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Weekly Assignments 4

To be submitted: ----

Note that some tasks may deliberately ask you to look at concepts or libraries that we have not yet discussed in detail. But if you are in doubt about the scope of a task, by all means, ask.

Please try to write high-quality code at all times! This means in particular that you should add comments to all parts that are not immediately obvious. Please also pay attention to stylistic issues. The goal is always to submit code that does not just correctly do what was asked for, but also could be committed without further changes to an imaginary company codebase.

W4.1 Nested datatypes

Recall the type of perfect trees,

data Perfect a = Z a | S (Perfect (a, a))

Subtask 4.1.1

Define a function

reversePerfect :: Perfect a -> Perfect a

that creates a perfect tree of the same shape, but with all the leaves in reversed order.

Subtask 4.1.2

Define a function

index :: Perfect a -> Int -> Maybe a

that looks up the element with the given index (from the left, starting at 0) and fails if the index is out of bounds. The function should have logarithmic complexity in the number of elements in the tree.

Subtask 4.1.3

Define a function

build :: Int -> [a] -> Perfect a

such that build n xs builds a tree of height n (i.e., with 2 ^ n elements), taking the leaves from the list (from left to right). The function is allowed to crash if the list is too short. Use the State monad.

Note: If this is too difficult, at least try to define the much simpler function

build :: Int -> Perfect ()

that builds a perfect tree of the given height with unit values in the leaves.

W4.2 Benchmarking

Have a look at the criterion package for benchmarking. Using criterion, test the efficiency of indexing the first, the middle and the last element of a perfect tree of different height. See how the runtime evolves with growing trees.

Try to pay attention to the following:

  • the time for building the tree should not be measured,
  • the time for indexing should not be cached due to laziness.

Turn the benchmark into a benchmark suite in the Cabal file so that it can be run via cabal bench. Try to generate a nice html-report as well.

W4.3 Mini private keys

The Bitcoin Wiki at

describes a format for mini private keys.

You are allowed to use the cryptonite, base16-bytestring and base58-bytestring packages.

Subtask 4.3.1

Define a validator for mini private keys that determines if a given input is a valid mini private key and outputs the corresponding full private key.

This validator should be available as a library function and as an executable that reads the mini private key to test from the standard input. The executable should output the private key to standard output if the mini key is valid and INVALID otherwise.

Subtask 4.3.2

Define a function that transforms a private key into Wallet Import Format as described on

This functionality should be available both as a library function and as an exectuable. The executable should read a private key from standard input and output the Wallet Import Format to standard output (or INVALID if the key is invalid). You can assume mainnet and uncompressed public keys, but you can also have a look at optparse-applicative for proper command-line parsing in Haskell and then support testnet and compressed public keys as well.

Subtask 4.3.3

Define a function that transforms Wallet Import Format into a private key as described on

This functionality should be available both as a library function and as an exectuable. The executable should read Wallet Import Format from standard input and output the private key to standard output (or INVALID if the Wallet Import Format is invalid). You can assume mainnet and uncompressed public keys, but you can also have a look at optparse-applicative for proper command-line parsing in Haskell and then support testnet and compressed public keys as well.


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