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Inject history into a deep component

Josh Thomas edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

Sometimes you want to access history deep into a component tree. Thankfully we have a way for you to access history without need to drill the prop all the way down. This is by using injectHistory. This function accepts a component and then passes history as a prop.

Note that currently you must have an attribute with the @Element() decorator.

import { Component, Element, Prop } from '@stencil/core';
import { RouterHistory, LocationSegments, injectHistory } from '@stencil/router';

  tag: 'test-deep-component'
export class TestDeepComponent {

  @Element() el: HTMLStencilElement;
  @Prop() history: RouterHistory;
  @Prop() location: LocationSegments;

  locationChanged(newValue: LocationSegments, oldValue: LocationSegments) {
    console.log('The new location info is: ', newValue);
    console.log('The old location info is: ', oldValue);

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.history.push('/')}> Back Home</button>
