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User Timing

This specifications defines an interface to help web developers measure the performance of their applications by giving them access to high precision timestamps and enable them to do comparisons between them.

See also Web performance README


User Timing enables developers to create a PerformanceMark, which contains a provided string in name, with a high resolution timestamp (see hr-time in its startTime, and optionally some additional metadata in its detail. A developer can create such an object via performance.mark() and can query existing entries via performance.getEntriesByType('mark') (or other getters; see performance-timeline or via the PerformanceObserver.

The following examples illustrate usage of performance.mark() with various parameters:

  • performance.mark('mark1'): Creates a PerformanceMark whose name is 'mark1' and whose startTime is the current high resolution time.
  • performance.mark('mark2', {startTime: 5.4, detail: det}): Creates a PerformanceMark whose name is 'mark2', whose startTime is 5.4, and whose detail is the object det.


Every time performance.mark() is invoked, a new PerformanceMark entry needs to be stored by the browser so that it can be later queried by the developer. The performance.clearMarks() method enables developers to clear some of the memory used by such calls. In particular:

  • performance.clearMarks(): Clears all marks from the Window or Worker from which the method is invoked.
  • performance.clearMarks('mark1'): Clears all marks from Window or Worker from which the method is invoked, whose name is 'mark1'.


User Timing also enables developers to create a PerformanceMeasure, which is an object that represents some time measurement between two points in time, and each point in time may be represented by a PerformanceMark. A PerformanceMeasure has an associated name, a high resolution timestamps corresponding to the initial point in time in startTime, the delta between the end-time and the startTime in duration, and optionally some additional metadata in its detail. A developer can create a PerformanceMeasure entry via performance.measure() and it may query existing entries via performance.getEntriesByType('measure') or via PerformanceObserver (i.e. in the same way as for PerformanceMark).

The following examples illustrate usage of performance.measure() with various parameters:

  • performance.measure('measure1'): Creates a PerformanceMeasure whose name is 'measure1', whose startTime is 0, and whose duration is the current high resolution time.
  • performance.measure('measure2', 'requestStart'): Creates a PerformanceMeasure whose name is 'measure2', whose startTime is equal to performance.timing.requestStart - performance.timing.navigationStart (see the PerformanceTiming interface for all the strings that are treated as special values in peformance.measure() calls), and whose end-time is the current high resolution timestamp --- duration will be the delta between the end-time and startTime.
  • performance.measure('measure2', 'myMark'): Creates a PerformanceMeasure where name is 'measure2', where startTime is the timestamp from the PerformanceMark whose name is 'myMark', and where end-time is the current high resolution timestamp. If there are no marks with such a name, an error is thrown. If there are multiple marks with such a name, the latest one is used.
  • performance.measure('measure3', 'startMark', 'endMark'): Creates a PerformanceMeasure whose name is 'measure3', whose startTime is the startTime of the latest PerformanceMark with name 'startMark', and whose end-time is the startTime of the latest PerformanceMark with name 'endMark'.
  • performance.measure('measure4', 'startMark', 'domInteractive'): Creates a PerformanceMeasure whose name is 'measure4', startTime is as in the above example, and end-time is performance.timing.domInteractive - performance.timing.navigationStart.
  • performance.measure('measure5', {start: 6.0, detail: det}): Creates a PerformanceMeasure whose name is 'measure5', startTime is 6.0, end-time is the current high resolution timestamp, and detail is the object det.
  • performance.measure('measure6', {start: 'mark1', end: 'mark2'}): Creates a PerformanceMeasure whose name is 'measure6', startTime is the startTime of the PerformanceMark with name equal to 'mark1', and end-time is the startTime of the PerformanceMark with name equal to 'mark2'.
  • performance.measure('measure7', {end: 10.5, duration: 'mark1'): Creates a PerformanceMeasure where name is 'measure7', duration is the startTime of the PerformanceMark with name equal to 'mark1', and startTime is equal to 10.5 - duration (since end-time is 10.5).
  • performance.measure('measure8', {start: 20.2, duration: 2, detail: det}: Creates a PerformanceMeasure with name set to 'measure8', startTime set to 20.2, duration set to 2, and detail set to the object det.

The following examples would throw errors and hence illustrate incorrect usage of peformance.measure:

  • performance.measure('m', {start: 'mark1'}, 'mark2'): If the second parameter is a dictionary, then the third parameter must not be provided.
  • performance.measure('m', {duration: 2.0}): In the dictionary, one of start or end must be provided.
  • performance.measure('m', {start: 1, end: 4, duration: 3}): In the dictionary, not all of start, end, and duration should be provided.


This is the analogue to performance.clearMarks() for PerformanceMeasure cleanup:

  • performance.clearMeasures() clears all PerformanceMeasure objects.
  • performance.clearMeasures('measure1') clears PerformanceMeasure objects whose name is 'measure1'.

Relationship with hr-time

A developer can obtain a high resolution timestamp directly via, as defined in hr-time. However, User Timing enables tracking timestamps that may happen in very different parts of the page by enabling the developer to use names to identify these timestamps. Using User Timing instead of variables containing enables the data to be surfaced automatically by analytics providers that have User Timing support as well as in the developer tooling of browsers that support exposing these timings. This kind of automatic surfacing is not possible directly via HR-Time.

For instance, the following could be used to track the time it takes for a user from the time a cart is created to the time that the user completes their order, assuming a Single-Page-App architecture:

// Called when the user first clicks the "Add to cart" button.
function onBeginCart() {
  const initialDetail = // Compute some initial metadata about the user.

// Called after the user clicks on "Complete transaction" button in checkout.
function onCompleteTransaction() {
  const finalDetail = // Compute some final metadata about the user and the transaction.
  performance.measure('transaction', {start: 'beginCart', detail: finalDetail});

While developers could calculate those time measurements using, using User Timing enables both better ergonomics and standardized collection of the results. The latter enables Analytics providers and developer tools to collect and report site-specific measurements, without requiring any knowledge of the site or its conventions.


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