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Merge pull request #286 from kstenschke/master
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installer lang: changed unnecessary double into single quotes, correc…
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partikule committed Aug 20, 2015
2 parents 7f678a6 + 85e6c77 commit 0e0a4f8
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 84 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion application/language/en/pagination_lang.php
Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
$lang['first_link'] = 'First page';
$lang['last_link'] = 'Last page';
$lang['next_link'] = 'Next page';
$lang['prev_link'] = 'Previous page';
$lang['prev_link'] = 'Previous page';
171 changes: 88 additions & 83 deletions install/language/en/install_lang.php
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
| Ionize Installer Language file

$lang = array();

Expand All @@ -8,129 +13,129 @@
$lang['title_ionize_installation'] = 'Ionize Installation';
$lang['title_welcome'] = 'Welcome to Ionize !';
$lang['title_welcome'] = 'Welcome to Ionize!';
$lang['title_system_check'] = 'System check result';
$lang['title_database_settings'] = 'Database settings';
$lang['title_user_account'] = 'Admin user account';
$lang['title_default_language'] = 'Default language';
$lang['title_sample_data'] = 'Install the sample website?';

$lang['title_system_check'] = 'System check result';
$lang['title_database_settings'] = 'Database settings';
$lang['title_user_account'] = 'Admin user account';
$lang['title_default_language'] = 'Default language';
$lang['title_sample_data'] = 'Install the sample website?';
$lang['button_install_test_data'] = 'Install test data';
$lang['button_next_step'] = 'Next step';
$lang['button_save_next_step'] = 'Save & Go to Next step';
$lang['button_skip_next_step'] = 'Skip & Next step';
$lang['button_start_migrate'] = 'Start database migration';

$lang['button_next_step'] = 'Next step';
$lang['button_skip_next_step'] = 'Skip & Next step';
$lang['button_save_next_step'] = 'Save & Go to Next step';
$lang['button_install_test_data'] = "Install test data";
$lang['button_start_migrate'] = 'Start database migration';

$lang['nav_check'] = 'System check';
$lang['nav_check'] = 'System Check';
$lang['nav_db'] = 'Database';
$lang['nav_settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['nav_end'] = 'End';
$lang['nav_data'] = 'Demo data';
$lang['nav_data'] = 'Demo Data';

| System check
$lang['php_version'] = 'PHP >= 5.3';
$lang['php_version_found'] = 'PHP version';
$lang['mysql_support'] = 'MySQL support';
$lang['mysql_version_found'] = 'MySQL version';
$lang['file_uploads'] = 'File upload';
$lang['mcrypt'] = 'PHP Mcrypt Lib';
$lang['config_check_errors'] = 'Some base requirement are not OK.<br/>Please correct them to continue the installation.';
$lang['file_uploads'] = 'File Upload';
$lang['gd_lib'] = 'PHP GD Lib';
$lang['mcrypt'] = 'PHP Mcrypt Lib';
$lang['mysql_support'] = 'MySQL Support';
$lang['mysql_version_found'] = 'MySQL Version';
$lang['php_version'] = 'PHP >= 5.3';
$lang['php_version_found'] = 'PHP Version';
$lang['title_files_check'] = 'These files need to be writable';
$lang['title_folder_check'] = 'These folders need to be writable';
$lang['welcome_text'] = '<p>The following steps will help you to install Ionize.</p><p>Here are the results of the basic requirements check.<br/>If one requirement isn\'t OK, please correct it and refresh this page once it is corrected.</p>';
$lang['write_check_text'] = '<p>The following folders and files need to be writable...</p>';
$lang['write_config_dir'] = '<b>/application/config/</b>';
$lang['write_files'] = '<b>/files/*</b>';
$lang['write_themes'] = '<b>/themes/*</b>';
$lang['config_check_errors'] = 'Some base requirement are not OK.<br/>Please correct them to continue the installation.';
$lang['welcome_text'] = "<p>The following steps will help you to install Ionize.</p><p>Here are the results of the basic requirements check.<br/>If one requirement isn't OK, please correct it and refresh this page once it is corrected.</p>";
$lang['write_check_text'] = "<p>The following folders and files need to be writable...</p>";
$lang['title_folder_check'] = "These folders needs to be writable";
$lang['title_files_check'] = "These files needs to be writable";

