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Rhode Island Lobbying Registration Diary

Yanqi Xu 2020-04-21 23:12:55


The Accountability Project is an effort to cut across data silos and give journalists, policy professionals, activists, and the public at large a simple way to search across huge volumes of public data about people and organizations.

Our goal is to standardizing public data on a few key fields by thinking of each dataset row as a transaction. For each transaction there should be (at least) 3 variables:

  1. All parties to a transaction.
  2. The date of the transaction.
  3. The amount of money involved.


This document describes the process used to complete the following objectives:

  1. How many records are in the database?
  2. Check for entirely duplicated records.
  3. Check ranges of continuous variables.
  4. Is there anything blank or missing?
  5. Check for consistency issues.
  6. Create a five-digit zip Code called zip.
  7. Create a year field from the transaction date.
  8. Make sure there is data on both parties to a transaction.


The following packages are needed to collect, manipulate, visualize, analyze, and communicate these results. The pacman package will facilitate their installation and attachment.

The IRW’s campfin package will also have to be installed from GitHub. This package contains functions custom made to help facilitate the processing of campaign finance data.

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
  readxl, # read excel files
  tidyverse, # data manipulation
  stringdist, # calculate distances between strings
  lubridate, # datetime strings
  magrittr, # pipe opperators
  janitor, # dataframe clean
  refinr, # cluster and merge
  scales, # format strings
  knitr, # knit documents
  vroom, # read files fast
  httr, # http queries
  glue, # combine strings
  here, # relative storage
  fs # search storage 

This document should be run as part of the R_campfin project, which lives as a sub-directory of the more general, language-agnostic irworkshop/accountability_datacleaning GitHub repository.

The R_campfin project uses the Rstudio projects feature and should be run as such. The project also uses the dynamic here::here() tool for file paths relative to your machine.

# where does this document knit?
#> [1] "/Users/yanqixu/code/accountability_datacleaning/R_campfin"


The Rhode Island Secretary of State’s office makes the data available in web pages, but does not provide bulk download options. The workshop filed a open records request and obtained lobbying registration and expenditure data. The record layouts for both datasets are slightly different. The request was filled on Feb. 27, 2020.


Setting up Raw Data Directory

raw_dir <- dir_create(here("ri", "lobby", "data", "raw", "reg"))


We can see that the date is formatted in Excel and we need to use excel_numeric_to_date

rilr_new <- read_xlsx(
  path = dir_ls(raw_dir) %>% str_subset("19")
) %>% clean_names()

rilr_old <- read_xlsx(
  path = dir_ls(raw_dir) %>% str_subset("16")
) %>% clean_names()


