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Isabelle Eysseric edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 9 revisions

Projets du club de Vehicules Autonomes de l'Université Laval (VAUL)

Projets du club de Vehicules Autonomes de l'Université Laval (VAUL) en Robotique Mobile de la Faculté des Sciences et Génie de l'Université Laval.

VehiculeAutonomeUL (Facebook)   •  vehiculeautonome-ul (Website)   •  wiki.vehiculeautonome-ul (Wiki)   •  VAUL (LinkedIn)   •  VAUL (Teams) Vehicule-Autonome (GitHub)   •  Vehicule-Autonome (Wiki) NORLAB (Laboratoire de recherche)   •  GLO-4001-introduction-a-la-robotique-mobile (Cours)

isabelleysseric (GitHub)   • (Portfolio)   •  isabelle-eysseric (LinkedIn)

Author: Isabelle Eysseric


Design of obstacle detection algorithms with Lidar and camera data using ROS

  • Autonomous Snowplow American Competition ASC ION (January 2020 8th, 2021 1st and 2022)
  • Canadian Automated Snow Plow Competition CASPI (Cancelled May 2020, 2021 1st and 2022)

Skills: Secure Shell · Communication · Team Work · Robotic · Keras · TensorFlow · Linux · Secure Shell (SSH) · Docker · Computer vision · Research, analysis and synthesis of scientific articles · Deep learning · Intelligence artificielle · Gestion de projet · Robot Operating System · Scikit Learn · OpenCV




  • First Place for the Virtual Demonstration Event, CASPI Student Snow Plow Competition
    May 2021 · Issued by Canadian Automated Snow Plow Initiative

  • Winner of the Technical Paper, Canadian Automated Snow Plow Competition (CASPI)
    May 2021 · Issued by Canadian Automated Snow Plow Initiative

  • Best Student Poster award, Autonomous Snowplow Competition (ASC)
    May 2021 · Issued by The Institute of Navigation (ION) · Apr 2021

  • First place - Single Team - Single-I Snowfield Overall
    2021 Autonomous Snowplow Competition
    May 2021 · Issued by The Institute of Navigation (ION) · Apr 2021

  • Second place - Squad (Two Teams) - Triple-I Snowfield Overall, Autonomous Snowplow Competition
    May 2021 · Issued by The Institute of Navigation (ION) · Apr 2021

  • Best Technical Paper Award
    2020 Canadian Automated Snow Plow Competition (CASPI)
    May 2021 · Issued by Canadian Automated Snow Plow Competition · May 2020

