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TaskRouter Event Converter

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Table of Contents

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The project


In order to run this project, you'll have to had node and npm/yarn installed in your machine. It's recommended that you run this project with a node version greater or equal to v10.

The first step is to install the project dependencies, running either one of these commands:


# OR using npm:

npm i

After the download of the dependencies ends, you'll need to configure a .env file before running up the start script. Use the .env.example as base to create this file and customize the fields with your desired data:


It's strongly recommended to provide the Teravoz's default URL to test the company events or an custom local server to receive and print the converted events. Replace the {{company_login}} below on the query string by your company name to use the Teravoz's event endpoint tester:


After that, you're ready to start the development server:

yarn dev

# OR

npm run dev

This will start an server instance in the port provided in the .env file, and the log of the server will be pretty-printed in the terminal. To see the magic happening, use a tool like ngrok to expose the local server and copy the generated link into the TaskRouter's Event Callback url on your flex workspace (see

Service Structure

The service had been built using Node (v12.13.0) and yarn as his dependency manager (v1.21.1), but it should also work fine using npm. To ensure the events structure, the service uses Typescript, where either Twilio's events and the Teravoz's events are decently typed.

The server is built up in an very simply structure using express. Most of the server configuration is done in src/index.ts. The core of the service lives in the src/events folder, where all the conversions from the Twilio's events to Teravoz events are made. The src/routes/index.ts file do the bind between the server routes to their respectives conversion handlers. The src/twilio and src/teravoz folders are most composed by typings that defines the events structures.

Last but not least, all the conversion logic and most of the code in overall have unit tests, present in the files with the suffix .test.ts. They are used not only to ensure that the conversion is being made correctly but also to serve as an addictional documentation of how these events are being manipulated.

Below, there's a simple diagram that shows the service endpoints and where the events come from:

Project diagram

File structure

├──                   # This file
├── .env.example                # Example of a environment configuration file
├── jest.config.js              # Configuration to run tests
├── package.json                # The good ol' package.json
├── src           
│   │   └── index.ts            # The service initialization lives here
│   ├── environment             # Environment related code (variables)
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── events                  # All the event conversion logic lives here
│   │   ├── converter.ts        # Abstract converter that defines all converters
│   │   ├── dialer              # Contains the code responsible from the conversion of events from dialer
│   │   ├── gather-input        # Contains the code responsible from the conversion of events from caller input
│   │   └── task-router         # Contains the code responsible from the conversion of events from Twilio's TaskRouter. 
│   ├── externals               # The code responsible from communicate to external services lives here
│   │   └── api-client.ts       # The client responsible to send the converted Teravoz's events to the webhook lives here
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── logger                  # The configuration of the service logger lives here
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── middlewares
│   │   ├── bot-filter.ts       # Middleware responsible for filtering Taskrouter's events from workers that's not a human being
│   │   └── task-filter.ts      # Middleware responsible for filtering Taskrouter's events from tasks that doesn't represent a call
│   ├── routes                  # The server routing lives here, together with the handlers that'll redirect each event to their respectives converters
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── teravoz                 # Teravoz's related typing
│   │   └── index.ts
│   └── twilio
│       ├── index.ts            # Twilio's related typing and logic
├── tsconfig.json               # Typescript configuration file
└── yarn.lock

Event conversion

In general, most of the fields that exists on Teravoz's events could be fetched from Twilio's events, but the format of the information that comes from their fields are mostly in different formats. One of the main differences are on number fields when they're related to the agent. In Twilio Flex, the agents doesn't have a real peer number, so the information present on the number field of the resulting Teravoz's event is, in fact, the contact_uri present on the Worker attributes. So, for an agent named foo that is using flex, the number of the agent provided in the events will be equal to client:foo.

Also, when the queue attribute is converted, his value will be the TaskQueue SID, and not a simply queue number that used to be present in Teravoz's events.

Below, you can find more details about the events converted, mapped from Twilio's events to Teravoz's events. You'll notice that, in some cases, one Twilio's events produces two Teravoz's events, so that's the reason that the conversors will ever return an array of events:

Task events

  • task.created ->
  • task.canceled -> call.queue-abandon AND call.finished
  • task.wrapup -> call.finished AND actor.left

Task Queue Events

  • task-queue.entered -> call.waiting

Reservation Events

  • reservation.accepted -> actor.entered AND call.ongoing
  • reservation.rejected -> actor.noanswer
  • reservation.created -> actor.ringing

Worker Events

  • worker.activity.update -> the converted value changes considering the WorkerActivityName:
    • If the WorkerActivityName is equal to available and he was not already available on the queue, then an actor.logged-in event is produced
    • If the WorkerActivityName is equal to unavailable or offline, while the agent was already not in these two status, then an actor.logged-out is produced
    • If the WorkerActivityName is equal to break, and the user was not already in the break status, then an actor.paused is produced
    • At least, if the WorkerActivityName is equal to available and the agent was in a break, then an actor.unpaused is produced.

