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File metadata and controls

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Islandora Fedora 4 Interest Group: Meeting 09

July 30, 2015 1:00-2:00 EST

Call details:

  • Call-in number - 866-994-3769
  • Participant Code - 3226955
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #isladora on


  1. Introductions
  2. Stack updates
  • OSGi
  • Vagrant
  • Moving forward
  1. Metadata Interest Group collaboration
  1. Islandora Conference
  • Islandora & Fedora 4 presenation
  • Islandora & Fedora 4 workshop


  • Nick Ruest (York University)
  • Danny Lamb (discoverygarden)
  • Melissa Anez (Islandora Foundation)
  • Christina Harlow (University of Tennessee Knoxville) ⭐
  • Andrew Woods -- regrets, on holiday
  • David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
  • Andy Wagner (University of Toronto)
  • Martin Dow (Acuity Unlimited)
  • Lingling Jiang (UTSC)



Stack updates

  • OSGi
  • Danny: As it stands, since last meeting, completely rewritten stack in order to take advantage of OSGi
  • OSGi container is now there, using karaf - but there is nothing stopping you from using something else
  • The services are now adopting micro-services style architecture, meaning they are all independent of one another, and that you can restart single parts without needing to restart the whole stack
  • It can be set up to monitor maiden so things automatically redeploy on updates
  • This all goes towards modularity we’re trying to achieve, and camel realm has same modularity we’re trying to have
  • A lot of php added, and a component that can be use to call component scripts, all using command line / modern php
  • This means that basically you can do everything with xml deployed in usage container using php now, so there is no real need for java
  • Vagrant
  • all this stuff will now work with vagrant, so you can deploy it with all this described
  • Moving forward
  • All of this extra functionality needs to be shown off at Islandora conference
  • So instead of Danny making tickets for every one else, he has been scrambling to do a lot of the work himself and then the tickets issued will be for clean up/tweaking.
  • There is a lot of stuff hardcoded so we can push into config in drupal forms
  • There remains a lot of small stuff to do, and Danny is hoping to get community involvement on these
  • When done, there will be a functional image solution pack, and then other folks can take on others solution packs
  • Questions
  • Question: Are you are writing documentation, and will that be for developers?
  • Yes, but all of the documentation work was hijacked by the mandate for new functionality. But yes, the documentation is geared to developers, and covers topics such as how to use vagrant environment, where things are, how to monitor stuff in OSGi, the architecture, etc. No end-user documentation yet.
  • Question follow-up: Where will this documentation live?
  • In repository, docs folder, in couple categories. MK Docs
  • Or you can see live when pushed to github pages, pushed occasionally:
  • Question follow-up: A lot of the documentation on the wiki, other places, seems not to reflect the current work.
  • Danny/Nick: We’re not there yet, but trying to get there. A lot of the documentation out there was written when things were at a high-level, now they have a lot of details to report on and expand upon.
  • If you are thinking of things you specifically want to see in documentation, it would be helpful to put into Github issues/tickets so they can follow up on them.

Metadata Interest Group collaboration

  • Fedora4 Metadata Subgroup
  • We are looking for ways to encourage/support collaboration between the Fedora4 IG and the Metadata Fedora4 subgroup
  • Possible areas: MODS/RDF, Collaborating with Hydra Metadata Group and subgroups, potentially work on Islandora XML Forms
  • Islandora XML Forms use cases
  • A couple of months ago, the Fedora 4 group went on a bit of a side path discussing the future of XML forms, and how to handle these in Islandora 7.x-2.x:
  • Summary: do we port what exists now? do we kill and create something new? Or make a hybrid thing?
  • We attempted to start gathering use cases and users stories
  • Link to issue re:use cases moved to metadata group: islandora-interest-groups/Islandora-Metadata-Interest-Group#13
  • Subgroups formation
  • Discussion of RDF properties, PCDM, descriptive metadata expansion:
  • For handling MODS/RDF or other descriptive metadata as RDF, a question is can we generate things on fly or do we keep it as a file on filesystem that we preserve.
  • Now that standard metadata is MODS/XML, we will need to have support for handling MODS as XML or RDF.
  • One area the metadata group can help: identifying core set of RDF properties that you’d want on the PCDM object, exposed for further use/discoverability/other.
  • Question: What does this mean for end user looking to load descriptive metadata XML file, and how that is handled?
  • You could create all either rdf entries as fields in a form, or provide them as xml and use xpath fields to transform to RDF. Basically, you should be able to tell drupal how to pull out bits you want to get converted to RDF. So you will need to add configuration on your drupal node type to set up this for the metadata, whichever option you go.
  • The Islandora Fedora4 metadata subgroup then should be responsible for survey/use cases related to above discussed points, and the XML form uses cases should move over to metadata group as the Islandora Fedora4 metadata group is becoming a subgroup of both Fedora4 and Metadata IGs (members of the subgroup are in both groups).
  • Hydra MODS/RDF group:
  • By the end of the year, the group hopes to create recommendations of what mappings are possible for MODS elements
  • Last meeting was spent primarily going over of focus/scope of group
  • The homework was to review the MODS:title element, provide use cases, possible mappings:
  • Notes from last meeting:
  • Question: Is there interest in helping with other Hydra groups?
  • Nick co chaired technical metadata subgroup, which wrapped up just before Open Repositories.
  • Nick also was in rights metadata subgroup, which just wrapped up. Recommendations are on the Hydra wiki site:
  • The plan is to implement some of these recommendations that coincide with webACL stuff in fedora.
  • So, when webacl happens, if you have repo with webacl and is compliant, you should be able to put islandora over top and read.

###Islandora Conference

  • Islandora & Fedora 4 presenation
  • Danny and Nick are giving an updated version of their Open Repositories presentation.
  • The updates will be everything that has happened since OR
  • Islandora & Fedora 4 workshop
  • 1.5 hour workshop - more in depth to technical side of things than as presented in the presentation, depending on time.
  • Game plan: do a crash course into contributing to the project, so take a newbie ticket or two and work through that ticket together, solve, and walk through contribution whole process.
  • if they need to create any new tickets to document the process, they’ll do that as well.
  • Danny: a lot of the time will be showing the new functionalities and stepping people through that, then time left over will be for working through a ticket.
  • Questions:
  • Will workshop be recorded?
  • Don’t believe it will be recorded, no.
  • Then is possible to produce a recorded session for what will be discussed in the conference workshop?
  • The documentation that exists right now:
  • There is a section on contributing to the project
  • There is some documentation called "hacking on islandora", produced by danny, which is very helpful.
  • It is all slowly getting flushed out.
  • If you want to see things get better, or get more from project, let danny and nick know what you want via issue tickets, as well as put some time and energy into it. We need more people involved.

Next meeting: month or so from now, notice to mailing list