Releases: iris-edu/irisFetch-matlab
Releases · iris-edu/irisFetch-matlab
An incremental change to version 2.0.10
- Fixed an issue related to an error being generated when retrieving SACPZ metadata for channels with an open-ended epoch.
- Fixed an issue where federated requests were failing due to unexpected header results in irisws-fedcatalog service.
An incremental change to version 2.0.9
Fixed an issue in the TRACES method that incorrectly returned no data if a request for channels with no instrument response data was used while invoking the 'includePZ' flag.
Fixed an issue in the WRITESAC method that created memory issues where a file was not properly closed after opening.
- Allow explicit setting of web services for dataselect and station calls used by the Trace method.
For example:
>> irisFetch.Traces(...,'DATASELECTURL:http://localserver/fdsnws/dataselect/1/')
>> irisFetch.Traces(...,'STATIONURL:http://localserver/fdsnws/station/1/')
- Fix for Traces method when specifying alternate data centers
The irisFetch.m 2.0.7 release
- Added new methods to read and write SAC data
- Added method to enable Federated data access between FDSN datacenters.
For full details see the official announcement: