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Database migration that sync migrate config to database table


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Database migration that sync migrate config to database table. This migration method sync your migration config file with what's on database. This migration way is to store the database migration in a file config, and sync the config with your current database state. The migrations logs is not stored on each migration time file or database table, you'll have to check your repository for migrations logs.

The migration is extendable which means one migration is combined with other migration before execution. For example, module post already define structure for table post, another module ( ex: post-publish ) allowed to add column for table post on post-publish migration config.


composer require iqomp/migrate

Command Line

This module create new hyperf command that can be used to test, create db, sync table and config, and print out sql/script for manual execution by developer.

# Create database defined on config/autoload/databases.php
# if the database is not yet there.
php bin/hyperf.php iqomp:migrate db

# Start migrating for migrate config to database table.
php bin/hyperf.php iqomp:migrate start

# Compare migration config and database without executing the migration
php bin/hyperf.php iqomp:migrate test

# Compare migration config and database without executing the migration
# and print it to STD_OUT for manual execution by developer.
php bin/hyperf.php iqomp:migrate to > ./migrate.sql

Migration Config

Update your composer.json file to include content as below:

    "extra": {
        "iqomp": {
            "migrate": "iqomp/migrate/config.php"

Then create new file named iqomp/migrate/config.php under you main module directory, fill the file with content as below:


return [
    '/ModelClassName/' => [
        'fields' => [
            '/field-name/' => [
                'comment' => '/comment/',
                'type' => '/type/',
                'attrs' => [
                    // list of column attrs
                'index' => '/index/'
        'indexes' => [
            '/index-name/' => [
                'type' => '/index-type/',
                'fields' => [
                    '/field/' => [ /* option */ ]
                    // list of columns

        'data' => [
            '/search-field/' => [
                '/search-value/' => [
                    '/field/' => '/value/'
    'Company\\Model\\User' => [
        'fields' => [
            'id' => [
                'type' => 'int',
                'attrs' => [
                    'unsigned' => true,
                    'primary_key' => true,
                    'auto_increment' => true
                'index' => 100
            'name' => [
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'attrs' => [
                    'length' => 5,
                    'null' => false,
                    'unique' => true
                'index' => 200
            'status' => [
                'comment' => '0: Deleted, 1: Active',
                'type' => 'tinyint',
                'attrs' => [
                    'null' => false,
                    'default' => 1
                'index' => 3000
        'indexes' => [
            'by_name_status' => [
                'fields' => [
                    'name' => [],
                    'status' => []
        'data' => [
            'name' => [
                'admin' => [
                    'name' => 'admin',
                    'status' => 1

All migrations property is explained as below:


Array list of table fields with name->meta pair, where name is the table column name, and meta is list of column meta data. The column should has at least one property, which is type. Below is list of metas known so far:


Column comment, not all database engine accept this actually.


The column data type, supported data type so far are as below:

  1. Text
    1. CHAR. Require attrs: {length}
    2. ENUM. Require attrs: {options:[]}
    4. SET. Require attrs: {options:[]}
    5. TEXT
    7. VARCHAR. Require attrs: {length}
  2. Number
    1. BIGINT
    2. BOOLEAN
    3. DECIMAL
    4. DOUBLE. Require attrs: {length}
    5. FLOAT
    6. INTEGER
    9. TINYINT
  3. Date
    1. DATE
    4. TIME
    5. YEAR


List of additional attributes for the column. Supported attributes for now are:

  1. length::string The length of the column. For DOUBLE it accept comma for length and decimal value.
  2. options::array List of options for the column. Mostly used by ENUM and SET.
  3. null::boolean Set it to false to make sure the column not accept null value
  4. default::mixed Default value for the column.
  5. update::mixed Default value for update action. This attribute use mostly for column updated_at for value CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
  6. unsigned::boolean Set number column as UNSIGNED, which is not accept negative value.
  7. unique::boolean Set the column as UNIQUE, that don't accept duplicate value.
  8. primary_key::boolean Set the column as primary key.
  9. auto_increment:boolean Set the column as auto increment.


List of column indexes. It's array name-meta pair where name is the index name and meta is list of index meta data and field list. This property accept properties:

  1. type::string The index type, accepted value are UNIQUE, FULLTEXT, SPATIAL, BTREE, and HASH. If not set, BTREE will be used.
  2. fields::array List of array to use as index columns in format column-options pair. Where column is the column name, and options are list of additional option for the index column. For example, column with type text may have options length for index length.


List of data to insert to table on migration if the data is not there yet based on table column. This property is an array column->datalist pair where column is the column name, and datalist is list of row with search-value->row pair where the search-value is the value that will be used on search query to define if the value should be inserted to table or not, while row is column-value pair of new data to insert.

Please note that there's no such update and remove on migration.

Creating Migrator

This part explain how to create new migration handler for some database type.

Create new class that implements interface Iqomp\Migrate\MigratorInterface. The class should has below methods:

public __construct(\Hyperf\Command\Command $cli, array $config)

Construct he class, this method accept arguments command cli database connection config.

public createDb(): bool

Create new database based on provided config on __construct.

public dbExists(): bool

Check if database exists based on provided connection.

public lastError(): ?string

Return last error accured.

public syncTable(string $model, string $table, array $config): void

Sync migration config to database table.

public syncTableTo(string $model, string $table, array $config): void

Sync migration config to database and create print out script/sql for the migration instead of executing it to the database. This action means to be executed manually by developer.

public testTable(string $model, string $table, array $config): void

Compare migration config to database table, and print the comparation result without executing the migration.

Please check iqomp/migrate-mysql for migration example.

After creating the migrator class, register the handler by creating class ConfigProvider on your module to return data as below on class invoke method:

// ...
    public function __invoke()
        return [
            'model' => [
                'migrators' => [
                    '/db-type/' => 'ClassHandler',
                    'mysql' => 'Vendor\\Module\\Migrator'
// ...

Then update your composer.json file to include content as below:

    "extra": {
        "hyperf": {
            "config": "Vendor\\Module\\ConfigProvider"


Database migration that sync migrate config to database table







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