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Add feature for string tests
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mdave committed Apr 13, 2014
1 parent b515a53 commit 4c7dbaa
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 0 deletions.
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions features/string.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Feature: String replacement
As a scholar who likes to blog
I want to publish my BibTeX bibliography on my blog
And make sure that strings are correctly substituted

@tags @string
Scenario: String replacement
Given I have a scholar configuration with:
| key | value |
| source | ./_bibliography |
And I have a "_bibliography" directory
And I have a file "_bibliography/references.bib":
@string{ rubypl = "The Ruby Programming Language" }
title = rubypl,
author = {Flanagan, David and Matsumoto, Yukihiro},
year = {2008},
publisher = {O'Reilly Media}
And I have a page "scholar.html":
{% bibliography -f references %}
When I run jekyll
Then the _site directory should exist
And the "_site/scholar.html" file should exist
And I should see "<i>The Ruby Programming Language</i>" in "_site/scholar.html"

@tags @string
Scenario: String replacement disabled
Given I have a scholar configuration with:
| key | value |
| source | ./_bibliography |
| replace_strings | false |
And I have a "_bibliography" directory
And I have a file "_bibliography/references.bib":
@string{ rubypl = "The Ruby Programming Language" }
title = rubypl,
author = {Flanagan, David and Matsumoto, Yukihiro},
year = {2008},
publisher = {O'Reilly Media}
And I have a page "scholar.html":
{% bibliography -f references %}
When I run jekyll
Then the _site directory should exist
And the "_site/scholar.html" file should exist
And I should see "<i>rubypl</i>" in "_site/scholar.html"

@tags @string
Scenario: Join strings
Given I have a scholar configuration with:
| key | value |
| source | ./_bibliography |
And I have a "_bibliography" directory
And I have a file "_bibliography/references.bib":
@string{ ruby = "Ruby" }
title = "The " # ruby # " Programming Language",
author = {Flanagan, David and Matsumoto, Yukihiro},
year = {2008},
publisher = {O'Reilly Media}
And I have a page "scholar.html":
{% bibliography -f references %}
When I run jekyll
Then the _site directory should exist
And the "_site/scholar.html" file should exist
And I should see "<i>The Ruby Programming Language</i>" in "_site/scholar.html"

@tags @string
Scenario: Join strings disabled
Given I have a scholar configuration with:
| key | value |
| source | ./_bibliography |
| join_strings | false |
And I have a "_bibliography" directory
And I have a file "_bibliography/references.bib":
@string{ ruby = "Ruby" }
title = "The " # ruby # " Programming Language",
author = {Flanagan, David and Matsumoto, Yukihiro},
year = {2008},
publisher = {O'Reilly Media}
And I have a page "scholar.html":
{% bibliography -f references %}
When I run jekyll
Then the _site directory should exist
And the "_site/scholar.html" file should exist
And I should see "<i>\"The \" # \"Ruby\" # \" Programming Language\"</i>" in "_site/scholar.html"

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