Dialer events

The Dialer's events are slightly different from the TaskRouter's events. The Dialer's events aren't a default from Twilio, since the dialer itself is a custom implementation made by Teravoz. Therefore, these events are triggered manually in the Dialer's code by sending a POST to the /dialer endpoint.

By default, these dialer events names are defined by the name that it represents in Teravoz's events with the prefix custom.. So, the conversion of the events are very straightforward:

  • custom.dialer.attempt -> dialer.attempt
  • custom.dialer.success -> dialer.success
  • custom.dialer.failure -> dialer.failure
  • custom.dialer.expired -> dialer.expired
  • custom.dialer.exceeded -> dialer.exceeded

Converted Inputs

The user inputs events are generated by custom Twilio's functions or Studio components callback and are not received by POSTing the /webhook endpoint. Instead, the input data will be received on the /input route, and will also convert the received input to Teravoz's events. As these events aren't officialy emitted by task-router, they've fully customizable names that can be changed depending of your implementation. As example in this code, only the NPS input gathered by user is converted:

  • custom.nps-provided ->, with the fields data and nps filled with the user evaluation of the call.

Conversion Mapping

Each conversion handler is documented with the conversion of the fields from the events, and you can view then generating the docs using yarn docs or npm run docs, after you properly install the project dependencies.

Also, for reference, the conversion mapping of the fields from the events are described below.

Call Events

Converted from EventType task.created, when a task (call) is created.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into ""
call_id TaskAttributes.call_id TaskAttributes.call_id
direction TaskAttributes.direction TaskAttributes.direction
our_number TaskAttributes.called TaskAttributes.called
their_number TaskAttributes.from TaskAttributes.from
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType task-queue.entered, when a task (call) enters in a queue and is waiting to be answered.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into "call.waiting"
call_id TaskAttributes.call_id TaskAttributes.call_id
direction TaskAttributes.direction TaskAttributes.direction
our_number TaskAttributes.called TaskAttributes.called
their_number TaskAttributes.from TaskAttributes.from
queue TaskQueueSid TaskQueueSid
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType reservation.accepted, when a worker accepts an incoming task (call).

The actor.entered is originated from the same event.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into "call.ongoing"
call_id TaskAttributes.call_id TaskAttributes.call_id
direction TaskAttributes.direction TaskAttributes.direction
our_number TaskAttributes.called TaskAttributes.called
their_number TaskAttributes.from TaskAttributes.from
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType task.canceled, when a task (call) is canceled by the caller; In other words, it's triggered when the caller cancels the call before it gets answered by the callee.

The call.finished event is also originated from the task.canceled event

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into "call.queue-abandon"
call_id TaskAttributes.call_id TaskAttributes.call_id
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


This event can be converted from the EventType task.wrapup or task.canceled: when a task (call) enters in the wrapup state, the task.wrapup is triggered when either the agent or the caller hangs up, and the agent enters in the wrapup status. When a task is canceled, it will also trigger the call.finished Teravoz's event.

The actor.left is also originated from the task.wrapup event, and the call.queue-abandon is also originated from task.canceled.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into "call.finished"
call_id TaskAttributes.call_id TaskAttributes.call_id
direction TaskAttributes.direction TaskAttributes.direction
our_number TaskAttributes.called TaskAttributes.called
their_number TaskAttributes.from TaskAttributes.from
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid

Data events

Converted from custom.nps-provided, that is triggered when the caller answer the NPS survey.

Teravoz Twilio Input Event Value
type InputType Converted into ""
call_id CallSid CallSid
nps Digits Digits
data Digits Digits
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string

Actor events


Converted from EventType worker.activity.update, when the worker changes his state from unavailable/offline to available

This converted event is triggered multiple times, based on each queue that the worker belongs to. So, if the worker belongs to queues 900, 901 and 902, three actor.logged-in events will be sended to the webhook, each one for a different queue in the list.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType actor.logged-in
number WorkerAttributes.contact_uri WorkerAttributes.contact_uri
actor WorkerName WorkerName
queue WorkerAttributes.queues[i] (each) queue that the agent belongs to
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType worker.activity.update, when the worker changes his state from available to unavailable/offline.

