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Query HyperLEDA (query.hyperleda)

Query from the HyperLEDA web data access service

(NB: I'm making this module available for an early use, while waiting for PR review 2023 to astroquery).

Brief description

This module can be used to query from the HyperLEDA web service. The queries will return the results
in an astropy Table. Below are two working examples illustrating how to retrieve data for a single object,
or using an SQL query request to the HyperLEDA SQL data access service.


Query an object

Query the object by name. For instance if you want to query UGC 1259

>>> from query import hyperleda

>>> result_table = hyperleda.query_object('UGC12591' , properties='all')
>>> print(result_table) # an astropy.table.Table
 pgc  objname  objtype ...   celposB(pgc)     celposJ(pgc)  
----- -------- ------- ... ---------------- ----------------
71392 UGC12591       G ... B232253.7+281313 J232521.9+282943

To see all available properties that HyperLEDA returns:

>>> properties_tbl = hyperleda.get_properties()
>>> properties_tbl.pprint_all()
    field      type       units                                         description                                   
------------- ------ --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          pgc    int              --                                                                        PGC number
      objname   char              --                                                                    Principal name
      objtype   char              --                                             Type of object (G=galaxy; S=Star ...)
       al1950 double            hour                                                     RA 1950 (hours decimal value)
       de1950 double             deg                                                  DEC 1950 (degrees decimal value)
       al2000 double            hour                                                     RA 2000 (hours decimal value)
       de2000 double             deg                                                  DEC 2000 (degrees decimal value)
           l2 double             deg                                                                Galactic longitude
           b2 double             deg                                                                 Galactic latitude
          sgl double             deg                                                           Supergalactic longitude
          sgb double             deg                                                            Supergalactic latitude
         type   char              --                                                                Morphological type
          bar   char              --                                                                 Barred galaxy (B)
         ring   char              --                                                              Galaxy with ring (R)
     multiple   char              --                                                               Multiple galaxy (M)
  compactness   char              --                                                        Compact (C) or diffuse (D)
            t  float              --                                                           Morphological type code
          e_t  float              --                                       Actual error on t (Morphological type code)
       logd25  float log(0.1 arcmin)                                      log of apparent diameter (d25 in 0.1 arcmin)
     e_logd25  float log(0.1 arcmin)                   Actual error on logd25 (log of apparent diameter in 0.1 arcmin)
       logr25  float             log                                         log of axis ratio (major axis/minor axis)
     e_logr25  float             log                 Actual error on logr25 (log of axis ratio: major axis/minor axis)
           pa  float             deg                                       Major axis position angle (North Eastwards)
        brief  float     mag/arcsec2                                                 Mean effective surface brightness
      e_brief  float     mag/arcsec2                         Actual error on brief (Mean effective surface brightness)
           bt  float             mag                                                                 Total B-magnitude
         e_bt  float             mag                                            Actual error on bt (Total B-magnitude)
           it  float             mag                                                                 Total I-magnitude
         e_it  float             mag                                            Actual error on it (Total I-magnitude)
           ut  float             mag                                                                 Total U-magnitude
           vt  float             mag                                                                 Total V-magnitude
          ube  float             mag                                                               Effective U-B color
          bve  float             mag                                                               Effective B-V color
        vmaxg  float            km/s                                         Apparent maximum rotation velocity of gas
      e_vmaxg  float            km/s                 Actual error on vmaxg (Apparent maximum rotation velocity of gas)
        vmaxs  float            km/s                                       Apparent maximum rotation velocity of stars
      e_vmaxs  float            km/s               Actual error on vmaxs (Apparent maximum rotation velocity of stars)
         vdis  float            km/s                                                       Central velocity dispersion
       e_vdis  float            km/s                                Actual error on vdis (Central velocity dispersion)
          m21  float             mag                                                      21-cm line flux in magnitude
        e_m21  float             mag                                Actual error on m21 (21-cm line flux in magnitude)
         mfir  float             mag                                                            Far infrared magnitude
         vrad  float            km/s                          Heliocentric radial velocity (cz) from radio measurement
       e_vrad  float            km/s   Actual error on vrad (Heliocentric radial velocity (cz) from radio measurement)
         vopt  float            km/s                        Heliocentric radial velocity (cz) from optical measurement
       e_vopt  float            km/s Actual error on vopt (Heliocentric radial velocity (cz) from optical measurement)
            v  float            km/s                                            Mean Heliocentric radial velocity (cz)
          e_v  float            km/s                             Actual error on v (Mean Heliocentric radial velocity)
           ag  float             mag                                                     Galactic extinction in B-band
           ai  float             mag                                  Internal extinction due to inclination in B-band
         incl  float             deg                      Inclination between line of sight and polar axis of a galaxy
          a21  float             mag                                                             21-cm self absorption
        logdc  float log(0.1 arcmin)                             log of apparent corrected diameter (dc in 0.1 arcmin)
          btc  float             mag                                              Total apparent corrected B-magnitude
          itc  float             mag                                              Total apparent corrected I-magnitude
         ubtc  float             mag                                                Total apparent corrected U-B color
         bvtc  float             mag                                                Total apparent corrected B-V color
        bri25  float     mag/arcsec2                                        Mean surface brightness within isophote 25
         vrot  float            km/s                               Maximum rotation velocity corrected for inclination
       e_vrot  float            km/s        Actual error on vrot (Maximum rotation velocity corrected for inclination)
          mg2  float             mag                                                            Central Lick Mg2 index
        e_mg2  float             mag                                     Actual error on mg2( Central Lick Mg2 index )
      logavmm  float              --                                                                                --
    e_logavmm  float              --                                                                                --
         m21c  float             mag                                            Corrected 21-cm line flux in magnitude
          hic  float             mag                                                 21-cm index btc-m21c in magnitude
          vlg  float            km/s                              Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the Local Group
         vgsr  float            km/s                                      Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the GSR
         vvir  float            km/s                           Radial velocity (cz) corrected for LG infall onto Virgo
          v3k  float            km/s                            Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the CMB radiation
         modz  float             mag                               Cosmological distance modulus (from vvir with ΛCDM)
         mod0  float             mag                                       Distance modulus from distance measurements
         mabs  float             mag                                                         Absolute B-band magnitude
      numtype   char              --                                                                                --
         hptr   char              --                                                                                --
     agnclass   char              --                                                             Activity class of AGN
     f_astrom   char              --                                                      Precision flag on astrometry
       e_mod0  float             mag                Actual error on mod0 (Distance modulus from distance measurements)
       e_modz  float             mag          Actual error on modz (Cosmological distance modulus from vvir with ΛCDM)
       e_mabs  float              --                                                                                --
      modbest  float             mag                                    Best distance modulus, combining mod0 and modz
    e_modbest  float             mag          Actual error on modbest (Best distance modulus, combining mod0 and modz)
           kt  float             mag                                                                 Total K-magnitude
         e_kt  float             mag                                            Actual error on kt (Total K-magnitude)
         e_ut  float             mag                                            Actual error on ut (Total U-magnitude)
         e_vt  float             mag                                            Actual error on vt (Total V-magnitude)
hl_names(pgc) string              --                 Comma separated list of all the designations for the object "pgc"
 celposB(pgc) string              --         Return the B1950 celestial position of object "pgc" in sexagesimal format
 celposJ(pgc) string              --         Return the J2000 celestial position of object "pgc" in sexagesimal format

