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1005 lines (718 loc) · 30.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1005 lines (718 loc) · 30.2 KB

Files API

The files API enables users to use the File System abstraction of IPFS.


Lists a directory from IPFS that is addressed by a valid IPFS Path.

JavaScript -, [callback])

Note: is currently only for MFS directories. The goal is to converge both functionality.

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

callback must follow function (err, files) {} signature, where err is an error if the operation was not successful. files is an array containing objects of the following form:

  depth: 1,
  name: 'alice.txt',
  path: 'QmVvjDy7yF7hdnqE8Hrf4MHo5ABDtb5AbX6hWbD3Y42bXP/alice.txt',
  size: 11696,
  hash: 'QmZyUEQVuRK3XV7L9Dk26pg6RVSgaYkiSTEdnT2kZZdwoi',
  type: 'file'

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


const validCID = 'QmQ2r6iMNpky5f1m4cnm3Yqw8VSvjuKpTcK1X7dBR1LkJF', function (err, files) {
  files.forEach((file) => {

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Lists a directory from IPFS that is addressed by a valid IPFS Path. The list will be yielded as Readable Streams.

JavaScript - ipfs.lsReadableStream(ipfsPath) -> Readable Stream

Note: is currently only for MFS directories. The goal is to converge both functionality.

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

It returns a Readable Stream in Object mode that will yield objects of the form:

  depth: 1,
  name: 'alice.txt',
  path: 'QmVvjDy7yF7hdnqE8Hrf4MHo5ABDtb5AbX6hWbD3Y42bXP/alice.txt',
  size: 11696,
  hash: 'QmZyUEQVuRK3XV7L9Dk26pg6RVSgaYkiSTEdnT2kZZdwoi',
  type: 'file'


const validCID = 'QmQ2r6iMNpky5f1m4cnm3Yqw8VSvjuKpTcK1X7dBR1LkJF'

const stream = ipfs.lsReadableStream(validCID)

stream.on('data', (file) => {
  // write the file's path and contents to standard out

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Fetch a file or an entire directory tree from IPFS that is addressed by a valid IPFS Path. The files will be yielded through a Pull Stream.


Add files and data to IPFS.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.add(data, [options], [callback])

Where data may be:

  path: '/tmp/myfile.txt', // The file path
  content: <data> // A Buffer, Readable Stream or Pull Stream with the contents of the file

If no content is passed, then the path is treated as an empty directory

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • cid-version (integer, default 0): the CID version to use when storing the data (storage keys are based on the CID, including it's version)
  • progress (function): a function that will be called with the byte length of chunks as a file is added to ipfs.
  • recursive (boolean): for when a Path is passed, this option can be enabled to add recursively all the files.
  • hashAlg || hash (string): multihash hashing algorithm to use.
  • wrapWithDirectory (boolean): adds a wrapping node around the content.
  • onlyHash (boolean): doesn't actually add the file to IPFS, but rather calculates its hash.
  • pin (boolean, default true): pin this object when adding.

callback must follow function (err, res) {} signature, where err is an error if the operation was not successful. res will be an array of:

  path: '/tmp/myfile.txt',
  hash: 'QmHash', // base58 encoded multihash
  size: 123

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


const files = [
    path: '/tmp/myfile.txt',
    content: (Buffer or Readable stream)

ipfs.files.add(files, function (err, files) {
  // 'files' will be an array of objects containing paths and the multihashes of the files added

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Add files and data to IPFS using a Readable Stream of class Duplex.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.addReadableStream([options]) -> Readable Stream

Returns a Readable Stream of class Duplex, where objects can be written of the forms

  path: '/tmp/myfile.txt', // The file path
  content: <data> // A Buffer, Readable Stream or Pull Stream with the contents of the file

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • cid-version (integer, default 0): the CID version to use when storing the data (storage keys are based on the CID, including it's version)
  • progress (function): a function that will be called with the byte length of chunks as a file is added to ipfs.
  • hashAlg || hash (string): multihash hashing algorithm to use
  • wrapWithDirectory (boolean): adds a wrapping node around the content
  • pin (boolean, default true): pin this object when adding.


const stream = ipfs.files.addReadableStream()
stream.on('data', function (file) {
  // 'file' will be of the form
  // {
  //   path: '/tmp/myfile.txt',
  //   hash: 'QmHash' // base58 encoded multihash
  //   size: 123
  // }

  path: <path>
  content: <data>
// write as many files as you want


A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Add files and data to IPFS using a Pull Stream.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.addPullStream([options]) -> Pull Stream

