Challenge 1 is a quiz. This repo hold the instructions for setting up for challenges 2 and 3.
These challenges require a recent Linux kernel with BTF support. We've tested it on Ubuntu 22.04 in a virtual machine and we're providing config for Lima-VM and a Vagrantfile. Note: this challenge is unlikely to work on LinuxKit so running in Docker, or with kind on Mac/Windows, is not recommended.
On Mac, you can set up the challenges using Lima-VM by running
limactl start cilium.yaml
with the file provided in this repo. Once this completes, open a shell into the VM withlimactl shell cilium
. -
If you're a Vagrant user, we've supplied a Vagrantfile for you as well. Download that file and run
vagrant up
. Once this is finished, runvagrant ssh
to open a shell into the VM.
If you don't want to use Lima or Vagrant, set up a Kubernetes or K3s cluster that uses Cilium as its CNI, and apply the config YAML from here.
Challenge 1 was a quiz that we played during day 1 of eBPF Summit
You won't need Kubernetes knowledge for this challenge. Like a treasure hunt, a map will show you the way.
Set up the VM as described above. Once it's up and running, open a shell / SSH into it.
Follow the instructions at
If you want to see the solution, watch the live solving session from eBPF Summit 2022 Day 2
You can use the same VM for this challenge. Open a shell / SSH into it and run kubectl get pods
. You
should find one pod running in the default namespace. It might take a couple of
minutes to get to ready state if you've only just deployed it.
Once it's up and running, the application executing in that pod will tell you what you need to do.
Check your answer or get hints at
If you want to see the solution, check out episode 64 of eCHO livestream