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BUG: When including duplicate taxon in constraint tree, misleading/incorrect error thrown #102

corneliusroemer opened this issue Sep 3, 2022 · 4 comments


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corneliusroemer commented Sep 3, 2022

I figured out what the root cause was. The issue is with the error message not with the rest of the software - but I'm leaving the issue as is. See the first command for an explanation of what I found

I use constraint trees to make the Nextclade reference trees, see e.g.

Without constraint trees, the large amount of homoplasy causes the tree to be wrong. This is an ideal use case for constraint trees.

Things have been working well - until today.

When I increased the size of the constraint tree to now 83 sequences, suddenly I get errors that are wrong - in the sense that they claim something that is not true.

:ERROR: Alignment sequence BA.2.38.2 does not appear in the tree
ERROR: Tree taxa and alignment sequence do not match (see above)

This is the command I run with data attached:
iqtree- -s masked_masked-delim.fasta.txt -m GTR -g constraint-2.nwk.txt -czb -redo


When I run iqtree2 without constraint tree, all works well:
iqtree- -s masked_masked-delim.fasta.txt -m GTR -czb -redo

When I use my previous constraint tree - all works well:
iqtree- -s masked_masked-delim.fasta -m GTR -g constraint-old.nwk -czb -redo

So something is really wrong with the software here - it appears that something fails during the parsimony tree by addition stage. No clue why.

The bug is kind of critical for the ability to produce decent trees for Nextclade so I would very much appreciate if you could have a look at addressing this. Or am I doing something wrong? I hope you can reproduce with the above commands.

I'm running this on an M1 Mac - but this shouldn't really matter?

@thomaskf @bqminh

To convince yourself that the error message is nonsense, have a look at the log, the sequence that's purportedly missing has actually passed QC:

Unfold for logs
IQ-TREE multicore version COVID-edition for Mac OS X 64-bit built Aug 31 2022
Developed by Bui Quang Minh, James Barbetti, Nguyen Lam Tung,
Olga Chernomor, Heiko Schmidt, Dominik Schrempf, Michael Woodhams, Ly Trong Nhan.

Host: (SSE4.2, 32 GB RAM)
Command: iqtree- -s masked_masked-delim.fasta -m GTR -g constraint-2.nwk -czb -redo
Seed:    765928 (Using SPRNG - Scalable Parallel Random Number Generator)
Time:    Sat Sep  3 20:00:36 2022
Kernel:  SSE2 - 1 threads (10 CPU cores detected)

HINT: Use -nt option to specify number of threads because your CPU has 10 cores!
HINT: -nt AUTO will automatically determine the best number of threads to use.

