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A proposal for adding a divisor-dependent modulo operator to ECMAScript

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Positive Modulo

A proposal for adding a positive modulo operator to ECMAScript.


The existing dividend-dependent modulo operator returns the sign of the dividend (hence, "dividend-dependent"). However, this sometimes leads to unintuitive behavior. Let's take the simple case of checking for odd numbers:

function isOdd(x) {
    return x % 2 === 1

function isEven(x) {
    return x % 2 === 0

It all here seems working at first glance:

x isOdd(x) isEven(x)
1 true false
3 true false
2 false true
4 false true
0 false true
-0 false true
-2 false true
-4 false true
1.5 false false
-3.5 false false

But if you forget to test any of these, you'll never notice isOdd is buggy:

x isOdd(x) isEven(x)
-1 false (should be true) false
-3 false (should be true) false

To fix this, you'll need to do one of the following:

// Option 1: check both signs
function isOdd(x) {
    return x % 2 === 1 || x % 2 === -1

// Option 2: check the absolute value
function isOdd(x) {
    return Math.abs(x) % 2 === 1

Now it works for everything.

x isOdd(x) isEven(x)
1 true false
3 true false
2 false true
4 false true
0 false true
-0 false true
-1 true (correct) false
-3 true (correct) false
-2 false true
-4 false true
1.5 false false
-3.5 false false

Do I expect this to be caught in a code review? Not really.

There's also other issues and glitches people have run into with a dividend-dependent modulo being the default, like in this StackOverflow question about an issue in C where they wanted to allow wraparound on an array where the index might be negative and less than -array.length. The usual workaround is to do (a % b + b) % b.

Here's a couple other examples I know right off the top of my head:

  • list[value % list.length] will return undefined if value is negative, which is almost certainly not what the user intended.
  • If you want to iterate forward, you can just do index = (index + 1) % limit and wrap around fairly easily. If you do this in reverse with index = (index - 1) % limit, the index will go negative, and you probably weren't intending for that to happen.
    • This happens quite frequently with circular buffers, where you typically loop from start to (start - 1) mod list.length, or in reverse from start to (start + 1) mod list.length, where after each loop you do either index = (index + 1) mod list.length or index = (index - 1) mod list.length.
  • Most mathematical operations are defined in terms of Euclidean modulus, making this the operator of choice for related mathematical computation.


Now, imagine if we had a x %% y that was like x % y, but instead of returning the sign of x, always returned a positive number. Let's look at those again, but swap in the new operators:

function isOdd(x) {
    return x %% 2 === 1

function isEven(x) {
    return x %% 2 === 0
x isOdd(x) isEven(x)
1 true false
3 true false
2 false true
4 false true
0 false true
-0 false true
-1 true false
-3 true false
-2 false true
-4 false true
1.5 false false
-3.5 false false

Math properties and optimizability

Suppose those two functions are only called with integers. With the old definition, there's the peculiar case of -1 % 2 === -1, so the engine would have extra work to do to desugar. So let's start out at looking at the versions using the current dividend-dependent x % y:

function isOddBuggy(x) {
    return x % 2 === 1

function isOdd(x) {
    return Math.abs(x) % 2 === 1

function isEven(x) {
    return x % 2 === 0

But a JIT can't just desugar to just x & 1 because x % Math.pow(2, y) for integer x and y >= 0 is not equivalent to x & (Math.pow(2, y) - 1) for those same x and y. JS returns -0 if -x is a positive multiple of y, and when x is both negative and not a positive multiple of y, the sign is still negative. For example:

x y x % Math.pow(2, y) x & (Math.pow(2, y) - 1)
-3 1 -3 % 2-1 -3 & 11
-4 2 -4 % 4-0 -4 & 30

This means two things:

  1. If x is negative and the result is 0, you have to always promote.
  2. The code gen ends up about 5x as long.

So if the engine is to optimize those to raw assembly, it'd end up looking something along the lines of this:

// Each line roughly corresponds to a single CPU instruction
function isOddBuggy(x) {
    let t, u

    t = x < 0
    x = x & 1
    t = ToInteger(x === 1)
    u = ToInteger(x === -1)
    x = t | u
    x = Boolean(x)
    return x

