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About this project

This is a human-in-the-loop experiment on interactive machine learning.


If you're using our software in your research, please cite:

Agnes Tegen, Paul Davidsson, and Jan A. Persson. 'Human Factors', in Interactive Online Machine Learning, 2nd International Conference of Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence, June 26-30, 2023, Munich, Germany.

Installation and execution

This guide is written for Linux/macOS. Running on Windows should be trivial. Make sure that you're running Python 3.6 or later.


Navigate to the project root folder of the project. Create a virtual Python environment by running

python -m venv venv

if your Python 3 executable is called python3, then run the above as

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment by running (please note the leading period):

. venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies buy running

cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, configure Flask by running

cd src

That's it, you're done!


Run the application by navigating to <project_root>/backend and activate the virtual environment by typing

. venv/bin/activate

Then, navigate to <project_root>/backend/src and execute by typing


Starting up takes a little while, but once you're done, you can run the application in the browswer by navigating to http://localhost:5000 if you're using Flask. Close the application by hitting ctrl+c.

Execution environments

The experiment is designed to run on either a local PC or on AWS. It can even run the experiment itself on a local PC and save its results and sessions to AWS, rather than to the disk. While the execution environments themselves are equivalent, there are some differences when it comes to storage and web server options.

Running on AWS

In order to run the experiment on AWS two things are needed: and EC2 instance and an S3 bucket. The experiment is rather hungry for computational power. Thus, a c6g.4xlarge instance is needed for decent performance. The experiment should be fairly easy to distribute across several EC2 instances, but this is currently untested.


There are two storage backends made available to save the sessions and results of the experiments; a disk-based local storage and an AWS S3-based cloud storage. The disk-based storage uses Pickle for all storage, while the cloud-based storage stores session data in Pickle, and experiment results in both JSON and Pickle formats.

Web servers

The default web server used for development is Flask's built in development server. It's fairly slow, but good for debugging purposes. For production development, a WSGI-based server should be used. This experiment uses waitress as its default production server. It's a fair bit quicker than Flask and uses far fewer dependencies.

Web interface

The experiment runs on a web server and uses a simple single-page application as a frontend, found in frontend/index.html. It connects to a REST-based web API published by the backend. The API uses HATEOAS to guide the frontend to its next step, and it is thus fairly easy to adapt to another frontend if deemed neccessary. The API base url is set in the configuration file, as specified below.


The experiment is fairly configurable, although some details still have to be done in code.

The app.ini file

The bulk of settings are found in the backend/src/config/app.ini file. It has to be created, but a template is available as backend/src/config/app.ini.example. The config settings are described below:

Setting Description
mode development for development, productionfor production
host Decides which IP number to listen to. Use for any address.
port Decides which port to listen to. Typically, 5000 is used for development and 80 or 8080 for deployment.
storage_backend aws for storage in AWS (see additional settings below), disk for local storage.
data_path The location of the training data with a trailing slash, e.g., data/.
data_features_name The name of the features file, e.g., features.pickle. This file is a pickled Python dictionary.
im_indices_name The name of the inices file, e.g., im_indicies.pickle. This file is a pickled Python dictionary.
sessions_path The location of the saved session data with a trailing slash, e.g., session_data/.
results_path The location of the saved results data with a trailing slash, e.g., results/.
default_nbr_of_images The default number of images in a image stream, e.g., 30. This can be changed in code as well.
labels A comma-separated list of labels that will accompany each image, e.g., cat,dog.
base_url The base URL for the REST-based web API, e.g., /api/v1.
frontend_base The location of the frontend files relative to the backend, e.g., ../../frontend.
image_base The URL of the images used in the experiment, e.g.,
image_directory The location of the UI images used for the frontend, e.g., images/.
step_duration The number of seconds between each new image in a stream, e.g., 5.
subsession_pause_duration The number of seconds between two sub sessions, e.g, 10. Not used by the default fronend.
bucket The name of a S3 bucket, in which results and sessions are to be stored.
region The region in where the experiment is being run, e.g., eu-north-1.
access_key An IAM user's access key. The user needs to have full S3 privileges and be in the bucket's ACL.
secret_access_key An IAM user's secret access key.

The experiment set up in

The subsessions are defined in the create_session() method of main_be. The number of steps are set in the nbr_of_steps variable, which is used to create space for the different subsessions. Subsessions are then defined using the create_subsession() method, in which a strategy and end message are defined. In fact, the end message is mainly used as an introduction to the following subsession. When a subsession is created, it is added to a session step using Session.add_subsession(). The subsessions are then run in the order in which they're added to the subsession steps.

Two strategies are defined:

  • Strategy.MT -- An ordinary machine teaching strategy. The user is in charge of wheter they give any feedback or not.
  • Strategy.ALMT -- A strategy that uses active learning. The software will select some data points where user feedback is disabled.

Training data

No training data is provided in this distribution. You can find the current training data at The location of the training data is specified in the config file (see above).


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