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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🎨 design
:art: design
This issue needs design work
🔰 good first issue
:beginner: good first issue
Good for newcomers
🐦 migration
:bird: migration
This pull request contains migrations.
✒️ need reqs
:black_nib: need reqs
Issue still needs requirements
📖 documentation
:book: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
🏈 punted
:football: punted
Missed issue on sprint.
❕ priority:high
:grey_exclamation: priority:high
This issue should get done immediately
❕ priority:low
:grey_exclamation: priority:low
Complete this issue when there are no higher priority issues
❕ priority:medium
:grey_exclamation: priority:medium
This issue should get done sometime soon
❔ question
:grey_question: question
Further information is requested
👨‍💻 dev ops
:man_technologist: dev ops
Changes to deployment and/or hosting
📝 content
:memo: content
Update the content on the website
💪 effort:high
:muscle: effort:high
Issue should take between 1 and 2 weeks to complete
💪 effort:low
:muscle: effort:low
Issue should take less than 1 day to complete
💪 effort:medium
:muscle: effort:medium
Issue should take less than 3 days to complete
📓 research
:notebook: research
Research the topic for more information
📃 duplicate
:page_with_curl: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✋ help wanted
:raised_hand: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
✨ enhancement
:sparkles: enhancement
New feature or request
🛑 blocked
:stop_sign: blocked
Blocked by another issue
This will not be worked on
❌ invalid
:x: invalid
This doesn't seem right