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Test for Trac 56970

UPDATE 2023-01-26

This plugin is obsolete since the merge of WordPress/wordpress-develop#3712. See Trac 57502. Please disable and uninstall it.

Invalidates the global stylesheet transient, and resolves an inline CSS issue related to Gallery blocks when upgrading to WordPress 6.1.1. Tested with starting version of 5.9.5 and 6.0.3.

See Trac 56970 for additional details.

This is an alternate approach to that proposed in

Why a Testing Plugin?

Because the issue occurs after upgrade from WordPress 5.9/6.0 to 6.1.1 specifically, and is hard to reproduce. Making a plugin available to the community allows for easier and broader testing to validate whether this approach is works, especially when external caching is at play. If this plugin is found to address the reported issue, then the implementation may be adapted in an upcoming minor release.

Manual Installation

Copy wp-test-56970.php to your wp-content/plugins/ folder, and activate it on the Plugins > Installed Plugins screen.


Testing requires starting with a standard WordPress install of version 5.9 through 6.0.3. Steps adapted from Trac 56970#comment:42.

  1. Create a new site using WordPress 5.9 through 6.0.3.
  2. Ensure that WP_DEBUG is not enabled. Debug mode causes caches to be skipped, so won’t replicate the issue.
  3. Navigate to Appearance > Themes and activate Twenty Twenty-One.
  4. Navigate to Posts > Add New. Insert a Gallery block and add three images.
  5. Save the post and view it on the frontend. Confirm that the images are displayed in three columns.
  6. Install and activate the test plugin, if you have not already done so.
  7. Upgrade the site to WordPress 6.1.1.
  8. View the same post from Step 5, and confirm that it displays the images in three columns on the frontend.

Reporting Issues

Please open an issue in this test plugin repository.