Returns a Pull Stream, where objects can be written of the forms

  path: '/tmp/myfile.txt', // The file path
  content: <data> // A Buffer, Readable Stream or Pull Stream with the contents of the file

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • cid-version (integer, default 0): the CID version to use when storing the data (storage keys are based on the CID, including it's version)
  • progress (function): a function that will be called with the byte length of chunks as a file is added to ipfs.
  • hashAlg || hash (string): multihash hashing algorithm to use
  • wrapWithDirectory (boolean): adds a wrapping node around the content
  • pin (boolean, default true): pin this object when adding.


const stream = ipfs.files.addPullStream()

    { path: <path>, content: <data> }
  pull.collect((err, values) => {
    // values will be an array of objects, which one of the form
    // {
    //   path: '/tmp/myfile.txt',
    //   hash: 'QmHash' // base58 encoded multihash
    //   size: 123
    // }

Returns a file addressed by a valid IPFS Path.

JavaScript -, [options], [callback])

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • a CID instance
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

options is an optional object that may contain the following keys:

  • offset is an optional byte offset to start the stream at
  • length is an optional number of bytes to read from the stream

callback must follow function (err, file) {} signature, where err is an error if the operation was not successful and file is a Buffer

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.

Example:, function (err, file) {
  if (err) {
    throw err


A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Returns a Readable Stream containing the contents of a file addressed by a valid IPFS Path.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.catReadableStream(ipfsPath, [options]) -> Readable Stream

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • a CID instance
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

options is an optional object that may contain the following keys:

  • offset is an optional byte offset to start the stream at
  • length is an optional number of bytes to read from the stream

Returns a Readable Stream with the contents of the file.

const stream = ipfs.files.catReadableStream(ipfsPath)
// stream will be a stream containing the data of the file requested

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Returns a Pull Stream containing the contents of a file addressed by a valid IPFS Path.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.catPullStream(ipfsPath, [options]) -> Pull Stream

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

options is an optional object that may contain the following keys:

  • offset is an optional byte offset to start the stream at
  • length is an optional number of bytes to read from the stream

Returns a Pull Stream with the contents of the file.

const stream = ipfs.files.catPullStream(ipfsPath)
// stream will be a stream containing the data of the file requested

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Fetch a file or an entire directory tree from IPFS that is addressed by a valid IPFS Path.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.get(ipfsPath, [callback])

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

callback must follow function (err, files) {} signature, where err is an error if the operation was not successful. files is an array containing objects of the following form:

  path: '/tmp/myfile.txt',
  content: <data as a Buffer>

Here, each path corresponds to the name of a file, and content is a regular Readable stream with the raw contents of that file.

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


const validCID = 'QmQ2r6iMNpky5f1m4cnm3Yqw8VSvjuKpTcK1X7dBR1LkJF'

ipfs.files.get(validCID, function (err, files) {
  files.forEach((file) => {

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Fetch a file or an entire directory tree from IPFS that is addressed by a valid IPFS Path. The files will be yielded as Readable Streams.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.getReadableStream(ipfsPath) -> Readable Stream

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

It returns a Readable Stream in Object mode that will yield objects of the form:

  path: '/tmp/myfile.txt',
  content: <Readable stream>


const validCID = 'QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnPbdG'

const stream = ipfs.files.getReadableStream(validCID)

stream.on('data', (file) => {
  // write the file's path and contents to standard out
  if(file.type !== 'dir') {
    file.content.on('data', (data) => {

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.


Fetch a file or an entire directory tree from IPFS that is addressed by a valid IPFS Path. The files will be yielded as Readable Streams.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.getPullStream(ipfsPath) -> Pull Stream

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

It returns a [Pull Stream][os] that will yield objects of the form:

  path: '/tmp/myfile.txt',
  content: <Pull Stream>


const validCID = 'QmQ2r6iMNpky5f1m4cnm3Yqw8VSvjuKpTcK1X7dBR1LkJF'

const stream = ipfs.files.getReadableStream(validCID)

  pull.collect((err, files) => {
    if (err) {
      throw err

    files.forEach((file) => {

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.