| Database
$lang['database_driver'] = 'Driver';
$lang['database_hostname'] = 'Hostname';
$lang['database_name'] = 'Database';
$lang['database_username'] = 'User';
$lang['database_password'] = 'Password';
$lang['database_create'] = 'Create the database';
$lang['title_database_create'] = 'Database creation';
$lang['db_create_text'] = "<p>Please fill your database settings.<br/>In case of upgrade, Ionize will detect the version you're running and upgrade the DB.</p><p><strong>Important:</strong> If you're upgrading, please first make a backup of your DB.</p>";
$lang['db_create_prerequisite'] = "The user needs to have the right to create database.<br/>If your database already exists, don't check it.";
$lang['database_error_missing_settings'] = 'Some information is missing.<br/>Please fill all fields !';
$lang['database_success_install'] = '<b class="ex">The database was successfully installed.</b>';
$lang['database_success_install_no_settings_needed'] = '<b class="ex">Database OK.</b><br/>As the database already exists, the website settings step will be skipped.';
$lang['database_success_migrate'] = '<b class="ex">The database was successfully upgraded.</b>';
$lang['database_error_coud_not_connect'] = 'Connection to the database fails with the provided settings.';
$lang['database_error_database_dont_exists'] = "The database doesn't exist !";
$lang['database_error_writing_config_file'] = "<b>Error :</b><br/>The file <b style=\"color:#000;\">/application/config/database.php</b> could not be written!<br/>Check your permissions.";
$lang['database_error_coud_not_write_database'] = "<b>Error :</b><br/> Impossible to write data in the database.<br/>Check your DB permissions.";
$lang['database_error_coud_not_create_database'] = "The installer cannot create the database. Check your database name or your rights";
$lang['database_error_no_ionize_tables'] = "The database you selected seems not to be an Ionize database. Please check again.";
$lang['database_error_no_users_to_migrate'] = "To user account to upgrade";
$lang['database_migration_from'] = 'This database needs an upgrade.<br/>Upgrade from version : ';
$lang['database_migration_text'] = "<p class=\"error\"><b>NOTICE :</b><br/> The database will now be upgraded.<b><br/>Please backup your database before this upgrade.</p>";
$lang['database_create'] = 'Create the database';
$lang['database_driver'] = 'Driver';
$lang['database_error_coud_not_connect'] = 'Connection to the database fails with the provided settings.';
$lang['database_error_coud_not_create_database'] = 'The installer cannot create the database. Check your database name or your rights';
$lang['database_error_coud_not_write_database'] = '<b>Error:</b><br/>Writing data into database failed.<br/>Check your DB permissions.';
$lang['database_error_database_dont_exists'] = 'The database doesn\'t exist!';
$lang['database_error_missing_settings'] = 'Some information is missing.<br/>Please fill all fields!';
$lang['database_error_no_ionize_tables'] = 'The database you selected seems not to be an Ionize database. Please check again.';
$lang['database_error_no_users_to_migrate'] = 'To user account to upgrade';
$lang['database_error_writing_config_file'] = '<b>Error:</b><br/>The file <b style="color:#000;">/application/config/database.php</b> could not be written!<br/>Check your permissions.';
$lang['database_hostname'] = 'Hostname';
$lang['database_migration_from'] = 'This database needs an upgrade.<br/>Upgrade from version: ';
$lang['database_migration_text'] = '<p class="error"><b>NOTICE:</b><br/> The database will now be upgraded.<b><br/>Please backup your database before this upgrade.</p>';
$lang['database_name'] = 'Database';
$lang['database_password'] = 'Password';
$lang['database_success_install'] = '<b class="ex">The database was successfully installed.</b>';
$lang['database_success_install_no_settings_needed'] = '<b class="ex">Database OK.</b><br/>As the database already exists, the website settings step will be skipped.';
$lang['database_success_migrate'] = '<b class="ex">The database was successfully upgraded.</b>';
$lang['database_username'] = 'User';
$lang['db_create_prerequisite'] = 'The user needs to have the right to create database.<br/>If your database already exists, don\'t check it.';
$lang['db_create_text'] = '<p>Please enter your database settings.<br/>In case of upgrade, Ionize will detect the version you\'re running and upgrade the DB.</p><p><strong>Important:</strong> If you\'re upgrading, please first make a backup of your DB.</p>';
$lang['title_database_create'] = 'Database creation';

| Settings
$lang['lang_code'] = 'Code (en, fr-ca)';
$lang['lang_name'] = 'Label';
$lang['settings_default_lang_title'] = 'Default language';
$lang['settings_default_lang_text'] = 'Your website needs a default language.<br/>You can visit <a target="_blank" href="">the Wikipedia ISO 639-1 page</a> for more information about language codes.';
$lang['settings_error_missing_lang_code'] = "The lang code is mandatory";
$lang['settings_error_missing_lang_name'] = "The lang name is mandatory";
$lang['settings_error_lang_code_2_chars'] = "The lang code must be on 2 chars. Example : \"en\"";
$lang['settings_error_lang_code_8_chars'] = "The lang code must be on 8 chars max. Example : \"en-us\"";
$lang['settings_error_write_rights'] = "No write rights on <b>/application/config/language.php</b>. Please check the PHP rights on this file.";
$lang['settings_error_write_rights_config'] = "No write rights on <b>/application/config/config.php</b>. Please check the PHP rights on this file.";
$lang['settings_error_admin_url'] = "The admin URL must be an alphanumerical string, without spaces or special chars";
$lang['settings_admin_url_title'] = 'Administration panel URL';
$lang['settings_admin_url_text'] = 'It is strongly recommended to change the default one.';
$lang['admin_url'] = 'Admin URL';
$lang['lang_code'] = 'Code (en, fr-ca)';
$lang['lang_name'] = 'Label';
$lang['settings_admin_url_text'] = 'It is strongly recommended to change the default one.';
$lang['settings_admin_url_title'] = 'Administration panel URL';
$lang['settings_default_lang_text'] = 'Your website needs a default language.<br/>You can visit <a target="_blank" href="">the Wikipedia ISO 639-1 page</a> for more information about language codes.';
$lang['settings_default_lang_title'] = 'Default language';
$lang['settings_error_admin_url'] = 'The admin URL must be an alphanumerical string, without spaces or special chars';
$lang['settings_error_lang_code_2_chars'] = 'The lang code must be on 2 chars. Example: "en"';
$lang['settings_error_lang_code_8_chars'] = 'The lang code must be on 8 chars max. Example: "en-us"';
$lang['settings_error_missing_lang_code'] = 'The lang code is mandatory';
$lang['settings_error_missing_lang_name'] = 'The lang name is mandatory';
$lang['settings_error_write_rights'] = 'No write rights on <b>/application/config/language.php</b>. Please check the PHP rights on this file.';
$lang['settings_error_write_rights_config'] = 'No write rights on <b>/application/config/config.php</b>. Please check the PHP rights on this file.';