#> # A tibble: 6 x 19
#>    year lobbyistid lobbyist_name last_name first_name middle_name primary_email primary_phone
#>   <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      <chr>       <chr>         <chr>        
#> 1  2019          2 ELIZABETH SU… SUEVER    ELIZABETH  <NA>        esuever@rcfp… 4015217000   
#> 2  2019          2 ELIZABETH SU… SUEVER    ELIZABETH  <NA>        esuever@rcfp… 4015217000   
#> 3  2019          2 ELIZABETH SU… SUEVER    ELIZABETH  <NA>        esuever@rcfp… 4015217000   
#> 4  2019          2 ELIZABETH SU… SUEVER    ELIZABETH  <NA>        esuever@rcfp… 4015217000   
#> 5  2019          2 ELIZABETH SU… SUEVER    ELIZABETH  <NA>        esuever@rcfp… 4015217000   
#> 6  2019          2 ELIZABETH SU… SUEVER    ELIZABETH  <NA>        esuever@rcfp… 4015217000   
#> # … with 11 more variables: address_line_1 <chr>, address_line_2 <chr>, city <chr>, state <chr>,
#> #   zip <chr>, country <chr>, entities <chr>, entity_id <dbl>, entity_type <chr>, firms <chr>,
#> #   firmid <dbl>
#> # A tibble: 6 x 19
#>    year lobbyistid lobbyist_name last_name first_name middle_name primary_email primary_phone
#>   <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      <chr>       <chr>         <chr>        
#> 1  2019       2115 CHRISTOPHER … REED      CHRISTOPH… <NA>        christopher.… 2026617639   
#> 2  2019       1642 ERICH HASLEH… HASLEHUR… ERICH      <NA>        erich.hasleh… 4014511935   
#> 3  2019        426 WILLIAM A FA… FARRELL   WILLIAM    A           wfarrell@waf… 4012762615   
#> 4  2019        355 PATRICIA A. … OCTEAU    PATRICIA   A.          pocteau@wafa… 4014472497   
#> 5  2019        427 WILL FARRELL  FARRELL   WILL       <NA>        willfarrell@… 4019542148   
#> 6  2019       1721 MATTHEW T. J… JERZYK    MATTHEW    T.          mjerzyk@wafa… 4015567412   
#> # … with 11 more variables: address_line_1 <chr>, address_line_2 <chr>, city <chr>, state <chr>,
#> #   zip <chr>, country <chr>, entities <chr>, entity_id <dbl>, entity_type <chr>, firms <chr>,
#> #   firmid <dbl>
glimpse(sample_n(rilr_new, 20))
#> Rows: 20
#> Columns: 19
#> $ year           <dbl> 2018, 2018, 2017, 2018, 2017, 2017, 2018, 2018, 2017, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2…
#> $ lobbyistid     <dbl> 329, 1162, 810, 1182, 352, 596, 427, 1598, 511, 2065, 203, 324, 353, 319,…
#> $ last_name      <chr> "BERETTA", "FERRUCCIO", "SINAPI", "GRIMM", "CHERRY", "WALSH", "FARRELL", …
#> $ first_name     <chr> "RICHARD", "RICHARD", "RICHARD", "CHRISTOPHER", "ANTHONY", "WILLIAM", "WI…
#> $ middle_name    <chr> NA, "J.", "A.", NA, "J", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "S.", NA, "M", NA, NA, "J.",…
#> $ primary_email  <chr> "", "", "", "complianc…
#> $ primary_phone  <chr> "4012747200", "4014621399", "4017399690", "2023398400", "4013311300", "40…
#> $ address_line_1 <chr> "1 Citizens Plz", "PO Box 8273", "2374 Post Rd Ste 201", "1152 15th St NW…
#> $ address_line_2 <chr> NA, NA, "Ste 201", NA, NA, "Bldg 4", NA, "Suite 510", "Ste 302", NA, NA, …
#> $ city           <chr> "Providence", "Cranston", "Warwick", "Washington", "Providence", "Warwick…
#> $ state          <chr> "RI", "RI", "RI", "DC", "RI", "RI", "RI", "MA", "RI", "MA", "RI", "RI", "…
#> $ zip            <chr> "02903", "02920", "02886", "20005", "02906", "02886", "02905", "02110", "…
#> $ country        <chr> "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "…
#> $ entity_id      <dbl> 1228, 588, 1233, 1497, 463, 606, 1557, 1251, 624, 1596, 248, 325, 999, 10…
#> $ entity_type    <chr> "For-Profit", "Non-Profit", "For-Profit", "For-Profit", "Non-Profit", "No…
#> $ firmid         <dbl> 326, NA, 809, 1183, 348, 593, 354, NA, 510, 1412, 222, NA, 348, 322, 326,…

