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INFOCOM2016 ipv6 end to end demonstration.


  • Install IoT-LAB tools :

We use Fabric python library for SSH application deployment $ apt-get install python-pip git python-dev python-ecdsa fabric $ pip install -e git+[secure]

  • Install node.js and dependencies

    $ add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
    $ apt-get update
    $ apt-get install nodejs npm
    $ npm install coap
  • Configure IoT-LAB authentication

    $ auth-cli -u <iotlab_login>
    $ experiment-cli info -li
  • Configure IoT-LAB SSH frontend access

    # Generate a ssh key pair
    $ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_iotlab_rsa
    # Edit ssh config file
    $ vi ssh_config
    Host <iotlab_site_name>
         HostName  <iotlab_site_name>
         User <iotlab_login>
         IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_iotlab_rsa

    Upload your public ssh key (~/.ssh/ on the IoT-LAB website

    # Test ssh connexion
    ssh -F ssh_config <iotlab_site_name>

Launch IoT-LAB experiment

We book some M3 nodes on the IoT-LAB testbed and deploy automatically an IPv6 6LoWPAN network.

  1. choose randomly in the experiment nodes list a border router node
  2. run on the frontend SSH a background tunslip6 process with border router node serial port in charge of connection to other IPv6 networks (eg: Cloud infrastructure)
  3. flash ContikiOS border router firmware on the border router
  4. flash ContikiOS CoAP server firmware on the other nodes

It uses by default an IoT-LAB public ipv6 subnet (eg. 2001:660:5307:3100/64). If you want to understand the IoT-LAB testbed ipv6 subnetting you can read this tutorial.

# Book 10 M3 nodes on the Grenoble site for 1 hour 
$ ./ --duration 60 --nodes 10,archi=m3:at86rf231+site=grenoble
# Book 10 M3 nodes (m3-1 -> m3-10) on the Grenoble site for 1 hour 
$ ./ --duration 60 --nodes grenoble,m3,1-10
# Book 10 M3 nodes on the Grenoble site for 1 hour and specify an IPv6 subnet
$ ./ --duration 60 --nodes 10,archi=m3:at86rf231+site=grenoble --ipv6prefix 2001:660:5307:3103

The script returns the border router public ipv6 address and you can test the connectivity. You also can visualize the 6LoWPAN network topology (CoAP servers public IPv6 address) with a http request on the border router.

$ ping6 <br_ipv6_address>
$ curl -g "http://[<br_ipv6_address>]"
2001:660:5307:3100::9176/128 (via fe80::9176) 16711393s
2001:660:5307:3100::b868/128 (via fe80::b868) 16711393s

You can see in the section Routes the CoAP servers ipv6 address list ( <ipv6_subnet>::<m3_node_uid>) of your 6LoWPAN network.

Launch nodejs server

The node.js server get all CoAP servers IPv6 address and launch CoAP clients to "observe" CoAP server resources. These CoAP clients send Websockets events ( when they receive update values.

$ node node_server.js <br_ipv6_address>

It separates CoAP clients communication channel with Websockets namespaces :

# namespace = m3 node name = m3-<id>
# eventname = CoAP resource like light, serial and acc 
io.of(/<namespace>).emit(<eventname>, value)

Configure IoT dashboard (

Install dashboard on your computer

git clone

Copy datasource plugin to connect dashboard to real-time node.js server. It subscribe to real-time event using WebSockets (

$ cp plugin_iotlab.js freeboard/plugins/thirdparty/

Edit your main HTML file and add the plugin to the header

$ vi freeboard/index.html
<script type="text/javascript">

Open dashboard in your browser

You can add a new datasource :

  • Type : Node.js (
  • Name : Choose a name
  • Server URL : http://<node_server_ip> (Node.js server address)
  • NameSpace : m3 node name
  • Event : light|serial|acc

Add widgets to visualize the datasource values. You cand load infocom2016 demonstration dashboard example with the JSON file dashboard_iotlab.json.


INFOCOM2016 conference demonstration






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