| User
$lang['user_introduction'] = 'You will connect to the Administration panel with this login.';
$lang['username'] = 'Login (min. 4 chars)';
$lang['firstname'] = 'First name';
$lang['lastname'] = 'Last name';
$lang['screen_name'] = 'Full name';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['password'] = 'Password (min. 4 chars)';
$lang['password2'] = 'Confirm password';
$lang['user_error_missing_settings'] = 'Please fill all fields !';
$lang['user_error_not_enough_char'] = 'Login and Password must be at least 4 char length!';
$lang['user_error_email_not_valid'] = 'Email seems not to be valid. Please correct.';
$lang['user_error_passwords_not_equal'] = 'Password and confirmation password are not equal. ';
$lang['user_info_admin_exists'] = 'An administrator user already exists in the database.<br/>You can skip this step if you wish not to create or update an Admin account.<br/><br/>IMPORTANT : You need to copy the encryption key from your old website to be able to login if you already have users in your DB:<br/>See: /application/config/config.php -> $config[\'encryption_key\']';
$lang['encryption_key'] = 'Encryption Key';
$lang['encryption_key_text'] = "Ionize needs an 128 bits Encryption Key.<br />This key will encode the users account and all sensitive data.<br/>It will be written in the <b>/application/config/config.php</b> file.";
$lang['no_encryption_key_found'] = "The encryption key was not found. the user account were not migrated. <b>You must create a new Admin user</b>.";
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['encryption_key'] = 'Encryption Key';
$lang['encryption_key_text'] = 'Ionize needs an 128 bits Encryption Key.<br />This key will encode the users account and all sensitive data.<br/>It will be written in the <b>/application/config/config.php</b> file.';
$lang['firstname'] = 'First Name';
$lang['lastname'] = 'Last Name';
$lang['no_encryption_key_found'] = 'The encryption key was not found. the user account were not migrated. <b>You must create a new Admin user</b>.';
$lang['password'] = 'Password (min. 4 chars)';
$lang['password2'] = 'Confirm Password';
$lang['screen_name'] = 'Full Name';
$lang['user_error_email_not_valid'] = 'Email seems not to be valid. Please correct.';
$lang['user_error_missing_settings'] = 'Please fill all fields!';
$lang['user_error_not_enough_char'] = 'Login and Password must be at least 4 char length!';
$lang['user_error_passwords_not_equal'] = 'Password and confirmation password are not equal. ';
$lang['user_info_admin_exists'] = 'An administrator user already exists in the database.<br/>You can skip this step if you wish not to create or update an Admin account.<br/><br/>IMPORTANT: You need to copy the encryption key from your old website to be able to login if you already have users in your DB:<br/>See: /application/config/config.php -> $config[\'encryption_key\']';
$lang['user_introduction'] = 'You will connect to the Administration panel with this login.';
$lang['username'] = 'Login (min. 4 chars)';

| Data
$lang['data_install_intro'] = "<p>If this is the first time you use Ionize, it's strongly recommended you install the sample website.<br/>This website includes : </p><ul><li>A complete set of data, useful to test Ionize,</li><li>1 working example theme</li></ul>";
$lang['title_skip_this_step'] = "Skip this step";

$lang['title_finish'] = 'Installation completed';
$lang['finish_text'] = '<b>IMPORTANT</b>: <br/>You have to delete the "<b>/install</b>" folder manually before accessing the website or the admin section.';
$lang['button_go_to_admin'] = 'Go to admin';
$lang['button_go_to_site'] = 'Go to website';
$lang['button_go_to_admin'] = 'Go to admin';
$lang['button_go_to_site'] = 'Go to website';
$lang['data_install_intro'] = '<p>If this is the first time you use Ionize, it is strongly recommended to install the sample website.<br/>This website includes: </p><ul><li>A complete set of data, useful to test Ionize,</li><li>1 working example theme</li></ul>';
$lang['finish_text'] = '<b>IMPORTANT</b>: <br/>You have to delete the "<b>/install</b>" folder manually before accessing the website or the administration backend.';
$lang['title_finish'] = 'Installation completed';
$lang['title_skip_this_step'] = 'Skip this step';

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