#> # A tibble: 6 x 14
#>   relationship_id entity_name lobbyist_name lobby_firm_name status_code status business_type
#>             <dbl> <chr>       <chr>         <chr>           <chr>       <chr>  <chr>        
#> 1             200 Department… Meuse, Daniel <NA>            TR          Termi… Governmental 
#> 2             202 American C… Corrente, Ar… <NA>            TR          Termi… Legislative  
#> 3             203 RI Council… Earls, Eliza… <NA>            TR          Termi… Legislative  
#> 4             204 RI Council… Earls, Eliza… <NA>            TR          Termi… Executive    
#> 5             208 Entergy Co… Theobalds, K… <NA>            TR          Termi… Legislative  
#> 6             211 Miller Bre… Rosati, Rick… Rosati & Assoc… TR          Termi… Legislative  
#> # … with 7 more variables: relationship <chr>, compensation <chr>, start_date <dttm>,
#> #   end_date <dttm>, relationship_date <dttm>, session_id <dbl>, session_name <chr>
#> # A tibble: 6 x 14
#>   relationship_id entity_name lobbyist_name lobby_firm_name status_code status business_type
#>             <dbl> <chr>       <chr>         <chr>           <chr>       <chr>  <chr>        
#> 1           20606 RAI Servic… Rutte, Martin <NA>            AC          Active Executive    
#> 2           20607 RI Associa… Mollis, Ralph <NA>            AC          Active Legislative  
#> 3           20608 RI Associa… Feibelman, M… <NA>            AC          Active Legislative  
#> 4           20610 Securus Te… Hunter, Chri… Advocacy Solut… AC          Active Executive    
#> 5           20611 Securus Te… McMahon, Fra… Advocacy Solut… AC          Active Executive    
#> 6           20612 Securus Te… Connors, Dan… Advocacy Solut… AC          Active Executive    
#> # … with 7 more variables: relationship <chr>, compensation <chr>, start_date <dttm>,
#> #   end_date <dttm>, relationship_date <dttm>, session_id <dbl>, session_name <chr>
glimpse(sample_n(rilr_old, 20))
#> Rows: 20
#> Columns: 14
#> $ relationship_id   <dbl> 11917, 17481, 19890, 12074, 18953, 18081, 5535, 2518, 3101, 1607, 8481…
#> $ entity_name       <chr> "Verizon", "Rhode Island Automobile Insurers Coalition", "Rhode Island…
#> $ lobbyist_name     <chr> "Ryan, Mike", "Goldberg, Robert D.", "Staaf, Monica", "Allegretti, Dan…
#> $ lobby_firm_name   <chr> "Advocacy Solutions", NA, NA, NA, "Capitol City Group, Ltd.", NA, "Law…
#> $ status_code       <chr> "TR", "AC", "AC", "TR", "AC", "AC", "TR", "TR", "TR", "TR", "TR", "TR"…
#> $ status            <chr> "Terminated", "Active", "Active", "Terminated", "Active", "Active", "T…
#> $ business_type     <chr> "Legislative", "Legislative", "Executive", "Executive", "Legislative",…
#> $ relationship      <chr> "Mike Ryan (Legislative) Of Advocacy Solutions For Verizon", "Robert D…
#> $ compensation      <chr> "5000.00 Paid to lobby firm to firm", "$42,000.00 Retainer", "$500.00 …
#> $ start_date        <dttm> 2013-01-01, 2015-01-01, 2016-01-05, 2013-01-08, 2016-01-01, 2015-01-0…
#> $ end_date          <dttm> 2013-12-31, 2015-12-31, 2016-12-31, 2013-12-31, 2016-12-31, 2015-12-3…
#> $ relationship_date <dttm> 2013-01-07, 2015-02-12, 2016-02-03, 2013-01-08, 2016-01-21, 2015-03-2…
#> $ session_id        <dbl> 10, 12, 13, 10, 13, 12, 5, 3, 3, 2, 7, 8, 10, 10, 5, 6, 3, 12, 4, 2
#> $ session_name      <chr> "Legislative Session 2013", "Legislative Session 2015", "Legislative S…


The important fields are almost complete.

col_stats(rilr_new, count_na)
#> # A tibble: 19 x 4
#>    col            class     n       p
#>    <chr>          <chr> <int>   <dbl>
#>  1 year           <dbl>     0 0      
#>  2 lobbyistid     <dbl>     0 0      
#>  3 lobbyist_name  <chr>     0 0      
#>  4 last_name      <chr>     0 0      
#>  5 first_name     <chr>     0 0      
#>  6 middle_name    <chr>  2301 0.652  
#>  7 primary_email  <chr>     0 0      
#>  8 primary_phone  <chr>     0 0      
#>  9 address_line_1 <chr>     0 0      
#> 10 address_line_2 <chr>  1934 0.548  
#> 11 city           <chr>     0 0      
#> 12 state          <chr>     0 0      
#> 13 zip            <chr>     0 0      
#> 14 country        <chr>     4 0.00113
#> 15 entities       <chr>     0 0      
#> 16 entity_id      <dbl>     0 0      
#> 17 entity_type    <chr>     0 0      
#> 18 firms          <chr>  1874 0.531  
#> 19 firmid         <dbl>  1874 0.531
col_stats(rilr_old, count_na)
#> # A tibble: 14 x 4
#>    col               class      n       p
#>    <chr>             <chr>  <int>   <dbl>
#>  1 relationship_id   <dbl>      0 0      
#>  2 entity_name       <chr>      0 0      
#>  3 lobbyist_name     <chr>      0 0      
#>  4 lobby_firm_name   <chr>   8053 0.548  
#>  5 status_code       <chr>      0 0      
#>  6 status            <chr>      0 0      
#>  7 business_type     <chr>     17 0.00116
#>  8 relationship      <chr>     17 0.00116
#>  9 compensation      <chr>    377 0.0256 
#> 10 start_date        <dttm>     0 0      
#> 11 end_date          <dttm>     0 0      
#> 12 relationship_date <dttm>     0 0      
#> 13 session_id        <dbl>      0 0      
#> 14 session_name      <chr>      0 0