JavaScript - ipfs.lsPullStream(ipfsPath) -> Pull Stream

Note: is currently only for MFS directories. The goal is to converge both functionality.

ipfsPath can be of type:

  • cid of type:
    • Buffer, the raw Buffer of the cid
    • String, the base58 encoded version of the cid
  • String, including the ipfs handler, a cid and a path to traverse to, ie:
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66'
    • '/ipfs/QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'
    • 'QmXEmhrMpbVvTh61FNAxP9nU7ygVtyvZA8HZDUaqQCAb66/a.txt'

It returns a [Pull Stream][os] that will yield objects of the form:

  depth: 1,
  name: 'alice.txt',
  path: 'QmVvjDy7yF7hdnqE8Hrf4MHo5ABDtb5AbX6hWbD3Y42bXP/alice.txt',
  size: 11696,
  hash: 'QmZyUEQVuRK3XV7L9Dk26pg6RVSgaYkiSTEdnT2kZZdwoi',
  type: 'file'


const validCID = 'QmQ2r6iMNpky5f1m4cnm3Yqw8VSvjuKpTcK1X7dBR1LkJF'

const stream = ipfs.lsPullStream(validCID)

  pull.collect((err, files) => {
    if (err) {
      throw err

    files.forEach((file) => console.log(file.path))

A great source of examples can be found in the tests for this API.

Mutable File System

The Mutable File System (MFS) is a virtual file system on top of IPFS that exposes a Unix like API over a virtual directory. It enables users to write and read from paths without having to worry about updating the graph. It enables things like ipfs-blob-store to exist.


Copy files.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.cp(...from, to, [options], [callback])


  • from is the path(s) of the source to copy. It might be:
    • An existing MFS path to a file or a directory (e.g. /my-dir/my-file.txt)
    • An IPFS path (e.g. /ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks)
  • to is the path of the destination to copy to
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • parents is a Boolean value to decide whether or not to make the parent directories if they don't exist (default: false)
    • format is what type of nodes to write any newly created directories as (default: dag-pb)
    • hashAlg is which algorithm to use when creating CIDs for newly created directories (default: sha2-256)
    • flush is a Boolean value to decide whether or not to immediately flush MFS changes to disk (default: true)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful

If from has multiple values then to must be a directory.

If from has a single value and to exists and is a directory, from will be copied into to.

If from has a single value and to exists and is a file, from must be a file and the contents of to will be replaced with the contents of from otherwise an error will be returned.

If from is an IPFS path, and an MFS path exists with the same name, the IPFS path will be chosen.

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


// To copy a file
ipfs.files.cp('/src-file', '/dst-file', (err) => {
  if (err) {

// To copy a directory
ipfs.files.cp('/src-dir', '/dst-dir', (err) => {
  if (err) {

// To copy multiple files to a directory
ipfs.files.cp('/src-file1', '/src-file2', '/dst-dir', (err) => {
  if (err) {


Make a directory.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.mkdir(path, [options], [callback])


  • path is the path to the directory to make
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • parents is a Boolean value to decide whether or not to make the parent directories if they don't exist (default: false)
    • format is what type of nodes to write any newly created directories as (default: dag-pb)
    • hashAlg is which algorithm to use when creating CIDs for newly created directories (default: sha2-256)
    • flush is a Boolean value to decide whether or not to immediately flush MFS changes to disk (default: true)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


ipfs.files.mkdir('/my/beautiful/directory', (err) => {
  if (err) {


Get file or directory status.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.stat(path, [options], [callback])


  • path is the path to the file or directory to stat

  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:

    • hash is a Boolean value to return only the hash (default: false)
    • size is a Boolean value to return only the size (default: false)
    • withLocal is a Boolean value to compute the amount of the dag that is local, and if possible the total size (default: false)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error, stats) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful and stats is an Object with the following keys:

  • hash is a string with the hash

  • size is an integer with the file size in Bytes

  • cumulativeSize is an integer with the size of the DAGNodes making up the file in Bytes

  • type is a string that can be either directory or file

  • blocks if type is directory, this is the number of files in the directory. If it is file it is the number of blocks that make up the file

  • withLocality is a boolean to indicate if locality information are present

  • local is a boolean to indicate if the queried dag is fully present locally

  • sizeLocal is an integer indicating the cumulative size of the data present locally

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


ipfs.files.stat('/file.txt', (err, stats) => {

// {
//   hash: 'QmXmJBmnYqXVuicUfn9uDCC8kxCEEzQpsAbeq1iJvLAmVs',
//   size: 60,
//   cumulativeSize: 118,
//   blocks: 1,
//   type: 'file'
// }


Remove a file or directory.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.rm(...paths, [options], [callback])


  • paths are one or more paths to remove
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • recursive is a Boolean value to decide whether or not to remove directories recursively (default: false)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


// To remove a file
ipfs.files.rm('/my/beautiful/file.txt', (err) => {
  if (err) {

// To remove multiple files
ipfs.files.rm('/my/beautiful/file.txt', '/my/other/file.txt', (err) => {
  if (err) {

// To remove a directory
ipfs.files.rm('/my/beautiful/directory', { recursive: true }, (err) => {
  if (err) {

Read a file into a Buffer.

