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Merge pull request #1 from invenia/ox/create
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oxinabox committed Apr 16, 2019
2 parents f167597 + c4082dd commit 57de32b
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Showing 12 changed files with 554 additions and 3 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
name = "NamedDims"
uuid = "356022a1-0364-5f58-8944-0da4b18d706f"
authors = ["Lyndon White <>"]
authors = ["Invenia Technical Computing Corporation"]
version = "0.1.0"

Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"

test = ["Test"]
test = ["Test", "SparseArrays"]
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,5 @@
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`NamedDimsArray` is a zero-cost abstraction to add names to the dimensions of an array.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/NamedDims.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
module NamedDims
using Base: @propagate_inbounds
using Statistics

greet() = print("Hello World!")
export NamedDimsArray, dim


end # module
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/functions.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# This file is for functions that just need simple standard overloading.

## Helpers:

function nameddimsarray_result(original_nda, reduced_data, reduction_dims)
L = names(original_nda)
return NamedDimsArray{L}(reduced_data)

# if reducing over `:` then results is a scalar
function nameddimsarray_result(original_nda, reduced_data, reduction_dims::Colon)
return reduced_data

# Overloads

# 1 Arg
for (mod, funs) in (
(:Base, (
:sum, :prod, :count, :maximum, :minimum, :extrema, :cumsum, :cumprod,
:sort, :sort!)
(:Statistics, (:mean, :std, :var, :median, :cov, :cor)),
for fun in funs
@eval function $mod.$fun(a::NamedDimsArray; dims=:, kwargs...)
numerical_dims = dim(a, dims)
data = $mod.$fun(parent(a); dims=numerical_dims, kwargs...)
return nameddimsarray_result(a, data, numerical_dims)

# 1 arg before
for (mod, funs) in (
(:Base, (:mapslices,)),
for fun in funs
@eval function $mod.$fun(f, a::NamedDimsArray; dims=:, kwargs...)
numerical_dims = dim(a, dims)
data = $mod.$fun(f, parent(a); dims=numerical_dims, kwargs...)
return nameddimsarray_result(a, data, numerical_dims)

# 2 arg before
for (mod, funs) in (
(:Base, (:mapreduce,)),
for fun in funs
@eval function $mod.$fun(f1, f2, a::NamedDimsArray; dims=:, kwargs...)
numerical_dims = dim(a, dims)
data = $mod.$fun(f1, f2, parent(a); dims=numerical_dims, kwargs...)
return nameddimsarray_result(a, data, numerical_dims)
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/functions_dims.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# This file is for functions that explictly mess with the dimensions of a NameDimsArray

function Base.dropdims(nda::NamedDimsArray; dims)
numerical_dims = dim(nda, dims)
data = dropdims(parent(nda); dims=numerical_dims)
L = remaining_dimnames_after_dropping(names(nda), numerical_dims)
return NamedDimsArray{L}(data)
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions src/name_core.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
dim(dimnames, [name])
For `dimnames` being a tuple of names (symbols) for the dimensions.
If called with just the tuple,
returns a named tuple, with each name mapped to a dimension.
e.g `dim((:a, :b)) == (a=1, b=2)`.
If the second `name` argument is given, them the dimension corresponding to that `name`,
is returned.
e.g. `dim((:a, :b), :b) == 2`
If that `name` is not found then `0` is returned.
function dim(dimnames::Tuple)
# Note: This code is runnable at compile time if input is a constant
# If modified, make sure to recheck that it still can run at compile time
# e.g. via `@code_llvm (()->dim((:a, :b)))()` which should be very short
ndims = length(dimnames)
return NamedTuple{dimnames, NTuple{ndims, Int}}(1:ndims)

function dim(dimnames::Tuple, name::Symbol)
# Note: This code is runnable at compile time if inputs are constants
# If modified, make sure to recheck that it still can run at compile time
# e.g. via `@code_llvm (()->dim((:a, :b), :a))()` which should just say `return 1`
this_namemap = NamedTuple{(name,), Tuple{Int}}((0,)) # 0 is default we will overwrite
full_namemap = dim(dimnames)
return first(merge(this_namemap, full_namemap))