In the old data, there’re some records missing fields relationship and business type, which we will flag with campfin::flag_dupe()

rilr_old <- rilr_old %>% flag_na(business_type, relationship)


There’re some duplicate records in the new dataset, and we will flag them with dupe_fla. Note that if two entries are identical, both entries are flagged. The old registration data doesn’t have any duplicate rows.

rilr_new <- flag_dupes(rilr_new, dplyr::everything())
#> [1] 8

rilr_old <- flag_dupes(rilr_old, dplyr::everything())


col_stats(rilr_new, n_distinct)
#> # A tibble: 20 x 4
#>    col            class     n        p
#>    <chr>          <chr> <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 year           <dbl>     3 0.000850
#>  2 lobbyistid     <dbl>   963 0.273   
#>  3 lobbyist_name  <chr>   957 0.271   
#>  4 last_name      <chr>   860 0.244   
#>  5 first_name     <chr>   440 0.125   
#>  6 middle_name    <chr>   100 0.0283  
#>  7 primary_email  <chr>   961 0.272   
#>  8 primary_phone  <chr>   737 0.209   
#>  9 address_line_1 <chr>   714 0.202   
#> 10 address_line_2 <chr>   205 0.0581  
#> 11 city           <chr>   175 0.0496  
#> 12 state          <chr>    34 0.00964 
#> 13 zip            <chr>   244 0.0692  
#> 14 country        <chr>     3 0.000850
#> 15 entities       <chr>   761 0.216   
#> 16 entity_id      <dbl>   763 0.216   
#> 17 entity_type    <chr>     3 0.000850
#> 18 firms          <chr>    70 0.0198  
#> 19 firmid         <dbl>    65 0.0184  
#> 20 dupe_flag      <lgl>     2 0.000567
col_stats(rilr_old, n_distinct)
#> # A tibble: 15 x 4
#>    col               class      n        p
#>    <chr>             <chr>  <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 relationship_id   <dbl>  14706 1       
#>  2 entity_name       <chr>   1323 0.0900  
#>  3 lobbyist_name     <chr>   2176 0.148   
#>  4 lobby_firm_name   <chr>    114 0.00775 
#>  5 status_code       <chr>     10 0.000680
#>  6 status            <chr>     10 0.000680
#>  7 business_type     <chr>      6 0.000408
#>  8 relationship      <chr>   6830 0.464   
#>  9 compensation      <chr>   3573 0.243   
#> 10 start_date        <dttm>  1385 0.0942  
#> 11 end_date          <dttm>   534 0.0363  
#> 12 relationship_date <dttm>  1599 0.109   
#> 13 session_id        <dbl>     12 0.000816
#> 14 session_name      <chr>     12 0.000816
#> 15 na_flag           <lgl>      2 0.000136

Visualize number of lobbyists registered each year. First, we will create a year field from the relationship date.

rilr_old <- rilr_old %>% 
  mutate(year = year(relationship_date))
rilr_old$year %>% tabyl()
#> # A tibble: 13 x 3
#>        .     n   percent
#>    <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1  2005  1228 0.0835   
#>  2  2006  1063 0.0723   
#>  3  2007  1193 0.0811   
#>  4  2008  1086 0.0738   
#>  5  2009  1032 0.0702   
#>  6  2010   904 0.0615   
#>  7  2011  1246 0.0847   
#>  8  2012  1228 0.0835   
#>  9  2013  1450 0.0986   
#> 10  2014  1054 0.0717   
#> 11  2015  1562 0.106    
#> 12  2016  1659 0.113    
#> 13  2017     1 0.0000680

rilr_new$year %>% tabyl()
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#>       .     n percent
#>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1  2017  1127   0.319
#> 2  2018  1174   0.333
#> 3  2019  1227   0.348


Data from 2016 onward doesn’t have dates.