Retrieve only a subset from the available properties:

>>> result_table = hyperleda.query_object('UGC12591' , properties='objname, type,\
                                      logr25, btc, v, modbest, al2000, de2000,\
>>> result_table.pprint_all()
objname  type logr25  btc     v    modbest   al2000     de2000     celposJ(pgc)  
-------- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
UGC12591 S0-a  0.354 13.174 6939.5  35.067 23.4227381 28.4951858 J232521.9+282943

Query using SQL syntax

An example for querying using SQL WHERE clause syntax as in HyperLEDA (

# The SQL sample_query is the WHERE clause is to filter by properties
>>> sample_query = "(modbest<=30 and t>=-3 and t<=0 and type='S0') \
or (modbest<=30 and t>=-3 and t<=0 and type='S0-a')"

# Select some properties to retrieve
>>> sample_properties= 'objname, al2000, de2000, type, logr25, btc, e_bt, v, modbest'

# Run the query
>>> result_table = hyperleda.query_sql(sample_query, properties=sample_properties)
>>> result_table.pprint(max_lines=5, max_width=-1)
 objname     al2000     de2000   type logr25  btc    e_bt   v   modbest
---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------
   NGC4488 12.5142721  8.3600991 S0-a  0.562  12.65 0.103 980.1  29.775
   NGC4659    12.7415 13.4985547 S0-a   0.15 12.787 0.035 464.1   29.81
       ...        ...        ...  ...    ...    ...   ...   ...     ...
PGC1420152 11.3733367 12.9795655   S0  0.048 16.654   0.5 564.1  29.942
   NGC5455 14.0503204 54.2414569   S0   0.11 15.175   0.5 259.9   29.67
Length = 19 rows


Query from the HyperLEDA web data access service







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