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milt edited this page Jun 9, 2012 · 3 revisions

So, I had a few thoughts after I got home.

Part of the issue I think we're running into is unnecessary complexity. Also, Sara's comments about the whole liability issue factor into this obliquely.

This might even involve changing the name from 'IT Blacklist' to something else. I think if we pivot from the original goal of a 'blacklist' to a fusion of clients from hell and glassdoor, we could come up with an MVP that's simpler, more useful, and easier to implement.

Here's what I'm thinking: kill the polymorphic associations, collapse 'person' and 'company' into 'client'. Maybe distinguish via STI or maybe by a scopable field.

Make the focus of the site an 'accusations' feed, possibly allow submissions not tied to a particular client.

Allow a public-vs.-members-only flag, so people can opt-out of their accusations being visible in the public feed (in case they want to vent on something identifiable).

I already have ideas on how to refactor into this...

I think that even if it was less 'don't take this client' and more 'safe place to vent', it would be a cool alternative to CFH, and lower the liability. An exclusive forum for developers to bitch about clients.

Anyhow, let me know what you think. We should start tomorrow with a 'dev meeting'.

Also, the idea has been raised of adding a positive corollary of accusations, so that praise can also be given. We'd need a name.... ...and we have a winner (Jason): Accolades!

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