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### Splitting subbasins: part of the AutoHEC package ###
Code repository for automation scripts related to the Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Watershed Release Rate project
at the Illinois State Water Survey (2015-2016).
  *Developed using Python 2.7.11, HEC-HMS 3.5, HEC-RAS 4.0, and HEC-DSSVue 2.0.1
  *Creator(s): Nicole JS Gaynor, ISWS
  *User instructions in AutoHEC/src/SplitBasins/USER_HOW-TO.txt

## Structure of subbasin splitting code ##
# runInitHMS.cmd #
--description: Windows command-line script that runs
  and outputs to InitHMSout.txt; **may need to edit python path**
--depends on:

# [driver script] #
--description: drives the process of splitting subbasins in the
  specified (sub)watershed; this is the main script for the pre-
  processing of data for HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS model runs
--depends on: contents of hecElements, Subwatershed_class,
  Tablenames_class, SBDict_class
--copyFiles(ws, metFile): creates backup copies of the input *.basin file,
  *.pdata file, and *.dss file
--readSubbasinOptionsFiles(modelVersion, altRD, altRD2, altRR, altRR2, altCAN):
  reads the text files that contain lists of subbasin names for which the model
  should use alternative redevelopment rates, release rates, or canopy values.
--readBasinFile(ws, scriptPath, modelVersion): reads the input *.basin file,
  splits subbasins (and does related tasks via imported modules, and writes
  updated *.basin file
--readLists(fileName): reads a file with one item per line into a list
--writeJsonInput(subbasinList, stationList, inputFileName): outputs list of
  subbasin names and list of stations to a JSON file for use in a later script.
--modMetFile(metFile, metData, hmsPath, sbList): adds the new
  subbasins to the relevant *.met file
--main(config): drives the workflow

# #
--description: dictionary class that stores subwatershed
  characteristics, with _keys pre-defined for watershed name,
  subwatershed name, *.basin input file, *.basin output file,
  *.pdata file, *.dss file, % redevelopment, curve number, and
  release rate
--depends on: None
--getKeys: returns keys for instances
--__init__(config): instantiates Subwatershed with keys in _keys;
  assigns value of None to pre-defined keys. Calls functions to
  add real values to keys from config file.
--chooseWatershed: assigns values to watershed and subwatershed
  keys; both currently set to None
--setFilenames(config): assigns values of *.basin input file,
  *.basin output file, *.pdata file, and *.dss file
--setParams(config): assigns % redevelopment, curve number,
  and release rate to appropriate keys

# #
--description: list class that contains subbasin name, release rate
  subbasin area, and table name
--depends on: None
--__init__: instantiates basic list
--newItem(n, rr, a, tN): creates a new list item and assigns values to
  the subbasin properties listed in the description
--remove(x): deletes item with key x from the dictionary
--writeSbPairs(sbOut): writes entire list to JSON file specified in sbOut

# #
--description: list class that contains a list of lists,
  where the sublist includes subbasin name, table name,
  subbasin area, and release rate
--depends on: None
--__init__: instantiates basic list
--append(x): adds x to the end of the list
--remove(x): finds x and removes it from the list
--writeTableFile(tableOut): writes table to JSON file tableOut

# hecElements/ #
--description: dictionary class that contains
  property_name:property_value pairs, which are the basis for named
  properties in the Elements class (and its child classes)
--depends on: None
--__init__(name): instantiates dictionary with key set to name and
  value set to None
--newProperty(name, value) [classmethod]: instantiates new Property
  with key of name and value of value
--getValue: returns value of Property instance
--setValue: sets the value of a given property
--getAsFloat: returns value as float; error if cannot be converted
--getAsString: returns value as string; error if cannot be converted
--getName: returns key of Property instance
--setName(name): sets key to name

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances; parent
  class for types of elements in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Property_class
--__init__(category, identifier): instantiates Element with category
  and identifier set to input values
--getIdentifier: returns value of identifer
--setIdentifier(identifier): sets identifier property to input
--getCategory: returns value of category
--setCategory(category): sets category property to input
--deserialize(currentLine, infile): reads a single element from *.basin
  input file starting at line currentLine
--serialize(outfile): writes a single element to *.basin output file
--add(x): adds Property x to an Element instance
--remove(x): removes Property x from an Element instance; returns error
  if property does not exit in Element instance

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for Basin
  items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Basin"
--readBasin(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink) [classmethod]: reads a
  single Basin element from *.basin input file and writes it to
  *.basin output file; returns Basin instance.

