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Update usage docs
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Update usage docs to describe the concept and
how to create a record in invenio and archive
it to archivematica.
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Leats authored and Jorik van Kemenade committed Jun 25, 2019
1 parent 613d944 commit fa0eea7
Showing 1 changed file with 304 additions and 13 deletions.
317 changes: 304 additions & 13 deletions docs/usage.rst
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Expand Up @@ -6,23 +6,314 @@
under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

The following will assume that you have Invenio, Invenio-Archivematica, Archivematica
and the automation-tools installed.


.. automodule:: invenio_archivematica

This is how the Invenio to Archivematica workflow works:

1. on Invenio, you create a SIP representing what you want to archive

.. automodule:: invenio_archivematica.factories
- it contains files
- it contains metadata

- only the metadata with the type listed in

.. automodule:: invenio_archivematica.tasks
- you can see your SIP in the Invenio admin menu: ``/admin/sip/``

2. an Archive object is automatically created, with the status ``NEW``
so it hasn’t been sent to Archivematica yet

- you can see the Archive object in the Invenio admin menu:

3. you start the transfer to Archivematica

- the Archive is updated with the status ``WAITING``
- the files and metadata are sent to the transfer folder of
Archivematica waiting for processing

4. Archivematica starts processing the files and notifies Invenio about the
5. the files are stored in the storage inside an AIP

You understand that the SIP at the origin of the process needs to be
created. For the moment, this is not automatically generated, but you
can generate one thanks to the ```` script, see below.

On the dashboard, the Automation-Tools should be run every X minutes
thanks to a cron script. You can eventually trigger it manually.

If the Automation-Tools is not able to notify Invenio about the process
for some reasons, you will have to call the Invenio-Archivematica API

Let’s archive a record

Here, we will follow the code described in
step by step.


On the web container, run the Invenio shell. Note that you need to
import all the stuff at the beginning of the script:

- ``docker exec -it invenio_web_1 bash``, or for OpenShift,
``oc rsh dc/web``
- ``invenio shell``

Copy / paste the imports:

.. code:: python
import uuid
from os import makedirs
from six import BytesIO
from invenio_archivematica.tasks import oais_start_transfer
from invenio_db import db
from invenio_files_rest.models import Bucket, Location
from invenio_pidstore.models import PersistentIdentifier, PIDStatus
from invenio_records_files.api import Record, RecordsBuckets
from invenio_sipstore.api import RecordSIP
from invenio_sipstore.models import SIPMetadataType
If you didn’t setup manually the locations, then the first time you need
to run this:

.. code:: python
locrecords = Location(
uri='', # insert here the directory where you wanr your records to go
locarchive = Location(
name='archive', # this should go in SIPSTORE_ARCHIVER_LOCATION_NAME
uri='' # insert here the directory shared with archivematica
The first location is the one where the records are saved. These are not yet shipped
to Archivematica. Once they appear in the second location (loarchive) they are
in Archivematica's location.

Note that the name of the archive location **needs** to be the same as the name
put in the variable ``SIPSTORE_ARCHIVER_LOCATION_NAME``.

Now we create a metadata type. Here, the name of the metadata type
**must** appear in the config variable
``SIPSTORE_ARCHIVER_METADATA_TYPES``. The schema used **must** be the
same as the one used when we will create the record.

.. code:: python
mtype = SIPMetadataType(title='Invenio JSON test',
Create a record with files

.. code:: python
recid = uuid.uuid4()
pid = PersistentIdentifier.create('recid', '1501', object_type='rec',
record = Record.create({'$schema': '',
'_deposit': {'status': 'draft'},
'title': 'demo'},
# put a file in the record
stream = BytesIO(b'head crab\n')
b = Bucket.create()
RecordsBuckets.create(bucket=b, record=record.model)
record.files['crab.txt'] = stream
The created record must have the key ``$schema`` with the same value as
the metadata type’s schema.

Here, we have created a simple record with the following metadata:

.. code:: json
"$schema": "",
"_deposit": {
"status": "draft"
"title": "demo"
It also contains one file ``crab.txt`` that contains the words
``head crab``.

Create the SIP

Here we start the Invenio to Archivematica workflow:

.. code:: python
sip = RecordSIP.create(pid, record, True, user_id=1, agent={'demo': 'archivematica'})
You can now check the admin menu of Invenio to see the SIP object and the Archive

Start the transfer on Archivematica

Here, we send the files to the Archivematica transfer folder:

.. code:: python
oais_start_transfer(, 'test-demo-archivematica')
**IMPORTANT**: note that the string you give as a second parameter to
the function, here ``test-demo-archivematica``, will be the accession
ID, used to retrieve your Archive in the API.

Run the Automation-Tools on Archivematica

You now need to log into the dashboard to run the Automation-Tools and
start the processing of the files by Archivematica. Log into the
Dashboard machine and do:

.. code:: bash
$ su archivematica
$ cd /home/archivematica/automation-tools/
$ ./
# ...
The first time you run it, the processing will start, you can follow it
on the web UI of Archivematica, first in the *Transfer* tab, and then in
the *Ingest* tab, until the AIP is created and stored.

Then, if you run again the script ````, it will
see the current processing step and it **should** notify Invenio about
it. If you run it once it is finished, it will say to Invenio that the
process is finished and the files are correctly archived.

If this doesn’t work, you can update Invenio yourself with the following

Eventually you can run the automation-tools via cron to fully automate
the process. How often you wish call the script can depend on your service.
Choose the timescale that works for your service.

Invenio-Archivematica API

The Invenio-Archivematica module creates the following API end points.
You need to note that all end points are protected:

- you need an API key linked to your user to access it
- the user needs to have the following permissions:

- archive-read
- archive-write

To access an API end point, you need to give your API key, either in the
header or in the URL parameters. These 2 CURL requests are OK:

- ``curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" "$ACCESSION_ID/"``
- ``curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" "$ACCESSION_ID/?access_token=$TOKEN"``

As you can see, you access to an Archive object via its accession ID.
This is the string you gave to the function ``oais_start_transfer``
before, by default it is ``test-demo-archivematica``.

GET information about Archive object

You can access information about an Archive object on this end point:


GET /api/oais/archive/$ACCESSION_ID/

It returns a JSON object with the following keys:

- accession_id
- archivematica_id
- sip_id
- status

If it has an ``archivematica_id``, then you can add a JSON parameter to
this request so Invenio-Archivematica will query Archivematica to know
the read status. For instance, if the status returned is ``PROCESSING``,
it may now be finished on Archivematica, but Invenio doesn’t know yet as
the Automation-Tools hasn’t been run yet.

Thus, you can run this query:

.. code:: bash
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d '{"realStatus": true}' '$TOKEN'
Note the ``realStatus`` parameter.

Update information about Archive object

You can use this end point:


PATCH /api/oais/archive/$ACCESSION_ID/

With this method, you can change the status and/or the archivematica ID.
Just send a JSON dict with the informations you want to update:

.. code:: bash
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d '{"archivematica_id": "fa1391d1-1a78-493a-8e26-f10293706e37"}' '$TOKEN'
Download an AIP

You can download an AIP from this end point:


GET /api/oais/archive/$ACCESSION_ID/download/

The AIP will be streamed to you from the storage. Note that the Archive
**must** have a status ``REGISTERED``, so the process on the
Archivematica machines is complete, and the AIP is correctly stored.


.. code:: bash
wget '$TOKEN'

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