The software requirements to run this Ansible code are:
- Unix based machine (Linux, MacOSx)
- Ansible version 2.x
- Vagrant >= 1.8.1
- VirtualBox >= 5.0.12
Everything may also work with VMWare as a VM provider for Vagrant, although it has not been tested.
Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 is used as the default base image for VM creation. Support for CentOS 6.5 is deprecated, although the code for RedHat based Linux variants is still available in some roles for reference.
- Copy your file over to the base repository directory. Typically this is in ~/.ssh/
- Run
vagrant up
in the base directory. This will boot up your Vagrant machines. - Add the machines that are in the vagrant_hosts file to your /etc/hosts file.
ssh vagrant@<machinename>
for each Vagrant machine to make sure you can successfully log into the machines. This is required for Ansible provisioning.ansible-playbook site-infrastructure.yml -u vagrant
to provision all of the infrastructure software. Note: staging.inventory is used as the inventory by default.
That's it! After the Ansible playbooks are complete, you should have a complete test environment with a smattering of the latest and greatest in big data and web scraping tools.