#> [1] "2005-01-04 UTC"
#> [1] "2017-01-10 UTC"
rilr_new %>% 
  count(year) %>% 
  rbind(rilr_old %>% count(year)) %>% 
  mutate(even = is_even(year)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = n)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill = even)) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(2005, 2020, by = 2)) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    title = "Rhode Island Lobbyists by Year",
    caption = "Source: Rhode Island Secretary of State: Lobbyists",
    fill = "Election Year",
    x = "Year",
    y = "Count"


To improve the searchability of the database, we will perform some consistent, confident string normalization. For geographic variables like city names and zip codes, the corresponding campfin::normal_*() functions are taylor made to facilitate this process.

We will separate the compensation into a numeric field and a text field.


For the street addresss variable, the campfin::normal_address() function will force consistence case, remove punctuation, and abbreviation official USPS suffixes.

rilr_new <- rilr_new %>% 
  unite(starts_with("address"),col = "address_full", remove = F,na.rm = TRUE) %>% 
  # normalize combined addr
    address_norm = normal_address(
      address = address_full,
      abbs = usps_street,
      na_rep = TRUE

We can see sample records for addresses normalized before and after.

rilr_new %>% 
  select(contains("ADDR")) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 10 x 4
#>    address_full                   address_line_1        address_line_2    address_norm             
#>    <chr>                          <chr>                 <chr>             <chr>                    
#>  1 29 Crafts St_Ste 100           29 Crafts St          Ste 100           29 CRAFTS STSTE 100      
#>  2 55 South Brow Street           55 South Brow Street  <NA>              55 S BROW ST             
#>  3 11 Almy St                     11 Almy St            <NA>              11 ALMY ST               
#>  4 260 W Exchange St Ste 100_Ste… 260 W Exchange St St… Ste 100           260 W EXCHANGE ST STE 10…
#>  5 50 W State St                  50 W State St         <NA>              50 W STATE ST            
#>  6 169 Congress Avenue_169 Congr… 169 Congress Avenue   169 Congress Ave… 169 CONGRESS AVE 169 CON…
#>  7 584 Thrall Ave                 584 Thrall Ave        <NA>              584 THRALL AVE           
#>  8 741 Westminster St_Apt 204     741 Westminster St    Apt 204           741 WESTMINSTER STAPT 204
#>  9 25 W 18th St Fl 5_Fl 5         25 W 18th St Fl 5     Fl 5              25 W 18 TH ST FL 5 FL 5  
#> 10 27 Farm Street                 27 Farm Street        <NA>              27 FARM ST

The old file didn’t have any address fields.


For zip codes, the campfin::normal_zip() function will attempt to create valied five digit codes by removing the zip+4 suffix and returning leading zeroes dropped by other programs like Microsoft Excel.

rilr_new <- rilr_new %>% 
    zip5 = normal_zip(
      zip = zip,
      na_rep = TRUE
  compare = valid_zip
#> # A tibble: 2 x 6
#>   stage prop_in n_distinct prop_na n_out n_diff
#>   <chr>   <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 zip     0.995        244       0    18      9
#> 2 zip5    0.997        238       0     9      3


Valid two digit state abbreviations can be made using the campfin::normal_state() function. The state field is almost clean. So we’ll leave them as is.

prop_in(rilr_new$state, valid_state)
#> [1] 0.9988662
rilr_new <- rilr_new %>% 
  mutate(state_norm = normal_state(state,na_rep = TRUE))


Cities are the most difficult geographic variable to normalize, simply due to the wide variety of valid cities and formats.


The campfin::normal_city() function is a good rilr_newart, again converting case, removing punctuation, but expanding USPS abbreviations. We can also remove invalid_city values.

rilr_new <- rilr_new %>% 
    city_norm = normal_city(
      city = city, 
      abbs = usps_city,
      states = usps_state,
      na = invalid_city,
      na_rep = TRUE


We can further improve normalization by comparing our normalized value against the expected value for that record’s state abbreviation and zip code. If the normalized value is either an abbreviation for or very similar to the expected value, we can confidently swap those two.

rilr_new <- rilr_new %>% 
  rename(city_raw = city) %>% 
    y = zipcodes,
    by = c(
      "state" = "state",
      "zip5" = "zip"
  ) %>% 
  rename(city_match = city) %>% 
    match_abb = is_abbrev(city_norm, city_match),
    match_dist = str_dist(city_norm, city_match),
    city_swap = if_else(
      condition = ! & (match_abb | match_dist) == 1,
      true = city_match,
      false = city_norm
  ) %>% 
rilr_new <- rilr_new %>% 
    y = zipcodes,
    by = c(
      "state_norm" = "state",
      "zip5" = "zip"
  ) %>% 
  rename(city_match = city) %>% 
    match_abb = is_abbrev(city_norm, city_match),
    match_dist = str_dist(city_norm, city_match),
    city_swap = if_else(
      condition = ! & (match_abb | match_dist == 1),
      true = city_match,
      false =city_norm
  ) %>% 

