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DVC Question-Answering Chat Bot

This chat bot is built on top of LangChain and uses the DVC documentation and Discord discussions as data.

This is chatbot about DVC where the training pipeline was built using DVC.

It was forked off from a generic LangChain Demo.

Environment Setup

First you need to do a git pull of the code:

git clone
cd llm-demo

The training run is all logged in DVC on an S3 store. So, if you are already authenticated on AWS (check with aws sts get-caller-identity) you can get all the data with:

dvc pull

In order to set your environment up to run the code here, first install all requirements in a virtual env:

virtualenv env --python=python3.9
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then set your OpenAI API key (if you don't have one, get one here):

  export OPENAI_API_KEY=....

The preceeding spaces prevent the API key from staying in your bash history if that is configured.


Now you should be ready to re-run the training pipeline. Assuming you have not changed anything, nothing should need to run. Everything can be re-used for the DVC pull:

dvc repro

Now you can startup the web UI using:

streamlit run

The log of interactions can be found in chat.log.