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Nicolas Omont committed Oct 30, 2018
2 parents edb2f62 + 5a984ee commit 66d637f
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Showing 30 changed files with 7,285 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
%% Copyright (c) 2018, RTE and INESC TEC ( and %%
%% %%
%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public %%
%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this %%
%% file, You can obtain one at %%
%% Author: José Meirinhos %%

% Script to import the base cases associated the online workflows

% Jose Meirinhos

close all;
clear all;
tStart = tic;

% profile on

global contingency vars voltage vars_NaN

%% Configuration
path_FO = 'D:\INESC\iPST\Server\FEA 2018jan_feb_nS_50_UniMod\2018_Mar_FO'; % Path of the FO data
path_SN = 'D:\INESC\iPST\Server\FEA 2018jan_feb_nS_50_UniMod\2018_Mar_SN'; % Path of the SN data
CE_path = 'D:\INESC\iPST\Server\FEA 2018jan_feb_nS_50_UniMod'; % Path for CE
out_path = 'D:\INESC\iPST\Server\FEA 2018jan_feb_nS_50_UniMod\All_cont\PostCont\2018_Mar_NEW_V_ALL'; % Path for output files

% Comment if not to consider

% Specify a Region to filter the variables.
% CE = 'Lille';
% CE = 'Lyon';
% CE = 'Marseille';
% CE = 'Nancy';
% CE = 'Nanterre';
% CE = 'Nantes';
% CE = 'Toulouse';

% Specify "voltage" as follow:
% voltage = {'1'}; % '1' -> 20 kV (and below);
% voltage = {'2'}; % '2' -> 45 kV;
% voltage = {'3'}; % '3' -> 63 kV;
% voltage = {'4'}; % '4' -> 90 kV;
% voltage = {'5'}; % '5' -> 150 kV;
% voltage = {'6'}; % '6' -> 225 kV;
% voltage = {'7'}; % '7' -> 380 kV;

voltage = {'6','7'}; % Speficy multiple voltage levels

% Specify Contingency as follow:
% contingency = 'N-2_Tavel-Realtor';
% contingency = 'N-2_Launa_Taute';


if (exist(out_path, 'dir') == 0)
% fid = fopen( strcat(out_path, '\myTextLog.txt'), 'w' );
% fclose(fid);

diary(strcat(out_path, '\Debug_PostCont.txt'))

addpath(path_FO, path_SN, CE_path);

% Folders FO
d_FO = dir(path_FO);
isub_FO = [d_FO(:).isdir]; % returns logical vector
nameFolds_FO = {d_FO(isub_FO).name}';
nameFolds_FO(cellfun('isempty',strfind(nameFolds_FO,'workflow'))) = [];

% Folders SN
d_SN = dir(path_SN);
isub_SN = [d_SN(:).isdir]; % returns logical vector
nameFolds_SN = {d_SN(isub_SN).name}';
nameFolds_SN(cellfun('isempty',strfind(nameFolds_SN,'workflow'))) = [];

%% Reading Variables
if ~isempty(contingency)
vars_file = 'variables_contingency.csv';
[vars] = READ_VARIABLES( vars_file ); % Extracts the variables and limits.
n_var = length(vars); % number of variables

elseif exist('CE', 'var') == 1
CE_file = 'lienPostesCE.csv';
[vars] = READ_VARIABLES( CE, CE_file ); % Extracts the variables.
% n_var = length(vars); % number of variables

%% Run for all Workflows
for f = 1:numel(nameFolds_FO)

if ~isempty (nameFolds_FO)
folder_FO = strcat(path_FO,'\',nameFolds_FO{f});
date = char(nameFolds_FO{f}(10:17));
day = char(nameFolds_FO{f}(16:17));
hour = char(nameFolds_FO{f}(19:22));
folder_FO = path_FO;
[upperPath, deepestFolder, ~] = fileparts(path_FO);
date = char(deepestFolder(10:17));
day = char(nameFolds_FO{f}(16:17));
hour = char(deepestFolder(19:22));