// Note: engines IIUC don't optimize for `Math.abs(x) % y`
function isOdd(x) {
    let t, u

    t = -x
    if (x < 0) x = t
    t = x < 0
    x = x & 1
    t = ToInteger(x === 1)
    u = ToInteger(x === -1)
    x = t | u
    x = Boolean(x)
    return x

function isEven(x) {
    x = x & 1
    x = Boolean(x)
    return x

Let's compare that with the positive x %% y:

function isOdd(x) {
    return x %% 2 === 1

function isEven(x) {
    return x %% 2 === 0

A JIT can just desugar those to just use x & 1 because x %% Math.pow(2, y) for integer x and y >= 0 && y <= 32 is equivalent to x & (Math.pow(2, y) - 1) for those same x and y. Even if x is negative or -0, the sign of y is what's kept, and in this case, is also always positive. For example:

x y x %% Math.pow(2, y) x & (Math.pow(2, y) - 1)
-3 1 -3 %% 21 -3 & 11
-4 2 -4 %% 40 -4 & 30
-2147483648 2147483648 -2147483648 %% 21474836480 -2147483648 & 21474836480

So those would end up JIT-compiled to much simpler and more performant code, and they wouldn't even have to necessarily optimize for the pattern x %% y === z or even x %% y === 0 for integers (floats would have to check for NaNs also, but nothing else):

// Each line roughly corresponds to a single CPU instruction
function isOdd(x) {
    x = x & 1
    x = ToInteger(x === 1)
    x = Boolean(x)
    return x

function isEven(x) {
    x = x & 1
    x = Boolean(x)
    return x

And of course, other positive power-of-2 indices can be optimized for similarly.

For the general case with integers, it's considerably more straightforward and still trivially inlinable, and as long as both inputs are N-bit integers, the output will also always be an integer that can be represented with N bits.

function intModulo(a: i31, b: i31) {
    b &= 0x7FFFFFFF // absolute value
    a %= b
    b &= a >> 31 // 1 ARM instruction, 2 x86 instructions with needed scratch
    a += b
    return a

In 64-bit ARM, that might look like this:

; r8 = a, r9 = b
    and w8, w1, #0x7fffffff
    sdiv w9, w0, w8
    msub w9, w9, w8, w0
    and w8, w8, w9, asr #31
    add w0, w8, w9

In x86 (Intel syntax), it might look like this:

; esi = a, edi = b
    mov eax, edi
    and esi, 0x7FFFFFFF
    idiv esi
    mov eax, edx
    sar eax, 31
    and eax, esi
    add eax, edx

As you can see, it's easily inlined.

I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader how floating point Euclidean modulus would compile as it's considerably more complicated.


x %% y would have the same precedence and rules for its operands as x % y (as in, be a multiplicative operator), and 12.7.3 would be altered accordingly using T::modulo as explained below.

Note: I don't just spec it as x %% y(x % y + y) % y because the idea is to give flexibility in implementation - one might choose to avoid attempting multiple fmod calls for one.

BigInt::modulo(n, d)

  1. If d is 0, throw a RangeError exception.
  2. If n is 0, return 0.
  3. Let r be the BigInt defined by the mathematical relation r = n - (d × q) where q is a BigInt that is positive and whose magnitude is as large as possible without exceeding the magnitude of the true mathematical quotient of n and d.
  4. Return r.

Note: the sign of the result is always positive, aligning with Euclidean division.

Number::modulo(n, d)

  1. If n is NaN or d is NaN, return NaN.
  2. If n is +∞𝔽 or n is -∞𝔽, return NaN.
  3. If d is +∞𝔽 or d is -∞𝔽, return n.
  4. If d is +0𝔽 or d is -0𝔽, return NaN.
  5. If n is +0𝔽 or n is -0𝔽, return n.
  6. Assert: n and d are finite and non-zero.
  7. Let r be ℝ(n) - (ℝ(d) × q) where q is an integer that is positive, and whose magnitude is as large as possible without exceeding the magnitude of ℝ(n) / ℝ(d).
  8. Return 𝔽(r).

Note: the sign of the result is always positive, aligning with Euclidean division.


A proposal for adding a divisor-dependent modulo operator to ECMAScript






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