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Project Musify


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An elegant React.js Music Application.



1. React.js.

2. APIs:

a. Shazam API to gather music data

b. Shazam Core API to gather artist details and recommended tracks

c. Geolocation API to get the user’s location

3. Libraries:

a. React swiper

b. Tailwind CSS

c. Redux Toolkit


1. Music Player - Users can click on any song, and a music player will appear.

The player include basic controls such as previous song, next song, and

pause/play buttons. Additional details such as the song’s name, author,

volume, repeat, and duration controls are a plus.

2. Homepage - Users can choose a genre and get top songs for that genre

3. Explore - Users can select a country and get top songs for that country

4. Music for Specific Country - Show the top songs for the user’s country

5. Artists Page - Users can see a list of the most famous artists

6. Artist Details Page - Users can see additional information about the artist and

all of their most popular songs.

7. Song Details Page -Users can see additional information about the song, such

as the song’s music video and lyrics and a list of similar songs.

Upcoming features

User authentication/authorization.

Create privet and public playlist.

Like and share songs.

Update users profile.

Follow and unfollow other users.

Like and save others playlist.

Show followers and followings.


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