function dim(dimnames::Tuple, names)
# This handles things like `(:x, :y)` or `[:x, :y]`
# or via the fallbacks `(1,2)`, or `1:5`
return map(name->dim(dimnames, name), names)

function dim(dimnames::Tuple, d::Union{Integer, Colon})
# This is the fallback that allows `NamedDimsArray`'s to be have dimensions
# referred to by number. This is required to allow functions on `AbstractArray`s
# and that use function like `sum(xs; dims=2)` to continue to work without changes
# `:` is the default for most methods that take `dims`
return d

This is the default value for all indexing expressions using the given dimnames.
Which is to say: take a full slice on everything
function default_inds(dimnames::NTuple{N}) where N
# Note: This code is runnable at compile time if input is a constant
# If modified, make sure to recheck that it still can run at compile time
values = ntuple(_->Colon(), N)
return NamedTuple{dimnames, NTuple{N, Colon}}(values)

order_named_inds(dimnames::Tuple; named_inds...)
Returns the values of the `named_inds`, sorted as per the order they appear in `dimnames`,
with any missing dimnames, having there value set to `:`.
An error is thrown if any dimnames are given in `named_inds` that do not occur in `dimnames`.
function order_named_inds(dimnames::Tuple; named_inds...)
# Note: This code is runnable at compile time if input is a constant
# If modified, make sure to recheck that it still can run at compile time

slice_everything = default_inds(dimnames)
full_named_inds = merge(slice_everything, named_inds)
if length(full_named_inds) != length(dimnames)
throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected $(dimnames), got $(keys(named_inds))"))
inds = Tuple(full_named_inds)
return inds

remaining_dimnames_from_indexing(dimnames::Tuple, inds...)
Given a tuple of dimension names
and a set of index expressesion e.g `1, :, 1:3, [true, false]`,
determine which are not dropped.
Dimensions indexed with scalars are dropped
@generated function remaining_dimnames_from_indexing(dimnames::Tuple, inds)
# Note: This allocates once, and it shouldn't have to
# See: #@btime (()->determine_remaining_dim((:a, :b, :c), (:,390,:)))()
# this is because returning tuple of symbols allocates.
# See:
# In general this allocation should be optimised out anyway, when not benchmarking
# just this.
ind_types = inds.parameters
kept_dims = findall(keep_dim_ind_type, ind_types)
keep_names = [:(getfield(dimnames, $ii)) for ii in kept_dims]
return Expr(:tuple, keep_names...)
keep_dim_ind_type(::Type{<:Integer}) = false
keep_dim_ind_type(::Any) = true

remaining_dimnames_after_dropping(dimnames::Tuple, dropped_dims)
Given a tuple of dimension names, and either a collection of dimensions,
or a single dimension, expressed as a number,
Returns the dimension names with those dimensions dropped.
function remaining_dimnames_after_dropping(dimnames::Tuple, dropped_dim::Integer)
return remaining_dimnames_after_dropping(dimnames, (dropped_dim,))

function remaining_dimnames_after_dropping(dimnames::Tuple, dropped_dims)
# Note: This allocates once, and it shouldn't have to. Reason is same as for
# remaining_dimnames_from_indexing. I.e. returning tuple of symbols allocates.
# see `@btime remaining_dims_names_from_reducing((:a,:b, :c, :d, :e), (1,2,))

anti_names = identity_namedtuple(map(x->dimnames[x], dropped_dims))
full_names = identity_namedtuple(dimnames)