Reading alignment file masked_masked-delim.fasta ... Fasta format detected
Reading fasta file: done in 0.337708 secs using 97.93% CPU
Alignment most likely contains DNA/RNA sequences
Constructing alignment: done in 0.050678 secs using 89.05% CPU
WARNING: 203 sites contain only gaps or ambiguous characters.
Alignment has 255 sequences with 29903 columns, 553 distinct patterns
143 parsimony-informative, 449 singleton sites, 29311 constant sites
           Gap/Ambiguity  Composition  p-value
Analyzing sequences: done in 0.000226974 secs using 92.96% CPU
   1  BA.2.1       0.86%    passed    100.00%
   2  BA.2         0.68%    passed     99.89%
   3  BA.2.10.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
   4  BA.2.10      0.86%    passed    100.00%
   5  BA.2.10.2    0.86%    passed    100.00%
   6  BA.2.10.3    0.86%    passed     99.99%
   7  BA.2.10.4    0.92%    passed     99.91%
   8  BA.2.11      0.85%    passed    100.00%
   9  BA.2.12      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  10  BA.2.12.2    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  11  BA.2.12.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  12  BA.2.13.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  13  BA.2.14      0.77%    passed     99.99%
  14  BA.2.13      0.84%    passed    100.00%
  15  BA.2.15      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  16  BA.2.16      0.88%    passed    100.00%
  17  BA.2.18      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  18  BA.2.19      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  19  BA.2.17      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  20  BA.2.2       0.86%    passed    100.00%
  21  BA.2.2.1     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  22  BA.2.20      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  23  BA.2.21      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  24  BA.2.24      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  25  BA.2.23.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  26  BA.2.22      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  27  BA.2.23      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  28  BA.2.25.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  29  BA.2.25      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  30  BA.2.26      0.85%    passed    100.00%
  31  BA.2.27      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  32  BA.2.29      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  33  BA.2.3       0.86%    passed    100.00%
  34  BA.2.28      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  35  BA.2.3.10    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  36  BA.2.3.11    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  37  BA.2.3.1     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  38  BA.2.3.12    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  39  BA.2.3.13    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  40  BA.2.3.14    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  41  BA.2.3.16    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  42  BA.2.3.15    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  43  BA.2.3.19    0.83%    passed    100.00%
  44  BA.2.3.18    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  45  BA.2.3.17    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  46  BA.2.3.2     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  47  BA.2.3.4     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  48  BA.2.3.20    0.86%    passed     99.94%
  49  BA.2.3.5     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  50  BA.2.3.7     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  51  BA.2.3.8     0.86%    passed     99.99%
  52  BA.2.3.6     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  53  BA.2.3.9     0.86%    passed    100.00%
  54  BA.2.30      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  55  BA.2.31      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  56  BA.2.32      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  57  BA.2.33      0.77%    passed     99.98%
  58  BA.2.34      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  59  BA.2.35      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  60  BA.2.36      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  61  BA.2.37      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  62  BA.2.38      0.85%    passed    100.00%
  63  BA.2.38.1    0.85%    passed     99.99%
  64  BA.2.38.2    0.85%    passed    100.00%
  65  BA.2.38.3    0.87%    passed     99.99%
  66  BA.2.4       0.86%    passed    100.00%
  67  BA.2.39      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  68  BA.2.40      0.77%    passed     99.98%
  69  BA.2.40.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  70  BA.2.41      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  71  BA.2.42      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  72  BA.2.43      0.81%    passed    100.00%
  73  BA.2.44      0.77%    passed     99.97%
  74  BA.2.46      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  75  BA.2.45      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  76  BA.2.47      0.77%    passed     99.99%
  77  BA.2.48      0.85%    passed    100.00%
  78  BA.2.5       0.86%    passed    100.00%
  79  BA.2.49      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  80  BA.2.50      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  81  BA.2.51      0.77%    passed     99.98%
  82  BA.2.53      0.77%    passed     99.99%
  83  BA.2.52      0.77%    passed     99.97%
  84  BA.2.54      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  85  BA.2.55      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  86  BA.2.56      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  87  BA.2.56.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
  88  BA.2.57      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  89  BA.2.6       0.82%    passed    100.00%
  90  BA.2.59      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  91  BA.2.58      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  92  BA.2.60      0.86%    passed     99.99%
  93  BA.2.63      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  94  BA.2.61      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  95  BA.2.64      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  96  BA.2.65      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  97  BA.2.66      0.77%    passed     99.99%
  98  BA.2.62      0.86%    passed    100.00%
  99  BA.2.67      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 100  BA.2.68      0.77%    passed     99.99%
 101  BA.2.69      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 102  BA.2.7       0.86%    passed    100.00%
 103  BA.2.70      0.77%    passed     99.99%
 104  BA.2.73      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 105  BA.2.71      0.77%    passed     99.97%
 106  BA.2.72      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 107  BA.2.75      0.77%    passed     99.99%
 108  BA.2.74      0.77%    passed     99.99%
 109  BA.2.75.2    0.77%    passed    100.00%
 110  BA.2.75.1    0.86%    passed    100.00%
 111  BA.2.75.3    0.86%    passed    100.00%
 112  BA.2.75.4    0.77%    passed     99.99%
 113  BA.2.75.5    0.77%    passed     99.99%
 114  BA.2.75.6    0.77%    passed     99.99%
 115  BA.2.75.7    0.86%    passed    100.00%
 116  BA.2.76.1    0.86%    passed     99.99%
 117  BA.2.76      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 118  BA.2.77      0.79%    passed     99.99%
 119  BA.2.76.2    0.86%    passed     99.99%
 120  BA.2.78      0.85%    passed    100.00%
 121  BA.2.8       0.86%    passed    100.00%
 122  BA.2.79.1    0.86%    passed     99.99%
 123  BA.2.80      0.77%    passed     99.98%
