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A Docker tutorial for Northeastern's CS4730

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Docker Tutorial

This tutorial will walk you through using Docker for assigned projects in CS 4730: Distributed Systems. Credit for most of this write-up goes to Asad Salman.

What is Docker?

Docker is a system for building lightweight containers. A container is an isolated environment that runs inside a host machine. It is conceptually similar to a virtual machine (VM), but its internals are quite different. A docker container is built from a docker image—an image is sort of a blueprint for a container similar to how a class is a blueprint for an object in object-oriented languages.

A Docker image is built in layers with each layer either placing files into the image filesystem, executing commands, or defining attributes for the eventual containers that will be built. You can spin up any number of containers with the same image (though these each use system resources, so if you spin up enough, eventually your computer will complain).

Why use Docker?

Docker can be a useful tool for a number of reasons. Some reasons of interest to us (in this class) are:

  1. Project submissions become highly reproducible, thus less likely to be graded incorrectly
  2. It is much easier to write and test out distributed applications for the course, which will likely have multiple instances running, once you get past the initial learning curve of Docker

Installing Docker

Install the latest stable release of Docker Community Edition on your computer. You will need superuser/adminstrator access for this so it won’t work on Northeastern Machines. You can get further instructions on Docker’s website for your specific operating system.

Simple application

I’ll walk you through writing a simple C “hello world” application in Docker. Later on in the tutorial, we’ll get into networking in Docker.

In your local workspace, create a directory docker-hello by running mkdir docker-hello and create the following two files in that directory using the touch command: hello.c and Dockerfile.

Open the hello.c file in your text editor, and copy the following simple “hello world” application (written in C) into that file:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    printf("hello world");

Save and close hello.c.

Next, open Dockerfile in your editor and copy in the following:

FROM ubuntu:latest

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y gcc

ADD hello.c /app/
RUN gcc hello.c -o hello

ENTRYPOINT /app/hello

While there are many, many variations of how this Dockerfile could look like and still perform the same task, this is a good, simple one for our purposes. I’ll walk through what each line means.

The first line, FROM ubuntu:latest, specifies what base image we’re using for our container.

There are many options here (to see some others, checkout DockerHub), I usually go with ubuntu:latest and build on top of that. I suggest using an OS you are already familiar with.

On the next line, we update the Ubuntu package repository and then install gcc, the C compiler. We’ll use gcc to compile hello.c (alternatively you could have used a base image that already includes gcc).

In the fourth code line, we copy over the hello.c file from the local filesystem into the image filesystem using the ADD directive.

Next, using the WORKDIR directive, we move to the /app/ directory in the image filesystem (similar to using the cd command). We then compile hello.c using gcc.

Finally, I set the entrypoint of our container to be the newly built hello binary. What this means is, as soon as the container runs, /app/hello will be executed.

Let’s now build the image and run the container. While in the docker-hello directory, run the following command in the shell:

docker build . -t "dockerhello"

This builds the image using the Dockerfile (defined above) in the current directory, and gives it the tag “dockerhello”. This may take a few minutes if you are downloading the base image for the first time. Now we can instantiate an instance of the dockerhello container with:

docker run dockerhello

You should see “hello world” printed on the screen.

Networking demo in Docker

In order to have multiple Docker containers talking to each other, we are going to create a user-defined bridge network in Docker. While containers can communicate over the default bridge network in Docker, the bridge does not provide container name to IP address resolution. This name resolution is useful because, while writing your distributed application, you can make a peer list of hostnames once and use it between different runs of your system without having to update it, as long as you’re using the same container names between runs.

Exit the docker-hello directory (cd ..), and create a new directory called docker-network and cd into it.

To start off, we list the existing Docker networks using:

docker network list

Next we’re going to add a Docker network:

docker network create --driver bridge mynetwork

Now to create a new Dockerfile that will let us play around with networking between containers:

FROM ubuntu:latest

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y netcat iputils-ping

Put the above Dockerfile in a new directory called docker-network. We will be using netcat, the TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife, to test out networking between Docker containers. netcat comes in very handy when testing out networking applications and I’d strongly recommend getting comfortable with it for this course.

Next, navigate to docker-network and build the Docker image:

docker build . -t dockernetwork

Now we’re going to run two container instances of the image dockernetwork and have them talk to each other. These containers will be part of the mynetwork we previously created.

In a terminal, run

docker run -it --name first --network mynetwork dockernetwork

The -it flags tell docker that the container should be interactive and accept tty input, which just means that you can interact with it from the terminal. You’ll notice that we did not specify an ENTRYPOINT in this container. The default entrypoint for the Ubuntu image is /bin/bash, which means that it will run a bash shell upon startup. So when you start an interactive container, it will drop you into a the bash shell. Additionally, you can provide arguments after the image name which will be passed to the entrypoint.

In another terminal (on your host machine), run:

docker run -it --name second --network mynetwork dockernetwork

You will now have two running instances of Docker containers based on the dockernetwork image, both part of mynetwork network.

We will now start a TCP server that accepts connections on port 3000 in the first container. In the terminal where you started the first container, run:

netcat -nvlp 3000

From the terminal where you started the second container, connect to the first container by running:

netcat -v first 3000

At this point, both containers should show that you have successfully established a TCP connection. Anything you type now in the second container’s shell, followed by the enter/return key, will be echoed on the other side, indicating a successful TCP connection.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a container orchestrator for Docker. Installation instructions can be found here. Docker Compose lets you statically define attributes and arguments for your containers in a YAML configuration file. For example, the following connects two containers over a bridge network, and then has each of them print a short message before exiting.

    image: dockernetwork
      - mynetwork
    hostname: "host1"
    command: echo "hello, host2"

    image: dockernetwork
      - mynetwork
    hostname: "host2"
    command: echo "hello, host1"

  # The presence of these objects is sufficient to define them
  mynetwork: {}

To run Docker Compose, you can use the following

docker compose -f <COMPOSE_FILENAME.yml> up

Which, for the above compose file would yield the following output

[+] Running 2/2
 ⠿ Container lab3-two-1  Recreated                                                                                                                                                                                                        8.7s
 ⠿ Container lab3-one-1  Recreated                                                                                                                                                                                                       19.0s
Attaching to lab3-one-1, lab3-two-1
lab3-one-1  | hello, host2
lab3-two-1  | hello, host1
lab3-one-1 exited with code 0
lab3-two-1 exited with code 0


If you are seeing the error No address associated with hostname, it may be caused by a DNS issue. Try adding a well-known public resolver like Google's or Cloudflare's to ~/.docker/daemon.json or /etc/docker/dameon.json. For example,

  "dns": ["", ""]

Note that you may need to restart the Docker service if you are running one.


********This write-up was heavily adapted from Asad Salman's.


A Docker tutorial for Northeastern's CS4730






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