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Web application for itunes podcasts playback

Mini-application for listening to music podcasts.

The application has three views:

Main view Details of a podcast Details of a podcast chapter

Libraries used:

For development: React, Redux Toolkit, RTK query, Redux persist For testing: Jest, Testing Library

Initial steps

Clone the repository:

git clone

Install the dependencies In the root of the cloned project run the following command:

yarn install

Application testing

A personal proxy server is used to run the application: (

Test in development mode

Although it is not recommended to save environment variables in the repository, as it is a proof of concept we leave the .env.development file that contains the URLs to test the application.

In the root of the project run:

yarn start

After executing the command a local server will be executed at (http://localhost:3000) and the browser with the web application will be opened.

Test in production mode

For this test, it is required to package the application and to lift it through a local server.

Execute the following command:

yarn build

Once the compilation is finished, a folder called build will be created. This folder is the one to be used for testing.

Tip You can use the serve server. It is easy to use, just install it globally and pass it the path to the build folder.

yarn global add serve

serve -s build

Subsequently, to test the application, log on to (http://localhost:3000/)

The application is deployed in (