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WolframParadoxica edited this page May 23, 2023 · 12 revisions

This page documents features that are not accessible to modders as of Into the Breach version 1.2.88. They are documented here in the hopes that Subset Games might be able to make some of these features accessible to modders in future patches.


  • Hopefully trivial: Make palettes at indexes beyond 14 always unlocked instead of always locked. Will make it easier to add custom modded palettes.
  • A way to mark a SpaceDamage in a skill effect as preview only, similarly to how bHide makes it not show in preview.
    • This would mainly be for rendering approximations of effects that happen in scripts, or occasionally corrections when we do weird stuff in weapons.
    • We can workaround this using Board:MarkSpaceDamage, but it is more effort to rig the system up and it sometimes leads to odd preview issues.


  • Functions similar to IsTestMechScenario to identify where we are in the ITB UIs. For instance,

    • A function to check if we are on the main menu
    • A function to check if we are in the hangar
  • PILOT_FACTORY and WEAPON_FACTORY similar to PAWN_FACTORY, able to create userdata objects of pilots and weapons.

  • BoardPawn functions capable of

    • get/set/rem pilot at any time, using userdata pilot objects.
    • get/set/rem weapons at any time, using userdata weapon objects.
  • Game (?) functions capable of

    • get/set inventory objects (userdata objects)
    • open/close store at any time
    • manipulate the store with code (add/rem/buy/etc items)
    • get/set/rem rep/cores/power/maxpower/resistance/
    • get the current mission
    • enter/exit arbitrary mission with code
    • add/remove islands
  • BoardClass functions capable of

    • knowing if the board is used in a tip image or not
    • zoom in/out + pan to be able to create non 8x8 missions
  • Store userdata object?

  • Island userdata object?

  • Pilot skills userdata object?

  • bHide doesn't currently hide leaps in SkillEffects, it would be great if this hid the leap ret.effect:back().bHide = true if a leap was previously added

  • Have spawn blocks return their spaces in some form when they are blocked, for the purposes of spawn manipulation.

Less hardcoding

  • Allow any number of mechs in the custom mech selection like the palette selection
    • If that is difficult to do, just having space for three rows of mechs (or any number of rows) in the custom squad selector would be nice
  • Allow any number of squads/squad pages
  • Allow any number of pilots in the hangar
  • Ability to add dummy status effects (icon, name, description)
  • Ability to add elements to specific points in the turn order (like fire and electric smoke), including the turn order UI pane
  • Ability to change mechs in squad during a run
  • Allow fully powered weapons to have a different description to their base description
  • Access to passives, unique pilot skills, and pilot level up bonuses
  • Allow an island tileset to control the "waterfall" animation from when water is next to a hole
  • Allow an island tileset to control the "falling tile" animation instead of using archive always
  • Allow custom mission rewards, including custom icons
  • Allow bump damage to be manipulated (increased, decreased) or at least allow single instances of bump damage to be dealt (and shown in hover preview) ** Allow this for further instances of similar damage types, such as Fire, Electric, Explosive Decay, and Gana Deployment damage.
  • Allow the mouseover movement preview to be changed (to align with custom move skills)
  • Allow more access to how water behaves, so that some skills can be used while submerged
  • Allow custom terrain tiles (such as specifying the tile graphic, image marks (animated or static) in response to damage, and response scripting)
  • Expose enemy move skills so they can be overridden and customized
  • Island functions
    • set how many missions you must do to trigger the boss mission
    • set available missions on an island, and the connection between them
    • enter/exit island with code
    • other functions to manipulate island
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