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Releases: invictus-integration/docs-ifa


27 Jun 14:37
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Invictus Dashboard


  • Introduction of TTL index for CosmosDB Flow and Workflow event data. More Info here
  • Improved efficiency of homepage statistics calculation.
  • Updated event text modal to show entire list.
  • Creating audit when flow mappings are updated.

Bug Fixes:

  • Added missing functionality to render embedded HTML in tracked properties.
  • Removed case sensitivity on username for login.
  • Fixed bug with homepage stats still including ignored flows in the calculation.
  • Fix bug with workflow events table not showing all rows if there is a large number of rows.
  • Showing local time in audits table instead of UTC time.
  • Fixed bug with audits table not sorting on username column.
  • Fixed bug with resubmitted and resumed flows not being treated as active when filtering.
  • Fixed issue with "Ignored" status not combining with other statuses when filtering

Invictus Framework


  • TranscoV2: Added config option to indent the Transco result.

Bug Fixes:

  • TranscoV2: Fixed bug with SQL param regex which was matching any param following a comma.


08 Apr 07:34
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Invictus Dashboard


  • Improved efficiency of sync groups process.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issues with advanced search date filtering.
  • Fixed issue with resubmit response taking too long.


21 Mar 08:34
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Invictus Dashboard

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug with ignore flow not working.
  • Fixed issue with workflow events not showing for V1 dashboards running alongside V2 dashboards.


05 Mar 08:18
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Invictus Dashboard


  • Updated IaC templates to Bicep.
  • Added VNET support to dashboard resources and scripts.
  • New feature to enable striped rows in all dashboard tables.
  • Added spinner for when flow data count is fetching.

Bug Fixes:

  • Added config value to dashboard to increase HTTP header size limit.
  • Fixed bug where folder permissions were not assigned to second level folders.

Invictus Framework


  • Updated IaC templates to Bicep.
  • Added VNET support to framework resources and scripts.
  • TranscoV2 - Added ability to insert SQL results at an attribute instead of at just inner text.

Bug Fixes:

  • TranscoV2 - Fixed bug where an error would be thrown if two or more SQL params with the same name were provided.
  • TranscoV2 - Changed scope path behaviour, the scope path must now point to the targeted node.
  • TranscoV2 - Fixed bug where the Transco SQL command would not take SQL variables into account


22 Jan 08:29
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Invictus Dashboard


  • New compact mode to shrink data heavy UI elements.
  • Added spinner homepage statistics refresh button.
  • Added popout modal for very long event text.
  • Ability to collapse/expand sidebar folders by clicking the entire element instead of just the icon.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed parsing of Alerts containing tags.
  • Fixed bugs in the groups sync process and also improved its efficiency.
  • Fixed bug with connected dashboard URL button not working.
  • Switched off auto-refreshing of flow data as this was causing search filters to be lost.
  • Fixed bug with the property filter losing its value.
  • Fixed bug with the property filter remaining incorrectly selected.
  • Added support for message content view when logic apps are in different subscriptions.
  • Fixed retrieval of workflow events in old V1 dashboards running alongside V2 dashboards
  • Fixed bug which incorrectly removes AD users from the list of users.
  • Fixed which prevented Alerts to be created with a threshold value of 0.
  • Fixed bug which was limiting groups to max 20 users.

Invictus Framework

Bug Fixes:

Fixed bug in TranscoXML not returning transformed result when the result is JSON.
Fixed a bug with the Timesequencer and empty blobs


08 Nov 14:32
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Features and Improvements:

  • Entire new frontend for the Dashboard.
  • Managed identity connections between resources to reduce secrets.
  • Dashboard data saved into CosmosDB instead of SQL and is accessed via the new DashboardGateway function.
  • Storing of workflow event data changed from Azure Storage to CosmosDB.
  • Reworked ImportJob to use CosmosDB instead of SQL Server.
  • Changed KeyVault to RBAC permission model.
  • Access to the Storage Account has been switched to Managed Identity over Shared Access Keys.
  • TLS 1.2 has now been enforced on the level of the Storage account.
  • Public access to the (internal) Storage Account has been disabled.
  • TranscoV2 - Fixed issue where results were not inserted in all child nodes when scope is provided.
  • TranscoV2 - Container name changed from transcov2 to transcov2configstore.
  • Reworked and added new integration test suite.
  • Improved exception handling with fine grained error messages for framework components.
  • Application insights migration from classic to workspace based.
  • Updated Invictus-GetSources script to use AZ modules.


13 Mar 18:19
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4.16.5 Pre-release

Features and Improvements:

  • Added config to disable caching in StoreImportJob
  • UseCacheInStoreImportJob : true (default value)


13 Feb 08:20
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Features and Improvements:

  • Transco V2 framework connector (Matrix functionality included)
  • PubSub V2 framework connector which works with RabbitMQ (for on-prem use)
  • Added SQL Helpers to replace blob storage when running on-prem
  • Added Import Job log-analytics ingestor (for on-prem use)
  • Fixed bug with duplicate folders appearing when a user has access via System Admin and via an AAD group.
  • Fixed bug where checkboxes in advanced search remain checked even when switching to a different flow.
  • Fixed bug where Resubmit/Resume etc where not allowed when permissions are granted via AAD group
  • Modifications to ARM templates to support on-prem use


25 Aug 10:06
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Features and Improvements:

  • The dashboard can now allow searches in the business properties with "Contains", "Starts With", "Ends With", "Equal To", "Not Equal To", and "Regex". This is a strong search functionality that a user can search with all possibilities. It can be a bit heavy on the performance.
  • Updated functions to V4 and .NET6


25 May 09:13
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Features and Improvements:

  • LA Standard(V2) are now supported, using a different EventHub(.....-evhb-v2) from consumption-based LA.
  • New function(flowhandlerjob --> WorkFlowEventsClearFunction) to clear the storage table logs, the function is disabled by default, once enabled it executes every 15 min and this can be increased/decreased by updating the (WorkFlowEventsClearFunctionCron) setting, the function is set by default to delete the data older than 90 days, this can be updated by updating the "RetentionDaysCleanupJob" setting.
  • Fix some validation issues within the Alerting section.
  • Added a drop-down for the Severity within the Alerting for fewer human errors.
  • Fix an issue when opening the flow events and if one of the message content view URLs is null it was causing issues. That is fixed accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue; when a user renames a Folder to a new name and then renames it back to its original name, it was not letting the user proceed.
  • Fixed an issue with the filters inside the audits page. There were missing data in the filter. Now it's fixed.
  • Fixed an issue with the statistics page, when a user filters by flow name - pagination was not working.
  • Fixed an issue with the statistics page, when a user filters by flow name - sorting the columns was not working.
  • Fixed an issue with the statistics page, when a user sorts by ascending for the Active, Completed, Error, and Total columns. It was taking them as a string.
  • Added sorting in the Hour/Day/Month/Year columns for all sections within the statistics page.
  • Added the functionality in the statistics, where the dates searched are being set as query strings in the URL so you can send the URL to another user and can see what you see, even if you refresh the page you will see the same info.
  • Fixed an issue with exporting the list stats data from the statistics page. It's now working as it should.
  • Fixed issue with logging to AAD.