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This repository contains command line utilities to verify miniSEED 3 files

  • miniSEED 3 Validator
    • Validates a single or collection of miniSEED 3 files
  • mseed3-text
    • Prints the contents of a selected miniSEED 3 file in text format to the terminal
  • mseed3-json
    • Prints the contents of a selected miniSEED 3 file in JSON format to the terminal


  1. cmake >= 2.8.0
  2. libmseed >= 3.0
  3. WJElement > 1.3

NOTE: libmseed and WJElement are automatically installed locally via make

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows

Clone - Configure - Build - Install

Clone & Configure Project

  • git clone
  • cd mseed3-utils
  • mkdir build/
  • cd build/
  • Run cmake ..
    • To specify install prefix use: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH={user specified path} ..


  • Linux/MacOS

    • Run make --NOTE: Internet connection required to pull and build supporting libraries (see Dependencies)
    • (optional) Run make install to install in system or location specified by -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH
  • Windows

    • Run MSBuild mseed3-utils.sln

miniSEED 3 Validator

Checks miniSEED 3 file for:

  1. Valid fixed header
  2. Valid payload
  3. Valid extra header via user provided JSON schema (optional)

All information on the miniSEED file is printed to the terminal


Usage: ./mseed3-validator [options] infile(s)

         ## Options ##
	 -h help    Display usage information
	 -j json    Json schema
	 -v verbose Verbosity level
	 -d data    Print data payload
	 -W         Option flag  *e.g* -W error,skip-payload
         -V version Print program version


Prints the contents of a selected miniSEED file in text format to the terminal


Program to print an miniSEED file in human readable format:

Usage: ./mseed3-text [options] infile(s)

     ## Options ##
     -h help    Display usage information
     -v verbose Verbosity level
     -d data    Print data payload
     -V version Print program version


Prints the contents of a selected miniSEED file in JSON format to the terminal


Program to print an miniSEED file in JSON format:

Usage: ./mseed3-json [options] infile(s)

     ## Options ##
     -h help    Display usage information
     -v verbose Verbosity level
     -d data    Print data payload
     -V version Print program version