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This repository belongs to ICPC Preparations for UWindsor students.


Week 2: Searching and Sorting

  • Quick Sort

  • Counting Sort

  • Merge Sort

  • Binary Search

  • Ternary Search

Week 3: Basic Data Structures

  • Stack

  • Queue

  • Linked List

  • Heap

  • Priority Queues

Week 4: Bit Manipulation and Standard Template Library for C++

  • Vectors

  • Map, Set

  • Stack

  • Queue

  • Use of bits/stdc++.h header file and other STL functions

  • Bit Manipulation

Week 5: Graph Theory

  • BFS

  • DFS

  • Shortest Path

  • Minimum Spanning Tree

  • Floyd Warshal

  • Union Find

Week 6: Dynamic Programming

  • Longest Common Sub-sequence

  • 0-1 Knapsack

  • Fractional Knapsack

  • Coin Exchange

  • Kadane Algorithm

  • Subset Sub Problem

  • Matrix Chain Multiplication

Week 7-8: Practicing

Week 9: Trees

  • BST

  • AVL Tree

  • Segment Trees

  • BIT

  • Range minimum Queries

  • Longest Common Ancestor

Week 10: Graph Continued

  • Max Cut Min Flow

  • Bellman Ford

  • Heavy Light Decomposition

Week 11: Computational Geometry

  • Detecting if point lie inside or outside of a Polygon

  • Convex Hull Problem

  • Closest Pair Problem

  • Line intersection

Week 12: String Manipulation

  • Tries

  • Suffix Trees

  • KMP

  • Rabin Karp

Week 13: Game Theory and Hashing

  • Nim Game

  • Grundy Numbers

  • Sprage Grundy Theorem

  • Collision Detection in Hashing

Week 14: Advanced Topics

  • Heavy Light Decomposition

  • Graph Coloring

  • Mo’s Algorithm

Week 15-16: Practicing All Previous Topics from Week 1-15

  • Practicing on CodeForces or Kattis or Google CodeJam

  • Practicing Live Contest


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