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Islandora Fedora 4 Interest Group: Meeting 10

August 28, 2015 1:00-2:00 EST

Call details:

  • Call-in number - 866-994-3769
  • Participant Code - 3226955
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #isladora on


  1. Introductions
  2. Islandora Conference
  3. Future of the project
  • Roles
    • Danny & Nick
    • Committers
  • Interest groups
  • Community sprints
    • November 2-14, 2015
  1. Sandbox
  2. Hydra/Islandora Common Practices
  • Hydra Connect
  • Islandora Camp CT
  1. Interest Group report


  • Nick Ruest (York University)
  • Danny Lamb (discoverygarden)
  • Melissa Anez (Islandora Foundation)
  • Andrew Woods (DuraSpace)
  • Jared Whiklo (University of Manitoba) ⭐
  • Diego Pino (REUNA)
  • Rosie Lefaive (UPEI)
  • Mark Cooper (LYRASIS)
  • David Wilcox (DuraSpace)


####1. Introductions

2. Updates

  • Nick and Danny did another update at the Islandora conference, new things since OR 2015.
  • Also had a workshop at the Islandora conference, it was more of an in-depth dive into the stack.
  • Got it functioning enough to put on sandbox for the Islandora Conference
  • Danny needs more eyes on it, more review of code and also process. Does it do things the best way, is there another way. Now is the time to discuss.
  • York donated VM to get setup with Islandora 7.x-2.x sandbox

3. Future of project

  • Initial phase started last Dec, got Danny till Islandora Conference
  • Foundation is ready for the community to step up.
  • Fedora 3 is end of life, so we need to start investing in the new stack.
  • First community sprint on the Islandora 7.x-2.x stack happens the first 2 weeks of November 2015.
  • Formalizing committers for the new stack using the Fedora model
  • Good to have involvement from most if not all of the Interest Groups as committers.
  • Andrew: On the Fedora4 side we pushed it too far before formalizing the process. The Islandora community could can get informal agreement on the initial 3 committers (Nick, Danny & Jared). Then make it the initial committers job to expand the base after a set amount of time and by a set amount of committers.
  • Send out the list, informing about initial committers with be addressed at the Roadmap committee meeting (Sept 4). Make your voice heard if you don't agree.
  • Nick: Suggests to stop adding new features to the 7.x-1.x stack and move more effort to the new stack.

Rosie : UI interest group's main focus was on the issues in the current stack, what would they do if we stop adding new features to 7.x-1.x

  • Adding use cases so the same mistakes made in old are not repeated.
  • Make UI not an after-thought, make active steps to provide a much better interface.
  • Drupal still has UI issues.
  • Discuss how future developments might appear (ie. headless interfaces).

Mark : Technical lead or project manager was discussed at the Islandora conference. Has there been any movement regarding raising funding for this position?

  • At the AGM, there is a push to get funding for continuing the project from all the initial funders at the same funding level to help with the project as a whole and funding a technical lead/project manager.

Danny : Get this work started so we don't get under the bus of a large project paid for by a single institution.

4 - Sandbox

  • York has a VM ready to become a sandbox.
  • Comes down to Labour/time/resources
  • Simple sandbox, VM does not allow for templating.

Andrew :

  • Fedora has a Jenkins server at U Maryland integrated with GitHub.
  • Commit to certain projects in GitHub, then Jenkins downloads HEAD from Github, builds it.
  • Deploys java modules to Maven repositories.
  • Builds core codebase and pushes the WAR to a VM at U of Texas.

Check for anyone else that has a machine that could do templating. (vagrant/puppet/chef/ansible)

  • Jared to see if U of M has templating with it's VMs.

5 - Hydra Connect


  • Going to HydraConnect
  • Small presentation on building services around Fedora.
  • Talk about PCDM and what we mean by Hydra/Islandora interoperability. Which probably leads to a solidifying of PCDM.
  • Hydra is already modeling with PCDM, so Islandora is a little behind. But PCDM is still in-process,
  • Ideally standardize the relationships can be consistent between both types of applications. Common object modelling.


  • 2 very large communities that both leverage F4
  • Fedora is moving in a direction of making a very clear interface and API for higher-level apps.
  • Oppourtunity to consider what it would take to have an Islandora instance inter-changeable with a Hydra instance.
  • What would it take to make sense of the under-lying resources in Fedora.
  • Are there aspects of the API that are making this discussion more difficult, and could be reconsidered.
  • Similar use cases and similar concerns, let's talk about the fundamental aspects and how we could interact with Fedora in a similar way.
  • What features do we use / don't use. What are the commonalities and differences?
  • Continue over to the day at the end of the Islandora Camp CT.
  • Fedora is trying to use standards to ensure that you could swap other features in and not tie you to the Fedora product itself.

6. Interest Groups reports

  • Board of Directorys would like reports from all the interest groups, reporting to start this fall.
  • Nick and Danny will be collecting information and will send out to the group to review.

Other Business

  • Islandora 7.x-2.x has been architectured to be scalable but hasn't been stress tested.
  • Goal is to push tasks/messages out to remote task queue, possibly anywhere.
  • Danny has played with Gearman and Celery.
  • Has anyone had any experience with any other products?? No responses.

Next meeting September 25, 2015 @ 13:00 ET,