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Using a custom implementation of ApplicationUser

Dan Haywood edited this page Feb 8, 2015 · 3 revisions

As per this thread on the Isis mailing list, this wiki page explains two different means by which an ApplicationUser could be extended to include additional information.

In the above thread the requirement was to include a reference to some other application-defined entity, namely an entity called Organization. Basically we want to have somewhere to store the ApplicationUser/Organization tuple.

The recommended approach is to store the ApplicationUser/Organization tuple as a separate entity (let's call it OrganizationUser) that is 1:1 with the ApplicationUser, and then use contributed properties and actions to make it appear as if the Organization is an actual property of ApplicationUser.

We start with an Organization entity:

public class Organization {

    // name property etc
    private String name;
    public String getName() { ... }
    public void setName(String name) { ... }

    // 1:m bidir collection of OrganizationUser, hidden
    private SortedSet<OrganizationUser> users;

    public SortedSet<OrganizationUser> getUsers() { ... }
    public void setUsers(SortedSet<OrganizationUser> users) { ... }

    // 1:m derived collection of ApplicationUsers
    public List<ApplicationUser> getApplicationUsers() {
        return Lists.newArrayList(
                   Iterables.transform(getUsers(), OrganizationUser.AS_USER));

Next, we have our OrganizationUser, the tuple between Organization and ApplicationUser:

public class OrganizationUser {

    public static Function<OrganizationUser, ApplicationUser> AS_USER =
        new Function<OrganizationUser, ApplicationUser>() {
            public ApplicationUser apply(OrganizationUser ou) {
                return ou.getApplicationUser();

    // the org (other side of the 1:m bidir relationship, see above)
    private Organization organization;
    public Organization getOrganization() { ... }
    public void setOrganization(Organization o) { ... }

    // the corresponding appUser
    private ApplicationUser applicationUser;
    public ApplicationUser getApplicationUser() { ... }
    public void setApplicationUser(ApplicationUser au) { ... }


Next, we have a service that will contribute:

  • 'organization' as a property to applicationUser

  • 'assignTo' as an action on applicationUser

that is:

public class OrganizationContributions {

    @NotContributed(As.ACTION) // ie contributed as property
    public Organization getOrganization(ApplicationUser appUser) {
        OrganizationUser orgUser = organizationUsers.findFor(appUser);
        return orgUser != null? orgUser.getOrganization(): null;

    public ApplicationUser assignTo(ApplicationUser appUser, Organization
organization) {
        organizationUsers.create(organization, appUser);
        return appUser;

    private OrganizationUsers organizationUsers;


This delegates to an OrganizationUsers repo:

public class OrganizationUsers {

    public OrganizationUser findFor(ApplicationUser appUser) {
        return firstMatch(OrganizationUser.class, "findByApplicationUser",
"applicationUser", appUser);

    public OrganizationUser create(Organization org, ApplicationUser
appUser) {
        OrganizationUser ou = newTransientInstance(OrganizationUser.class);
        return ou;

The last bit of the puzzle is handling any deletions. The security module emit strongly typed events for all actions, so we can simply subscribe to this in order to keep OrganizationUser in sync:

public class OrganizationSubscriptions {

    public void postConstruct() {

    public void on(ApplicationUser.Deleted ev) {
        if(ev.getPhase() == Phase.EXECUTING) {
            ApplicationUser appUser = ev.getApplicationUser();
            OrganizationUser orgUser = organizationUsers.findFor(appUser);
            if(orgUser != null) {
                // delete

    private EventBusService eventBusService;