 124  BA.2.79      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 125  BA.2.81      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 126  BA.2.9       0.77%    passed     99.98%
 127  BA.2.9.2     0.86%    passed    100.00%
 128  BA.2.9.3     0.86%    passed    100.00%
 129  BA.2.82      0.86%    passed    100.00%
 130  BA.2.9.4     0.86%    passed     99.99%
 131  BA.2.9.5     0.86%    passed    100.00%
 132  BA.2.9.1     0.86%    passed    100.00%
 133  BA.3         0.86%    passed     99.87%
 134  BA.4         0.99%    passed    100.00%
 135  BA.4.1       0.91%    passed    100.00%
 136  BA.2.9.6     0.77%    passed     99.99%
 137  BA.4.1.1     0.91%    passed    100.00%
 138  BA.4.1.2     0.82%    passed     99.98%
 139  BA.4.1.4     0.91%    passed    100.00%
 140  BA.4.1.5     0.91%    passed    100.00%
 141  BA.4.1.6     0.91%    passed    100.00%
 142  BA.4.1.3     0.91%    passed    100.00%
 143  BA.4.1.8     0.93%    passed     99.99%
 144  BA.4.1.9     0.91%    passed     99.99%
 145  BA.4.2       0.91%    passed    100.00%
 146  BA.4.3       0.91%    passed    100.00%
 147  BA.4.4       0.91%    passed    100.00%
 148  BA.4.1.7     0.91%    passed    100.00%
 149  BA.4.5       0.91%    passed    100.00%
 150  BA.4.7       0.91%    passed     99.99%
 151  BA.4.8       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 152  BA.5         0.96%    passed    100.00%
 153  BA.5.1       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 154  BA.5.1.1     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 155  BA.5.1.10    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 156  BA.4.6       0.91%    passed    100.00%
 157  BA.5.1.11    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 158  BA.5.1.12    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 159  BA.5.1.13    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 160  BA.5.1.15    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 161  BA.5.1.16    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 162  BA.5.1.17    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 163  BA.5.1.14    0.88%    passed    100.00%
 164  BA.5.1.18    0.88%    passed     99.99%
 165  BA.5.1.2     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 166  BA.5.1.3     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 167  BA.5.1.4     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 168  BA.5.1.6     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 169  BA.5.1.5     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 170  BA.5.1.7     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 171  BA.5.1.8     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 172  BA.5.1.9     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 173  BA.5.10      0.88%    passed    100.00%
 174  BA.5.2       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 175  BA.5.2.1     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 176  BA.5.2.10    0.88%    passed     99.99%
 177  BA.5.2.11    0.88%    passed     99.97%
 178  BA.5.2.3     0.88%    passed     99.98%
 179  BA.5.2.12    0.88%    passed     99.99%
 180  BA.5.2.2     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 181  BA.5.2.4     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 182  BA.5.2.5     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 183  BA.5.2.6     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 184  BA.5.2.8     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 185  BA.5.2.7     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 186  BA.5.2.9     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 187  BA.5.3.1     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 188  BA.5.3.3     1.09%    passed     99.83%
 189  BA.5.3       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 190  BA.5.3.2     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 191  BA.5.5       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 192  BA.5.3.4     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 193  BA.5.5.2     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 194  BA.5.5.1     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 195  BA.5.5.3     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 196  BA.5.6       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 197  BA.5.6.1     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 198  BA.5.6.2     0.88%    passed    100.00%
 199  BA.5.7       0.88%    passed     99.99%
 200  BA.5.8       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 201  BA.5.9       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 202  BE.1         0.88%    passed     99.99%
 203  BE.1.2       0.88%    passed     99.99%
 204  BE.1.1.1     0.88%    passed     99.99%
 205  BE.1.1       0.88%    passed     99.99%
 206  BE.1.3       0.91%    passed     99.98%
 207  BE.3         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 208  BE.2         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 209  BF.1         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 210  BF.1.1       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 211  BF.11        0.88%    passed    100.00%
 212  BF.10        0.88%    passed    100.00%
 213  BF.12        0.88%    passed    100.00%
 214  BF.13        0.88%    passed     99.99%
 215  BF.14        0.79%    passed     99.94%
 216  BF.16        0.88%    passed     99.99%
 217  BF.15        0.88%    passed    100.00%
 218  BF.18        0.88%    passed    100.00%
 219  BF.2         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 220  BF.17        0.88%    passed    100.00%
 221  BF.19        0.88%    passed     99.99%
 222  BF.21        0.88%    passed     99.99%
 223  BF.20        0.88%    passed     99.99%
 224  BF.3         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 225  BF.22        0.88%    passed     99.99%
 226  BF.4         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 227  BF.3.1       0.88%    passed    100.00%
 228  BF.5         0.88%    passed     99.99%
 229  BF.6         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 230  BF.7         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 231  BF.8         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 232  BF.9         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 233  BG.1         0.86%    passed    100.00%
 234  BG.2         0.86%    passed     99.96%
 235  BG.3         0.86%    passed    100.00%
 236  BG.4         0.86%    passed     99.99%
 237  BG.5         0.86%    passed    100.00%
 238  BG.6         0.86%    passed    100.00%
 239  BH.1         0.89%    passed    100.00%
 240  BJ.1         0.87%    passed     99.91%
 241  BK.1         0.88%    passed    100.00%
 242  BL.2         0.86%    passed     99.99%
 243  BL.3         0.86%    passed     99.99%
 244  BL.1         0.86%    passed    100.00%
 245  BL.4         0.86%    passed     99.98%
 246  BM.1         0.86%    passed    100.00%
 247  BM.1.1       0.86%    passed    100.00%
 248  BM.2         0.86%    passed     99.99%
 249  BN.1         0.77%    passed     99.99%
 250  BM.3         0.86%    passed     99.99%
 251  BQ.1         0.88%    passed     99.99%
 252  BP.1         0.88%    passed     99.96%
 253  BN.2         0.77%    passed     99.98%
 254  BN.2.1       0.86%    passed    100.00%
 255  BR.1         0.86%    passed     99.99%
****  TOTAL        0.86%  0 sequences failed composition chi2 test (p-value<5%; df=3)
Reading constraint tree constraint-2.nwk...
NOTE: BA.4.1.1 is identical to BA.4.1 but kept for subsequent analysis
Checking for duplicate sequences: done in 0.000617981 secs using 83.98% CPU
Creating fast initial parsimony tree by random order stepwise addition...
ERROR: Alignment sequence BF.5 does not appear in the tree
ERROR: Tree taxa and alignment sequence do not match (see above)