This converted event is triggered multiple times, based on each queue that the worker belongs to. So, if the worker belongs to queues 900, 901 and 902, three actor.logged-out events will be sended to the webhook, each one for a different queue in the list.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType actor.logged-out
number WorkerAttributes.contact_uri WorkerAttributes.contact_uri
actor WorkerName WorkerName
queue WorkerAttributes.queues[i] (each) queue that the agent belongs to
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType reservation.accepted, when a worker accepts an incoming task (call).

The call.ongoing is originated from the reservation.accepted event.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
actor WorkerName WorkerName
number WorkerAttributes.contact_uri WorkerAttributes.contact_uri
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
queue TaskQueueSid TaskQueueSid
call_id TaskAttributes.call_sid TaskAttributes.call_sid
type EventType Converted into "actor.entered"


Converted from EventType task.wrapup, when a task (call) enters in the wrapup state; in other words, this event is triggered when either the agent or the caller hangs up, and the agent enters in the wrapup status.

The call.finished is also originated from the task.wrapup event.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into "actor.left"
call_id TaskAttributes.call_id TaskAttributes.call_id
actor WorkerName WorkerName
number WorkerAttributes.client_uri WorkerAttributes.client_uri
queue TaskQueueSid TaskQueueSid
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType reservation.created, when a task (call) is assigned to a worker.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into "actor.ringing"
call_id TaskAttributes.call_sid TaskAttributes.call_sid
actor WorkerName WorkerName
number WorkerAttributes.contact_uri WorkerAttributes.contact_uri
queue TaskQueueSid TaskQueueSid
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType reservation.rejected, when a task (call) is declined or is just not answered by a worker.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType Converted into "actor.noanswer"
call_id TaskAttributes.call_sid TaskAttributes.call_sid
actor WorkerName WorkerName
number WorkerAttributes.contact_uri WorkerAttributes.contact_uri
queue TaskQueueSid TaskQueueSid
ringtime TaskAge TaskAge
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType worker.activity.update, when the worker changes his state to break. Different from Teravoz, the worker status is the same for all the queues, so the pause state is not defined by queue but by worker.

This converted event is triggered multiple times, based on each queue that the worker belongs to. So, if the worker belongs to the queues 900, 901 and 902, three actor.paused events will be sended to the webhook, each one for a different queue in the list.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType actor.paused
number WorkerAttributes.contact_uri WorkerAttributes.contact_uri
actor WorkerName WorkerName
queue WorkerAttributes.queues[i] (each) queue that the agent belongs to
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid


Converted from EventType worker.activity.update, when the worker changes his state from break to available.

This converted event is triggered multiple times, based on each queue that the worker belongs to. So, if the worker belongs to the queues 900, 901 and 902, three actor.unpaused events will be sended to the webhook, each one for a different queue in the list.

Teravoz TaskRouter's Event Value
type EventType actor.unpaused
number WorkerAttributes.contact_uri WorkerAttributes.contact_uri
actor WorkerName WorkerName
queue WorkerAttributes.queues[i] (each) queue that the agent belongs to
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string
sid Sid Twilio's Event Sid

Dialer Events


Converted from custom.dialer.attempt, that is triggered when an attempt to call the provided number is being made.

Teravoz Twilio Dialer Event Value
type EventType Converted into "dialer.attempt"
number To To
code TaskAttributes.code TaskAttributes.code
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string


Converted from custom.dialer.success, that is triggered when the dialer call is answered by a human.

Teravoz Twilio Dialer Event Value
type EventType Converted into "dialer.success"
number To To
code TaskAttributes.code TaskAttributes.code
call_id CallSid CallSid
amd_status AmdStatus Teravoz's amd_status property, mapped from the AmdStatus
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string


Converted from custom.dialer.failure, that is triggered when the dialer call fails (not answered, declined, busy or when answered by a machine).


Converted from custom.dialer.expired, that is triggered when a dialer action expires.

Teravoz Twilio Dialer Event Value
type EventType Converted into "dialer.expired"
code TaskAttributes.code TaskAttributes.code
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string


Converted from custom.dialer.exceeded, that is triggered when a dialer retry count gets greater than the provided limit of retries.

Teravoz Twilio Dialer Event Value
type EventType Converted into "dialer.exceeded"
code TaskAttributes.code TaskAttributes.code
timestamp TimestampMs Timestamp UTC's string

Attention Points

Missing fields

  • their_number_type - This info is not provided when the taskRouter callback is triggered on event.


No description, website, or topics provided.


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  • TypeScript 93.8%
  • JavaScript 6.2%