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Creating Example Metadata

svenjawendler edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 9 revisions

After you have documented your example, the only task left is to write some metadata for YAKINDU Statechart Tools' example wizard. The metadata essentially contains the display title of your example and its categories.

Metadata have to go to the metadata.json file. A well-formed metadata file is a JSON structure and looks like this:

	"id": "org.yakindu.sct.examples.sample",
	"title": "Example Title",
	"description": "This is a short description of this example.",
	"previewImage": "preview-image-ideally-442px-wide-295px-heigh.jpg",
	"author": "Joe Doe",
	"organization": "Internet Cats, Inc.",
	"license": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)",
	"category": [
		"open source",

What you have to do:

  1. Give your example a unique ID. Choose whatever you want.
  2. The title must be exactly what you have chosen in index.html.
  3. The description should be a short summary of your example. One or two sentences suffice.
  4. In priciple you can freely choose the number and names of categories. However, please do so properly, so your example can be found. If you have an example that needs a YAKINDU Labs project use the category 'labs'.
  5. Use the optional previewImage attribute to specify a image file that characterizes your example. Ideally it is 442 pixels wide and 295 pixels high.
  6. Your name goes to the author attribute.
  7. If you are working for an organization, you can optionally specify it.
  8. What's the license of your example? Please specify it in the license attribute.

Please note that future versions of the example wizard might support additional fields. If – for whatever reason – you'd like to add your own additional fields to the JSON structure, please make sure their names begin with x-. The example wizard will never these fields.

Save the file, and you are ready for submitting your example!