Same bug happens with version 2.1.4 - so this seems to be a long standing issue.

The "missing" sequence differs every time:

It also doesn't work in 1.6.12 - but I'm not sure whether this is expected or not:

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Ok, I've figured it out 🎉

The root cause is me - but the error message is misleading/false.

I included one sample twice in the constraint tree: BA.2.3

When removing the duplicate element from the constraint tree, it all works.

So what needs to be changed is that when parsing the constraint tree you throw an error: duplicate taxa detected in constraint tree, named BA.2.3

@corneliusroemer corneliusroemer changed the title BUG: When increasing constraint tree, iqtree 2 fails - despite correct input data BUG: When including duplicate taxon in constraint tree, misleading/incorrect error thrown Sep 3, 2022
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Notably, the error is thrown not even naming which sequence is duplicate - misleading the user.

I just ran into this again - as I'm hand-writing a pretty large .nwk so these issues are bound to happen. Would be great if there was a good constraint tree nwk validator.

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bqminh commented May 20, 2024

I'll look into this, thanks for your patience. Btw IQ-TREE back then didn't support Mac ARM (it does now with v2.3.X). So how could you run IQ-TREE back then?

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Thanks for your work on IQtree, my many issue reports should be seen as testament to the importance of IQtree!

Btw IQ-TREE back then didn't support Mac ARM (it does now with v2.3.X). So how could you run IQ-TREE back then?
Rosetta 2 emulation allows running x86 binaries on arm - it's just about 2x slower.

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