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Matter Megadrive

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Matter Megadrive is the continuation of the 1.7.10 version of Matter Overdrive. Matter Megadrive is a Minecraft mod inspired by the popular Sci-fi TV series Star Trek. It dwells in the concept of replicating and transforming one type matter into another. Although it may seem overpowered, Matter Megadrive takes a more realistic approach and requires the player to build a complex system before even the simplest replication can be achieved.


  • Matter Scanner, for scanning matter patterns for replication.
  • Replicator, for transforming matter into materials.
  • Decomposer, for braking down materials into matter.
  • Transporter, for beaming up.
  • Phaser, to set on stun.
  • Fusion Reactor and Gravitational Anomalies.
  • Complex Networking for replication control.
  • Star Map, with Galaxies, Stars and Planets
  • Androids, become an Android and learn powerful RPG-like abilities, such as Teleportation and generating Forcefields.

More information about items and block can be found on the in-game Data Pad.



Open a new issue on GitHub if you have crashes, problems or suggestions.


Want to contribute to this mod? Awesome! Just follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Clone this repository into a directory of your choice
  2. Checkout the branch you with to contribute to
  3. Run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace in a command prompt (And gradlew eclipse if you use Eclipse)
  4. Start developing!
  5. Run gradlew runClient or gradlew runServer to test the mod in action
  6. Run gradlew build to build the .jar file, the output can be found in the ./build/libs folder
  7. If everything works fine, create a pull request on your chosen branch.


See the example on IMC or you can see the IMC handler.