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Device Template

This repo can be used as a template repo to create new MQTT devices using MQTTnet.Extensions.MultiCloud

dotnet new install IoTModels.MqttDevice.Template
dotnet new mqtt-device -o myDevice

What is in this template?

  • A dotnet 6.0 worker project
  • With references to MQTTnet MultiCloud extensions
  • A sample device template model
    • The C# interface representing the device model
    • Implementations for Azure IoT Hub and any MQTT Broker
    • Sample Device implementation
    • Default launch settings for different endpoints

Device Model

The device implements:

  • sdkInfo as a reported property of type string
  • interval as a desired property of type int
  • temp as a telemetry of type double (uses random values)
  • echo a command that receives a string and returns another string

How to run

The dotnet project contains a launchSettings.json with some pre-configured profiles.

MQTT Broker

To connect to a local MQTT broker like mosquitto, you can use the mosquitto-local Docker image. To connect with TLS you have to provide the CA certificate.

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 1883:1883 -p 8883:8883 -p 8884:8884 -p 8443:8443  ridomin/mosquitto-local:dev

Azure IoT services

To use Azure IoT Hub, create a device identity and provide the device connection string To use DPS, or Central, provide IdScope and enrollment details.

Interact with the device

  • When targeting a MQTT broker, you can use iotux-mqtt and connect to the broker configured

  • When targeting Azure IoT Hub, you can use IoT Explorer

  • When targeting Azure IoT Central, create a device template based on the DTDL sample model