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Feature: Log

Ítallo Rian edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 1 revision

Log(message, level)

The Log method takes two parameters: message and level. The message parameter is the log message to be logged, and the level parameter is the log level. If no level is provided, it defaults to LogLevel.DEBUG.

Inside the Log method, a object is created with the following properties:

  • timestamp: the current time in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
  • message: the processed log message.
  • level: the log level.
  • service: the name of the service, taken from constants.
  • hostname: the name of the host, taken from constants.

This object is then sent to New Relic, a real-time monitoring service.


LogLevel is an object with this options.

  • DEBUG: Used for detailed information on the flow through the system.

  • INFO: Used to confirm that things are working as expected.

  • WARN: Used to indicate that something unexpected happened, or there might be a problem in the near future (e.g., 'disk space low'). The software is still working as expected.

  • ERROR: Used to indicate that the software has not been able to perform some function.

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