% Specifie a day to get the results
% if f > 300
% if str2double(day) ~= 30
% if str2double(day) < 6
% continue
% end

% Print the Workflow TimeStamp
fprintf('WF: %s_%s\n', date, hour );

% Check if exist the FO base case correspondent to the SN
WF_name_SN = nameFolds_SN(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(nameFolds_SN, strcat(char(nameFolds_FO{f}(1:22))))));
folder_SN = char(strcat(path_SN,'\',WF_name_SN));

states_filename_SN = strcat(folder_SN,'\9.workflow_postcontingency_states.csv');
states_filename_FO = strcat(folder_FO,'\9.workflow_postcontingency_states.csv');

% if ~isempty (WF_name_SN)
if exist(states_filename_SN, 'file') % == 2;

% Reads SN data with associated variables and returns a vector with the data for each state
[ header_SN, header_vars_SN, data_vars_SN, info_branches ] = READ_WORKFLOW_STATES_SN(states_filename_SN);
% [~, ~, data_vars_SN ] = READ_WORKFLOW_STATES(workflow_states_filename);

% Reads FO data with associated variables and returns a vector with the data for each state

[ header_vars_FO, header_FO, data_vars_FO ] = READ_WORKFLOW_STATES_FO(header_vars_SN, states_filename_FO);
% [ header_vars, state_id_FO, data_vars_FO ] = READ_WORKFLOW_STATES( workflow_states_filename);
fprintf('... PostContingency_states not found for SN \n');
continue; %If not exit, continue to other iteration of for loop
% data_vars_SN = zeros(1, size(data_vars_FO,2));

% Compare SN and FO Headers

% header_SN = header_SN';
% header_FO = header_FO';

header_compare = cellfun(@strcmp, header_SN, header_FO);

if any(header_compare == 0)
fprintf(' -> Headers of SN and FO do not match!!! \n');
% continue;

% Write header to file
% fid = fopen('header_SN.csv','w');
% fprintf(fid,'%s\n', header_SN{1,:});
% fclose(fid);
% fid = fopen('header_FO.csv','w');
% fprintf(fid,'%s\n', header_FO{1,:});
% fclose(fid);

% Split results by contingency

contingencies = unique( data_vars_SN(:,2));

for i = 1:length(contingencies)

clear workflow_header workflow_states

data_vars_SN_cont = data_vars_SN ( ~cellfun(@isempty,strfind( data_vars_SN(:,2), contingencies{i})), :);
data_vars_FO_cont = data_vars_FO ( ~cellfun(@isempty,strfind( data_vars_FO(:,2), contingencies{i})), :);
header_vars_SN_cont = header_vars_SN;
header_vars_FO_cont = header_vars_FO;

data_vars_SN_cont(1) = {'-1'}; % -1 for the SN state

data_vars_SN_cont (:,2) = []; % Remove column contingency
data_vars_FO_cont (:,2) = []; % Remove column contingency
header_vars_SN_cont (:,2) = []; % Remove column contingency
header_vars_FO_cont (:,2) = []; % Remove column contingency

state_id_Imax = { '-3'; '-2' }; % -2 for the limits

% state_id_FO = data_vars_FO_cont(:,1);

[~,ii] = ismember(header_vars_SN_cont(1,:),header_vars_FO_cont(1,:));

data_SN = [state_id_Imax info_branches; data_vars_SN_cont];
data_FO = data_vars_FO_cont(:,ii); % Order the FO data by the SN data

workflow_header = header_vars_SN_cont;
workflow_states = [data_SN ; data_FO];
if ~issorted(str2double(workflow_states(:,1)))
fprintf(' ---- The states are not ordered ---- \n');
% workflow_states = sortrows(workflow_states,1);

n_states_FO = length(data_vars_FO_cont(:,2));
if n_states_FO ~= 50
fprintf('# %i states for the contingency %s\n', n_states_FO, contingencies{i}); % Print the number of states