After the two normalization steps, the percentage of valid cities is at 100%. #### Progress

stage prop_in n_distinct prop_na n_out n_diff
city_raw 0.003 175 0 3517 172
city_norm 0.997 168 0 10 6
city_swap 0.998 168 0 8 5

You can see how the percentage of valid values increased with each stage.


glimpse(sample_n(rilr_new, 20))
#> Rows: 20
#> Columns: 26
#> $ year           <dbl> 2018, 2018, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2019, 2017, 2019, 2019, 2017, 2…
#> $ lobbyistid     <dbl> 265, 303, 1670, 1898, 1695, 401, 340, 733, 353, 391, 651, 708, 511, 511, …
#> $ last_name      <chr> "LOPES", "MURPHY", "CRUISE", "WATSON", "LASSITER", "BEAUREGARD", "KISLAK"…
#> $ first_name     <chr> "MATTHEW", "WILLIAM", "R.", "ROBERT", "STEPHEN", "MICHAEL", "REBECCA", "S…
#> $ middle_name    <chr> "A", "J", "DAVID", NA, NA, NA, "M.", "L.", "M", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
#> $ primary_email  <chr> "", "", "", "bwats…
#> $ primary_phone  <chr> "4018245100", "4014903200", "4017146779", "4019542148", "2026640488", "40…
#> $ address_full   <chr> "Northwoods Office Park_1301 Atwood Ave., Ste. 215 N", "127 Dorrance St_F…
#> $ address_line_1 <chr> "Northwoods Office Park", "127 Dorrance St", "50 Park Row West, Suite 100…
#> $ address_line_2 <chr> "1301 Atwood Ave., Ste. 215 N", "Fl 2", NA, NA, NA, "Ste 3A", NA, "Ste 10…
#> $ city_raw       <chr> "Johnston", "Providence", "Providence", "East Rutherford", "San Francisco…
#> $ state          <chr> "RI", "RI", "RI", "NJ", "CA", "RI", "RI", "RI", "RI", "RI", "RI", "NY", "…
#> $ zip            <chr> "02919", "02903", "02903", "07073", "94105", "02907", "02940", "02903", "…
#> $ country        <chr> "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "US", "…
#> $ entity_id      <dbl> 685, 454, 199, 1897, 798, 400, 485, 1868, 489, 394, 711, 707, 1752, 1752,…
#> $ entity_type    <chr> "Non-Profit", "Non-Profit", "For-Profit", "For-Profit", "For-Profit", "No…
#> $ firmid         <dbl> 256, 306, 139, NA, NA, NA, NA, 731, 348, NA, 652, NA, 510, 510, NA, NA, N…
#> $ address_norm   <chr> "NORTHWOODS OFC PARK 1301 ATWOOD AVE STE 215 N", "127 DORRANCE STFL 2", "…
#> $ zip5           <chr> "02919", "02903", "02903", "07073", "94105", "02907", "02940", "02903", "…
#> $ state_norm     <chr> "RI", "RI", "RI", "NJ", "CA", "RI", "RI", "RI", "RI", "RI", "RI", "NY", "…
  1. There are 3528 records in the newer database and 14706 in the old one.
  2. There are 8 duplicate records in the new database and none in the old one.
  3. The range and distribution of and date seem reasonable.
  4. There are 17 records missing relationship and business type in the old data.
  5. Consistency in goegraphic data has been improved with campfin::normal_*().
  6. The 4-digit YEAR variable has been created with lubridate::year().


clean_dir <- dir_create(here("ri", "lobby", "data", "reg","clean"))

In order to map the two files on our site, we’ll manually change the headers of both datasets so that they’re standardized. We’ll prioritize headers of newer datasets.

rilr_old <- rilr_old %>% 
  rename(entities = entity_name,
        firms = lobby_firm_name) 
  x = rilr_new %>% rename(city_clean = city_swap) %>% select(-c(address_full,city_norm)),
  path = path(clean_dir, "rilr_new_clean.csv"),
  na = ""

  x = rilr_old,
  path = path(clean_dir, "rilr_old_clean.csv"),
  na = ""