JavaScript -, [options], [callback])


  • path is the path of the file to read and must point to a file (and not a directory)
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • offset is an Integer with the byte offset to begin reading from (default: 0)
    • length is an Integer with the maximum number of bytes to read (default: Read to end of stream)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error, buffer) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful and buffer is a Buffer with the contents of path

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.

N.b. this method is likely to result in high memory usage, you should use files.readReadableStream or files.readPullStream instead where possible.

Example:'/hello-world', (error, buf) => {

// Hello, World!


Read a file into a ReadableStream.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.readReadableStream(path, [options])


  • path is the path of the file to read and must point to a file (and not a directory)
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • offset is an Integer with the byte offset to begin reading from (default: 0)
    • length is an Integer with the maximum number of bytes to read (default: Read to end of stream)

Returns a ReadableStream with the contents of path.


const stream = ipfs.files.readReadableStream('/hello-world')
stream.on('data', (buf) => console.log(buf.toString('utf8')))

// Hello, World!


Read a file into a PullStream.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.readPullStream(path, [options])


  • path is the path of the file to read and must point to a file (and not a directory)
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • offset is an Integer with the byte offset to begin reading from (default: 0)
    • length is an Integer with the maximum number of bytes to read (default: Read to end of stream)

Returns a PullStream with the contents of path.


  through(buf => console.log(buf.toString('utf8'))),
  collect(err => {})

// Hello, World!


Write to a file.

JavaScript - ipfs.files.write(path, content, [options], [callback])


  • path is the path of the file to write
  • content can be:
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • offset is an Integer with the byte offset to begin writing at (default: 0)
    • create is a Boolean to indicate to create the file if it doesn't exist (default: false)
    • truncate is a Boolean to indicate if the file should be truncated after writing all the bytes from content (default: false)
    • length is an Integer with the maximum number of bytes to read (default: Read all bytes from content)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


ipfs.files.write('/hello-world', Buffer.from('Hello, world!'), (err) => {

Move files.

JavaScript -, to, [options], [callback])


  • from is the path(s) of the source to move
  • to is the path of the destination to move to
  • options is an optional Object that might contain the following keys:
    • parents is a Boolean value to decide whether or not to make the parent directories if they don't exist (default: false)
    • format is what type of nodes to write any newly created directories as (default: dag-pb)
    • hashAlg is which algorithm to use when creating CIDs for newly created directories (default: sha2-256)
    • flush is a Boolean value to decide whether or not to immediately flush MFS changes to disk (default: true)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful

If from has multiple values then to must be a directory.

If from has a single value and to exists and is a directory, from will be moved into to.

If from has a single value and to exists and is a file, from must be a file and the contents of to will be replaced with the contents of from otherwise an error will be returned.

If from is an IPFS path, and an MFS path exists with the same name, the IPFS path will be chosen.

All values of from will be removed after the operation is complete, unless they are an IPFS path.

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.

Example:'/src-file', '/dst-file', (err) => {
  if (err) {
})'/src-dir', '/dst-dir', (err) => {
  if (err) {
})'/src-file1', '/src-file2', '/dst-dir', (err) => {
  if (err) {


Flush a given path's data to the disk

JavaScript - ipfs.files.flush([...paths], [callback])


  • paths are an optional string paths to flush (default: /)
  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.


ipfs.files.flush('/', (err) => {
  if (err) {

List directories in the local mutable namespace.

JavaScript -[path], [callback])


  • path is an optional string to show listing for (default: /)

  • callback is an optional function with the signature function (error, files) {}, where error may be an Error that occured if the operation was not successful and files is an array containing Objects that contain the following keys:

  • name which is the file's name

  • type which i the object's type (directory or file)

  • size the size of the file in bytes

  • hash the hash of the file

If no callback is passed, a promise is returned.

Example:'/screenshots', function (err, files) {
  files.forEach((file) => {

// 2018-01-22T18:08:46.775Z.png
// 2018-01-22T18:08:49.184Z.png