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This bundle provides a service and a twig extension for easily injecting data into a webpage as a javascript object.

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1: Installation

Install with composer.

composer require irishdan/js-settings-bundle

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new IrishDan\JsSettingsBundle\JsSettingsBundle(),
        // ...
    // ...

Import the service definition in your config.yml file imports:

    - { resource: "@JsSettingsBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }

3: Configuration

No configuration is needed. Some is available.

In config.yml you can add:

    object_name: 'JsData'
        local: "%locale%"
            site: ''

object_name: By default the Javascript object it Called 'Symfony'. You can change the use 'JsData', by using the configuration above.

defaults: Default values are added to the javascript object by default and are always available.

4: Usage

The bundle provides a single service 'js_settings.settings' to add data and remove data from the javascript object.

To add variables simple pass in a key value pair like so:

// The key can be a string...
$this->get('js_settings.settings')->addData('key', $values);

// The key can be an array...
$this->get('js_settings.settings')->addData(['first_key', 'second_key'], $values);

// The key can be index notation
$this->get('js_settings.settings')->addData('[first_key][second_key]', $values);

Or, use pushData to push the data into an array.

$this->get('js_settings.settings')->pushData('[first_key][second_key]', $values);

To inject the javascript object into the page, simply add the following twig function to your twig template

{{ get_js_settings() }}