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Carlyle-Lee edited this page Jun 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

To config TaskManager's default behavior. TaskManager Config is optional.

                .setLogTracker(host ? TMTracker.get() : null)

public TaskManagerConfig setDefaultTimeOut(int timeOut)
To set default blocking time for API "TM.needTaskSync".

public TaskManagerConfig setLogTracker(ITracker tracker)
ITracker is an interface for TM debug system. If a tracker has been set , you can enable debug crash checking , critical log out put etc...
ITracker 是TM的调试接口。设置Tracker后,可以开启debug crash 以暴露验严重务逻辑问题,输出关键日志等等。

public TaskManagerConfig enableObjectReuse(boolean enable) new feature added in 1.3.5.
If object reuse is enabled , some of TM's object will be resued.

public boolean isFullLogEnabled(boolean enable)
If enabled, full log will be output to ITracker.

public TaskManagerConfig setWaitTimeCollectThreshold(int time)
If any statement is waiting for a task to finish for more than threshold time, the waiting stack trace will be printed to ITracker.

public TaskManagerConfig setLowTaskPriorityTaskMaxWaitTime(int timeInms)
TM has supported dynamic task priority. It a task has been waiting for too long , the task priority will be changed, so that it can gain cpu time.
TM 支持了动态优先级,任务的优先级将随着等待时间的增加而升高。从而保证低优先级的任务也能得到CPU时间。

🌟 New API 1.3.7
public TaskManagerConfig setThreadPoolStrategy(int strategy) Added in 1.3.7. By default, new thread pool is used for TM tasks to provide a bettter performance. You may call setThreadPoolStrategy(ITaskManagerConfig.STRATEGY_POOL_EXECUTOR) to switch back to the former thread pool.

public void initTaskManager(Application application)
Config TaskManager.

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