% Remove Variables with NaN
vars_NaN_idx = any(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind( workflow_states, 'NaN')),1) ; % Find the variables with some NaN value and add to the end
vars_NaN = workflow_header(vars_NaN_idx);

% vars_NaN = unique(vars_NaN);

workflow_states (:,vars_NaN_idx) = [];
workflow_header (:,vars_NaN_idx) = [];


out_file = strcat(out_path,'\', contingencies{i},'\' ,'WF_',date,'_',hour,'_PostCont', '.csv');

if ~exist(strcat(out_path,'\', contingencies{i}),'dir')
mkdir (strcat(out_path,'\', contingencies{i}))

% out_file = strcat(out_path,'\','WF_',date,'_',hour, '_', contingencies{i} ,'.csv');

% header_vars_SN = ['state', header_vars_SN];
textHeader = strjoin( workflow_header, ';');

% Write header to file
fid = fopen(out_file,'w');

for j=1:size(workflow_states,1)

%write data to end of file
% dlmwrite(out_file,workflow_states,'-append','delimiter',';');

% profile viewer


% fclose(fid);

tEnd = toc(tStart);
% fprintf('Duration TIME: %s \n', duration([0, 0, toc]) );
fprintf('Duration Time: %s \n', datestr(tEnd/(24*60*60), 'HH:MM:SS'));
fprintf('End at: %s\n', datestr(now,'HH:MM:SS'))
fprintf('*** THE END ***\n');

diary off
% profile viewer
% profile off
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

I. Version
Version V0

II. File list

MAIN_Import_PostCont.m Main file, which should be executed.
READ_VARIABLES.m Function to filter the branches
READ_WORKFLOW_STATES_SN.m Function to read the post-contingency load-flow FO states
READ_WORKFLOW_STATES_FO.m Function to read the post-contingency load-flow SN states
README This file

III. Steps to execute the MATLAB script

To execute the Matlab script, the following steps must be performed:
1. Open the MATLAB file “MAIN_Import_PostCont.m”
2. Inside the code, the following configuration must be specified:
• Path for the FO folder (in “path_FO =”);
• Path for the SN folder (in “path_SN =”);
• Path for the CE folder with the “lienPostesCE.csv” CE file (in “CE_path=”).
• Path for the output data (in “out_path =”), where the output files are going to be stored.
• The “transmission area” (in “CE =“) to only include the transmission line records with the specified “transmission area”. If not specified, this filter is not performed and therefore all the line records are considered.
• The nominal voltage (in “Voltage = “) to only include the transmission line records with the specified nominal voltages. If not specified, no voltage filter is performed.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
%% Copyright (c) 2018, RTE and INESC TEC ( and %%
%% %%
%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public %%
%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this %%
%% file, You can obtain one at %%
%% Author: José Meirinhos %%

function [vars] = READ_VARIABLES(CE , filename)

fid = fopen( filename ) ; % the original file
new_filename = strcat( 'tmp_', filename );
fidd = fopen( new_filename, 'w' ) ; % the new file
while ~feof( fid ) % reads the original till last line
tline = fgets( fid );
if isempty( strfind( tline, 'WARNING' ) )
fprintf( fidd, tline ) ;
fclose all;
data = readtable( new_filename, 'Delimiter', ';' );

if CE ~= false % If a CE was specified
% idx = find(contains(data{:,2}, CE)); %Find CE

% R2015b version
idx = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(data{:,2}, CE)));
vars = (data {idx,1}) ; % Save variables
% vars = [(data {:,2}) (data {:,3})] ; % Save variables
% CE_data = data;

% vars = (data {:,1}); % Save variables

% for i=1:size(vars,1)

delete( new_filename ); % delete new file

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