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Application list

  • Development / notetaking
    • neovim
    • VScode
    • Jupyter notebook
    • RStudio
    • Android Studio
    • Obsidian
    • Marktext
  • Tools
    • alacritty
    • kitty
    • gnome-tweaks
    • virtualbox
    • virt-manager
    • nautilus
    • bitwarden
  • Browser
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • Chromium


gtk/icon theme


all of my other settings are done through the browser

  • about:config
    • browser.fullscreen.autohide : false
    • toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets : true and copy the userchrome file

firefox addons list

  1. Bitwarden - password manager
  2. clearurls - removes tracking elements from url
  3. cookie quick manager
  4. dark reader - dark mode, changing website theme and fonts
  5. Disable WebRTC
  6. Firefox multi-account containers
  7. gnome shell integration
  8. https everywhere
  9. Mal-sync - syncs anime progress with anilist automatically
  10. octotree - github sidetree
  11. pocketube - subscription categories on youtube
  12. Reddit enhancement suite
  13. Sidebery - tabs on left side
  14. tapermonkey - userscript manager
  15. ublock origin
  16. vimium
  17. web archives
  18. youtube channel whitelist for ublock origin
  19. Decentraleyes
  20. Firefox Relay


extension list stored in vscode