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Car Comment Analysis and Application


  • car_analysis_en_blog.ipynb : Contains the analysis of this project.
  • 2022-12-31-You should check it before buying a new Toyota Corolla Hybrid.ipynb : Blogpost raw file.
  • files : contains crawled comments and complaints.
    • all_cars_en_cleaned_v3.pickle: Top three selling cars in Turkiye in 2022.
    • sikayet_en.pickle : Complaints about Toyota Corolla Hybrid.
  • media : Contains the images about the project.
  • requirements.txt : Necessary packages to run web application.
  • : Streamlit application for dashboard.
  • : Necessary functions for the dashboard application.

0. Business Understanding

Aim of this analysis to create a generic application using a machine learning algorithm to provide information to potential car buyers from public data. You can find the blog post about this analysis on:

1. Data Understanding

The aim of this analysis is to build a topic model about "toyota corolla hybrid" car reviews and complaints. In order to collect the data, crawled and about the keyword. There are 236 comments on eksisozluk and 60 complaints on

Eksisozluk Comments

Sikayetvar Complaints

2. Data Preparation

  • Cleaned special characters, removed redundant words like "toyota","corolla", "vehicle".
  • Translated comments and complaints from Turkish to English.
  • Created comment_length, word_count and sentiment features.
  • Binned comment_length feature.
  • Lemmatized comments.
  1. Crawled keyword "toyota corolla hybrid" from
  1. Analyzed data.
  2. Created 3 main topics from comments and complaints using LDA.

3. Modeling

Used LDA to find three topics from the comments and complaints.

4. Evaluation

Ekisozluk comments

  1. Topic_0: 0.023*"km" + 0.019*"car" + 0.013*"engine" + 0.009*"liter" + 0.009*"fuel" + 0.009*"speed" + 0.008*"use" + 0.007*"drive" + 0.007*"consumption" + 0.007*"do"

  2. Topic_1: 0.016*"car" + 0.011*"engine" + 0.010*"km" + 0.009*"like" + 0.007*"drive" + 0.007*"electric" + 0.007*"use" + 0.006*"road" + 0.006*"gasoline" + '0.006*"fuel"

  3. Topic_2: 0.023*"car" + 0.013*"engine" + 0.009*"km" + 0.009*"city" + 0.009*"fuel" + 0.008*"use" + 0.008*"battery" + 0.008*"drive" + 0.008*"like" + 0.007*"consumption"

Perplexity and Coherence Score

Perplexity: -7.215 Coherence Score: 0.286

Lower the perplexity better the model Higher the topic coherence, the topic is more interpretable

  1. Cars consumption efficienty
  2. Cars speed
  3. More or less similar as 1.

Sikayetvar complaints

  1. Topic 0: 0.044*"car" + 0.033*"km" + 0.024*"engine" + 0.018*"fuel" + 0.017*"battery" + 0.015*"consumption" 0.014*"like" + 0.014*"think" + 0.014*"use" + 0.013*"gasoline"

  2. Topic 1: 0.038*"km" + 0.037*"car" + 0.021*"drive" + 0.021*"city" + 0.020*"liter" + 0.020*"use" + 0.017*"fuel" + 0.016*"do" + 0.016*"engine" + 0.015*"burn"

  3. Topic 2: 0.036*"engine" + 0.033*"car" + 0.019*"km" + 0.016*"speed" + 0.016*"like" + 0.016*"battery" + 0.015*"electric" + 0.013*"buy" + 0.013*"fuel" + 0.012*"drive"

Perplexity and Coherence Score

Perplexity: -6.282 Coherence Score: 0.254

Lower the perplexity better the model Higher the topic coherence, the topic is more interpretable

  1. First topic is generally about engine.
  2. Second one is about consumption.
  3. Third one is similar to second but also about battery.

5. Deployment

You can run the application on your local machine:

  1. Install virtualenv pip install virtualenv, then create a virtualenv , finally activate it.
  2. Install necessary packages pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run streamlit run

Car Comment Analyzer Web Application

Created a streamlit application that enables users to select a car brand, date range and shows topics and related keywords. Top three most selling cars in Turkiye in 2022 is included in selections.

  • Fiat Egea
  • Renault Clio HB
  • Toyota Corolla
  • Toyota Corolla Hybrid


  1. run pip install requirements.txt to install necessary packages.
  2. run streamlit run
  3. go to http://localhost:8501


It seems like I found answers to first two of my questions on beginning, so it seems like people liked the car and there are complaints about service and warranty. This approch can be transformed into a generic application so we can search for keywords and get a summary about products. However I could not find any chronic problem information on first glance. Maybe it can be derived with deeper analysis.


LDA Analysis :


No description, website, or topics provided.







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