# Now we construct a new named tuple, with all the names we want to remove at the start
combined_names = merge(anti_names, full_names)
n_skip = length(anti_names)
ntuple(length(full_names) - n_skip) do ii
combined_names[ii + n_skip] # Skip over the ones we left as the start

function identity_namedtuple(tup::NTuple{N, Symbol}) where N
return NamedTuple{tup, typeof(tup)}(tup)
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions src/wrapper_array.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
A `NamedDimsArray` is a wrapper array type, that provides a view onto the
orignal array, which can have its dimensions refer to name rather than by
For example:
xs = NamedDimsArray{(:features, :observations)}(data);
n_obs = size(xs, :observations)
feature_totals = sum(xs; dims=:observations)
first_obs_vector = xs[observations=1]
x = x[observations=15, features=2] # 2nd feature in 15th observation.
`NamedDimsArray`s are normally a (near) zero-cost abstraction.
They generally resolve most dimension name related operations at compile
struct NamedDimsArray{L, T, N, A<:AbstractArray{T,N}} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
# `L` is for labels, it should be an `NTuple{N, Symbol}`

function NamedDimsArray{L}(orig::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {L, T, N}
if !(L isa NTuple{N, Symbol})
"A $N dimentional array, needs a $N-tuple of dimension names. Got: $L"
return NamedDimsArray{L, T, N, typeof(orig)}(orig)
function NamedDimsArray(orig::AbstractArray{T,N}, names::NTuple{N, Symbol}) where {T, N}
return NamedDimsArray{names}(orig)

parent_type(::Type{<:NamedDimsArray{L,T,N,A}}) where {L,T,N,A} = A
Base.parent(x::NamedDimsArray) =

Returns a tuple of containing the names of all the dimensions of the array `A`.
names(::Type{<:NamedDimsArray{L}}) where L = L
names(x::T) where T<:NamedDimsArray = names(T)

dim(a::NamedDimsArray{L}, name) where L = dim(L, name)

# AbstractArray Interface

## Minimal
Base.size(a::NamedDimsArray) = size(parent(a))
Base.size(a::NamedDimsArray, d) = size(parent(a), dim(a, d))

## optional
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{A}) where A<:NamedDimsArray = Base.IndexStyle(parent_type(A))

Base.length(a::NamedDimsArray) = length(parent(a))

Base.axes(a::NamedDimsArray) = axes(parent(a))
Base.axes(a::NamedDimsArray, d) = axes(parent(a), dim(a, d))

function Base.similar(a::NamedDimsArray{L}, args::Type...) where L
return NamedDimsArray{L}(similar(parent(a), args...))

# kwargs indexing

order_named_inds(A, named_inds...)
Returns the indices that have the names and values given by `named_inds`
sorted into the order expected for the dimension of the array `A`.
If any dimensions of `A` are not present in the named_inds,
then they are given the value `:`, for slicing
For example:
A = NamedDimArray(rand(4,4), (:x,, :y))
order_named_inds(A; y=10, x=13) == (13,10)
order_named_inds(A; x=2, y=1:3) == (2, 1:3)
order_named_inds(A; y=5) == (:, 5)
This provides the core indexed lookup for `getindex` and `setindex` on the Array `A`
order_named_inds(A::AbstractArray; named_inds...) = order_named_inds(names(A); named_inds...)

# getindex / view / dotview
# Note that `dotview` is undocumented but needed for making `a[x=2] .= 3` work

for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
@eval begin
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::NamedDimsArray; named_inds...)
inds = order_named_inds(A; named_inds...)
return Base.$f(A, inds...)

@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(a::NamedDimsArray, inds::Vararg{<:Integer})
# Easy scalar case, will just return the element
return Base.$f(parent(a), inds...)

@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(a::NamedDimsArray, inds...)
# Some nonscalar case, will return an array, so need to give that names.
data = Base.$f(parent(a), inds...)
L = remaining_dimnames_from_indexing(names(a), inds)
return NamedDimsArray{L}(data)

# setindex!
@propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(a::NamedDimsArray, value; named_inds...)
inds = order_named_inds(a; named_inds...)
return setindex!(a, value, inds...)

@propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(a::NamedDimsArray, value, inds...)
return setindex!(parent(a), value, inds...)

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