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for
  Subbasin items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class, Property_class, Junction_class,
  Reservoir_class, copy
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Subbasin" and
  Properties for area, downstream, curve number, percent impervious
  area, canvas x, canvas y, canopy, release rate, and percent
  redevelopment; Property values set to None
--readSubbasin(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink, redevel, altRDdict,
  curvenum, rlsrate, altRRdict, canopyrate, altCANdict) [classmethod]:
  reads a single Subbasin element from *.basin input file. Calls
  functions that divide the subbasin, add a reservoir, and add a
  junction. Assigns values as appropriate to pre-defined Properties.
  Writes Subbasin element to *.basin output file; returns Subbasin
  instance with Properties updated to reflect subbasin division, new
  subbasin, and name of storage-outflow table for new subbasin.
--add(x): adds Property x to instance of Subbasin, using pre-defined
  Property if available; error if x is not an instance of Property.
--remove(x): removes x from instance of Subbasin or assigns value of
  None if it is a pre-defined Property; returns error if not found.
--divideSubbasin(basinsink, redevel, curvenum, rlsrate, canrate):
  Divides subbasin based on percent redevelopment with new subbasin
  occupying the portion that is redeveloped and old subbasin area
  reduced to the remainder. Calls functions to create new Subbasin,
  Junction, and Reservoir instances. Routes new subbasin through
  Reservoir to Junction and old subbasin directly to Junction so that
  measurements at Junction are for entire subbasin (new + old). Sets
  release rate and redevelopment percent of new subbasin.
--newSubbasin(s, basinsink, redevel, curvenum, canrate) [classmethod]:
  copies Subbasin s to new instance of Subbasin. Sets properties to
  reflect characteristics of redeveloped area. Writes new subbasin to
  *.basin output file. Returns Subbasin instance of new subbasin.

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for
  Junction items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class, Property_class
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Junction" and
  Property for downstream; Property value set to None
--readJunction(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink) [classmethod]: reads
  a single Junction element from *.basin input file. Writes Junction
  element to *.basin output file; returns Junction instance.
--add(x): adds Property x to instance of Junction, using pre-defined
  Property if available; error if x is not an instance of Property.
--remove(x): removes x from instance of Junction or assigns value of
  None if it is a pre-defined Property; returns error if not found.
--newJunction(s, basinsink) [classmethod]: instantiates new Junction
  and sets properties as appropriate based on those in Subbasin s.
  Writes Junction element to *.basin output file. Returns instance
  of Junction.

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for
  Reservoir items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class, Property_class
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Reservoir" and
  Properties for downstream and storage-outflow table; Property values
  set to None.
--readReservoir(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink)
  [classmethod]: reads a single Reservoir element from *.basin input
  file. Writes Reservoir element to *.basin output file; returns
  instance of Reservoir.
--add(x): adds Property x to instance of Reservoir, using pre-defined
  Property if available; error if x is not an instance of Property.
--remove(x): removes x from instance of Reservoir or assigns value of
  None if it is a pre-defined Property; returns error if not found.
--newReservoir(s, basinsink, redevel, rlsrate) [classmethod]:
  instantiates new Reservoir and sets properties as appropriate based
  on those in Subbasin s. Sets storage-outflow table name based on
  subbasin name, % redevelopment, and release rate. Writes Reservoir
  element to *.basin output file. Returns instance of Reservoir.

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for
  Reach items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class, Property_class
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Reach" and
  Property for downstream; Property value set to None.
--readReach(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink) [classmethod]: reads a
  single Reach element from *.basin input file. Writes Reach
  element to *.basin output file; returns instance of Reach.
--add(x): adds Property x to instance of Reach, using pre-defined
  Property if available; error if x is not an instance of Property.
--remove(x): removes x from instance of Reach or assigns value of
  None if it is a pre-defined Property; returns error if not found.

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for
  Diversion items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class, Property_class
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Diversion" and
  Properties for downstream and divert to; Property values set to None.
--readDiversion(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink) [classmethod]: reads a
  single Diversion element from *.basin input file. Writes Diversion
  element to *.basin output file; returns instance of Diversion.
--add(x): adds Property x to instance of Diversion, using pre-defined
  Property if available; error if x is not an instance of Property.
--remove(x): removes x from instance of Diversion or assigns value of
  None if it is a pre-defined Property; returns error if not found.

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for Sink
  items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Sink"
--readSink(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink) [classmethod]: reads a
  single Sink element from *.basin input file and writes it to
  *.basin output file; returns instance of Sink.

# hecElements/ #
--description: list class that contains Property instances for Basin
  Schematic Properties items in *.basin HEC-HMS files
--depends on: Element_class
--__init__: instantiates an Element with category "Basin Schematic
--readBasinSchema(currentLine, basinsrc, basinsink) [classmethod]:
  reads a single Basin Schematic Properties element from *.basin input
  file and writes it to *.basin output file; returns instance of

# hecElements/ #
--description: provides the properties of a Table that will be
  added to the *.pdata file
--depends on: Element_class, Property_class, datetime.datetime,
--__init__: instantiates new Element item with category "Table";
  Properties for DSS file that contains the storage-outflow table
  and the path to the table within the DSS file.
--newPdata(soname, pdatasink, dssfile) [classmethod]: instantiates
  new Pdata; creates and adds all Properties for new entry in *.pdata
  file. Writes instance to *.pdata file.


ICE Coding based on 7/31/2018 network files







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  • Python 99.3%
  • Batchfile 0.7%