvis not found)
--   With msckf_vio            = YES (License: Penn Software License)
--   With VINS-Fusion          = YES (License: GPLv3)
--   With OpenVINS             = NO (WITH_OPENVINS=OFF)
--   With ORB_SLAM             = NO (WITH_ORB_SLAM=OFF)
-- Show all options with: cmake -LA | grep WITH_
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /libraries/rtabmap/build`

Would you happen to know if I am missing something? 😄

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The Docker file mentioned in this issue (#855) helped me because it states that the ldconfig command should be called after building to update the shared library cache of my system. Thank you anyway @matlabbe and keep up the good work!😃

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matlabbe commented Aug 6, 2023

Maybe you have the ros rtabmap binaries also installed at the same time, and when building rtabmap_ros, it was linking on the ros installed version, not the one built from source. The binaries would have to be uninstalled to make sure everything is linking on right version of libraries on runtime the right libraries are used.

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