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The task is to implement Graph data structure and basic algorithms.


add_edge take two vertexes and create an edge with the given weight-value.
delete_edge take two vertexes and delete an edge between them.
add_vertex add a nonadjacent vertex to the graph.
delete_vertex delete last vertex with all edges incident to it.
get_edge_weight take two vertexes and return weight of the edge between them.
find_shortest_path_djkstra take an vertex index and find the shortest path from all another vertexes.
get_adjacency_matrix return the adjency matrix of the current graph.
find_all_shortest_path_wallsher return the shortest paths matrix.
find_minimal_spanning_tree return sequence of vertexes (incoming - outgoing vertex) - it's like a sequence of graph edges. This sequence of graph edges is minimal spanning tree for this graph.
breadth_first_search return lengths of the smallest paths sequence for the given vertex in unweighted graph.
depth_first_search traverse graph and mark all visited vertexes in boolean sequence.
find_connected_components return sequence of sequences(sequence of connected components) with marked vertexes.
topological_sort return the ordered sequence of vertexes( topological order).

Based on

The data organization type of data structure Graph is an adjacency matrix.
The basic value of this matrix is the weight of the vertex in graph.
I encapsulated the analog of the vector into Graph that I had already developed(Sequence).

Graph theory basics


The are 3 basic types for graphs: directed graph, undirected graph, metagraph.
V - finite set of vertexes, U - finite set of edges. Graph G = <V, U>.
Undirected graph
G = <V, U> $$(v_{i}, v_{j}) = (v_{j}, v_{i}), - graph edge$$ $$(v_{i}, v_{i}) - loop$$

Directed graph
G = <V, U> $$(v_{i}, v_{j}) \neq (v_{j}, v_{i}), - arc$$ $$(v_{i}, v_{i}) - loop$$

How to set graph

Adjacency matrix $$a(i,j) =0:(v_{i}, v_{j})\notin U$$ $$a(i,j) =1:(v_{i}, v_{j})\in U$$

Adjacency matrix directed graph $$a(i,j) =0:(v_{i}, v_{j})\notin U$$ $$a(i,j) =1:(v_{i}, v_{j})\in U$$

Adjacency list
It's one way to represent a graph as a collection of vertex lists.
Each vertex of the graph corrensponds to a list consisting of the "neighbors" of this vertex.

Basic terms

Vertex degree is quantity of edges incident to this vertex.

Route is a vertex sequence: $$v_{i},v_{1} ... v_{n}$$

Route is a chain if: $$\forall i, j\in [1, n] : i \neq j \Rightarrow u_{i} \neq u_{j}$$

Path is the shortest distance between two vertexes. $$(v_{i}, v_{j}) \notin U \Rightarrow d(v_{i}, v_{j}) = ∞$$


Edge deletion
$$G&lt;V,U&gt; \Rightarrow G &lt;\acute{V}, \acute{U}&gt;$$ $$\acute{U} = U\smallsetminus u$$ $$\acute{V} = V$$

Vertex deletion
$$G&lt;V,U&gt; \Rightarrow G &lt;\acute{V}, \acute{U}&gt;$$ $$\acute{V} = V\smallsetminus v$$ $$\acute{U} = U\bigcap_{}^{}\acute{V}×\acute{V}$$

Breadth-first search

The problem is to find path with the smallest length in unweighted graph( path with the least number of edges).
Algorithm asymptotic is $$O(n + m)$$ The algorithm itself can be understood as the process of "setting fire" to the graph: at the zero step, we set fire only to the vertex start_pos. At each next step, the fire from each already burning vertex is spread to all its neighbors; in one iteration of the algorithm, the "ring of fire" is expanded by one in width (hence the name of the algorithm).
We use queue (adapter on array_sequence with push(append) and pop(get_first->erase(0))) to mark vertexes which are already burning. Also we use boolean sequence to mark already used vertexes and sequence of shortest lengths - our result.
How to apply
1. Finding the shortest path in an unweighted graph
2. Search for connectivity components in a graph

Depth-first search

The problem is to traverse graph.
Algorithm asymptotic is $$O(n + m)$$ How to apply
1. Finding connected components
2. Topological sorting
3. Finding the bridges

Graph theory elements

Bridge is an edge, whose removal increase quantity of connected components.

Finding connected components

The problem is to find all connected components.
Algorithm asymptotic is $$O(n + m)$$ The algorithm splits the set of all vertexes into groups. Within each group we can build simple chain from each vertex to all others.
In this algorithm we use depth first search by launching it from first vertex and set all true values in the boolean sequence, which we have obtained, are connected component.
Then we start dfs with the next remaining vertex.

Graph theory elements

Connected component is the maximal connected subgraph of the graph G.
Сonnected graph is a graph containing exactly one connected component. This means, that there is at least one chain between any pair of vertexes.

Topological sort

The problem is to change vertexes numbering according to the topoligical order in the directed graph.
Algorithm asymptotic is $$O(n + m)$$ In this algorithm we use depth-first search by launching it from first vertex. Then in the end of depth-first search we prepend the vertex into vertexes sequence.
This sequence is topologically ordered set of vertexes - solution of the problem.
If our graph have a cycle, vertex sequence will remain in the original order.

Graph theory elements

Topological sort is renumbering of the vertexes set so that each edge leads from a vertex with a smaller number to a vertex with a larger one.
Topological sorting may not exist at all — if the graph contains cycles.

Djkstra algorithm

The problem is to find shortest paths from a given vertex to all another vertexes.
Algorithm asymptotic is $$O(n^2 + m)$$ The algorithm itself consists of n iterations. At the next iteration we take the vertex with the smallest value path_sequence[vertex].
The vertex chosen by us in this iteration is marked as visited in boolean visited_sequence[vertex].
Then on this iteration we consider all edges coming from the vertex named vertex and for every vertex named j algorithm tries to make better value path_sequence[j].
It is worth noting that if not all vertexes of the graph are reachable from the vertex s, then the values path_sequence[vertex] will remain infinity( SIZE_MAX_LOCAL)

Wallsher algorithm

The problem is to find shortest path from every vertex to all another vertexes.
Algorithm asymptotic is $$O(n^3)$$ The key-idea of this algorithm is to separate the process into phases.
Let the iteration be at k phase. We need to rebuild the matrix in matching (k+1) phase and make better every path_matrix[i][j].
As in Dijkstra's algorithm, the formula on pseudocode is path_matrix[i][j] = min(path_matrix[i][j], path_matrix[i][k] + path_matrix[k][j]).

Prim's algorithm

The problem is to find minimal spanning tree for the inputed graph.
Algorithm asymptotic is $$O(n^2 + m)$$ We have 4 sequences in this algorithm. Spanning sequence contains the value of the minimal weight of the edge from vertex i, is_used for checking inclusion in the minimal spanning tree, edge end collects the end of edges containing in the spanning sequence, spanning tree to output our minimal spanning tree.
Desired spanning tree is building by adding one edge with the minimal weight at a time.

Graph theory elements

The minimal spanning tree is a tree without cycles based on vertexes of the main graph. It's easy to understand, that if our current graph has n vertexes, then our spanning tree will contain n vertexes and n - 1 edges. If the main graph has more than 1 connected components, we can't build spanning tree.




Data structure and algorithms







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