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Releases: iolson/support

Patched bugfix for the ValidateTrait

04 May 19:15
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Updated ValidateTrait to give a empty array if validation options don…

…'t exist yet.

Refactor Update

04 May 14:50
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Small refactor and renaming of method for reading a model by ID. Upda…

…ted find() to read().

Spelling and Snake Case Patches

03 May 17:17
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  • Update to README
  • Update to src/Commands/stubs/crud/Controller.stub
  • Update to src/Traits/CommandTrait.php

CRUD Generate Command Patch Fix

02 May 19:27
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Patch fix for CRUD Generate command that was throwing an error when it couldn't create a Service/Model directory because Service did not exist already.

Initial Release

01 May 21:24
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Initial release for the support package.