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Keycloak for AngularDart

Provide an Angular Service and a RouterHook implementation for AngularRouter.


An injectable class that manage Keycloak instances. It provides essential functionalities with a simpler interface by encapsulating complex details such as updating token.

It is best to inject it at the root using the built-in keycloakProviders

import 'package:angular_keycloak/angular_keycloak.dart';

final InjectorFactory injector = self.injector$Injector;
runApp(ng.MyAppComponentNgFactory, createInjector: injector);

Advance user still can acquire the base KeycloakInstace via the service.

Single Instances

When one Keycloak instance is all the application need. There is no need to pay attention to instanceId which most of the service's API accept. The service is smart enough to recognize there is only one instance and all call or verification will go through it.

The usage of such use case can be study in Example: Service Only.

Multiple Instances

KeycloakService supports multiple KeycloakInstance configurations, but only one of them can be initialized at a time.

These multiple instance can be identify by using the instanceId in most of the API. Passing in instanceId is still optional, the purpose of passing it in is just for verification. e.g. those API will throw an exception if the initialized instance does not match the id.


It is recommended to inject KeycloackServiceInstanceConfig along with the KeycloakService for multiple instances configuration. These are injectable class that allow user to predefine the configuration of each instance, and identify them with the instanceId.

The usage of such use case can be study in Example: Multiple Instance and Secured Routing.


If the application is using AngularRouter, SecuredRouterHook can be use as the RouterHook to secure all the routes with KeycloakService. In the event of access denied, it will either redirect the path base on predefine configuration, or simply block the navigation.

It operates base on a set of predefined SecuredRouterHookConfig, which should be injected together.

To use it, inject it as a RouterHook at the root, along with KeycloadService and AngularRouter.

  FactoryProvider(SecuredRouterHookConfig, securedRouterHookConfigFactory),
  ClassProvider(RouterHook, useClass: SecuredRouterHook),
  routerProvidersHash, // You can use routerProviders in production
final InjectorFactory injector = self.injector$Injector;

Securing Routes

Routes are secured by defining SecuredRoute(s) in SecuredRouterHookConfig and inject it to SecuredRouterHook.

There can be any number of SecuredRoute. Each of them define a particular set of security measure applied to the route(s). There are two type of SecuredRoute:

  1. SecuredRoute.authentication() will only allow access when the KeycloakInstance in the KeycloakService is authenticated.
  2. SecuredRoute.authorization will only allow access when the instance is authenticated and it has all the role(s) that is required.


      keycloakInstanceId: 'employee',
      paths: [main_paths.RoutePaths.employee], // '/employee'
      redirectPath: main_paths.RoutePaths.employeeLogin),
      keycloakInstanceId: 'employee',
      paths: [employee_paths.RoutePaths.cashier], // '/employee/cashier'
      authorizedRoles: ['staff', 'supervisor'])

The above code demonstrated a few security measure:

  1. All paths starting with /employee need to be authenticate with KeycloakInstance of 'employee'.
  2. Unauthenticated access will be redirected to RoutePath: main_paths.RoutePaths.employeeLogin.
  3. All paths starting with /employee/cashier need to be has the authorized roles of 'staff' and 'supervisor', either from the Realms or the Clients.
  4. Unauthorized access will simply blocked, no navigation will be done.

Akin to NgIf, kcSecurity primary function is to show or hide content in the DOM base on the authentication and/or authorization status of the KeycloakService. In the circumstance of using multiple instances, a getter function which return instance Id can be provided.

<p *kcSecurity>Authenticated!</p>
<p *kcSecurity="getInstanceId">Authenticated for {{getInstanceId}}!</p>

Further. roles can be provided in the Microsyntax to restrict the condition further for only authorized user, i.e. user with specific roles. If some roles have less authorization than other, e.g. read vs write, a readonlyRoles can be provided in addition to roles. A readonly variable can be read from, which will be true if user only has roles in readonly one, but not in the roles.

<div *kcSecurity="roles: ['vip']">VIP only.</div>
<div *kcSecurity="readonlyRoles: ['member'];
                  roles: ['vip'];
                  let ro = readonly">
  VIP can do everything. Member will have {{ro}} equal to true.

For access denied, all the negative outcome when using this directive, just supply a showWhenDenied: true in the microsyntax.

<p *kcSecurity="showWhenDenied: true">Not authenticated, please log in!</p>
<p *kcSecurity="roles: ['supervisor']; showWhenDenied: true">Access Denied!</p>

Refer to Example: Security Directive for more examples.

Running the Examples

There are 3 examples in this package. They can be serve separately without interfering each other.

Setup Keycloak Server

These examples assumed specific roles and clients. There are 2 json files readily made to be import into local Keycloak Server to setup the realm and client for example, namely 'customer-realm-export.json' and 'employee-realm-export.json'.

Users cannot be exported though. They still need to be created manually, and assign different client roles to those users to test authorization.

There are 2 roles in 'angulardart-demo-member' realm: 'member' and 'vip'. There are 3 roels in 'angulardart-demo-employee' realm: 'staff', 'supervisor' and 'boss'.

'vip', 'supervisor' and 'boss' are composite roles. They contains the former roles by default.

Example: Service Only

This is the simplest way to get KeycloakService works with single instance without routing. There is no need of predefine configurations. And no need to use instanceId in all the KeycloakService's APIs.

Run with: webdev serve example-service-only:2700

Example: Multiple Instance and Secured Routing

This is the complex example of having multiple instances and using SecuredRouterHook to secure Angular Routing.

Run with webdev serve example:2700

Example: Security Directive

This is the example which show case how to use the kcSecurity directive. This example use multiple keycloak instance but without routing.

Run with webdev serve example-directive:2700

Running the Tests

All the automated tests are run with @TestOn("browser") and runs on Chrome browser by default. You can make it runs on other browser by changing the dart_test.yaml.

Run the test with pub run build_runner test


AngularDart integration of the Keycloak Dart Adapter







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