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This ansible script is designed for deploying a rust-based everscale node on dedicated or virtual servers

  • Minimum OS versions: Ubuntu: 18.04
    Debian: 10
    CentOS, Oracle Linux: 8

  • Ansible version This has been tested on Ansible 2.9.х

  • Requirements This playbook requires root privileges or sudo

Ansible (What is Ansible?)

For validator in mainnet you need about 128 GB RAM at least, 500 GB HDD and about 16 cores for comfortable driving

Validator on RFLD-net needs about 32 GB RAM at least, 250 GB HDD and about 8 cores

Very quick start for local install

  1. Install git and ansible
  2. git clone && cd everscale-validator
  3. Edit inventory file: vim inventory
  4. Deploy ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -c local -t basic
  5. Keys
  • If you already have keys, put it to /home/<username>/ton-keys

generate pubKey:
tonos-cli -c /var/ton-work/rnode/configs/tonos-cli.conf.json genpubkey SEED-PHRASE

cd ~/scripts/
./ Tik Safe 1 0
./ $HOSTNAME Safe 1 -1

For participating in elections and validating, run script

This script set crontab

That's it! You got fresh validator! Graz!

  • If you preffer automatically deploy keys by scripts, start reading from here

Long instructions with detailed explanations

Install Ansible

Install Ansible to the managed machine

Ubuntu and Debian

Ansible installation guide for Ubuntu: read

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible sshpass git python3 python3-pip pip3 install jmespath


Ansible installation guide for CentOS: read

sudo dnf install epel-release
sudo dnf install ansible sshpass git python3 python3-pip pip3 install jmespath

Oracle Linux

sudo dnf install oracle-epel-release-el8
sudo dnf install ansible sshpass git python3 python3-pip pip3 install jmespath

Deploying node via this playbook

  • Download or clone this repository
    git clone

  • Go to the playbook directory
    cd everscale-validator/

  • Edit the inventory file inventory

    Specify the IP addresses in ever_node and monitoring_server section and connection settings (ansible_user, ansible_ssh_pass ...) for your environment.

    If you run the playbook locally, don't change the default settings.

Example for deploying on remote machine

For example we have three servers:

  • two for validator nodes
  • one for monitoring

First server with enabled remote login for root and second host with non-root user someuser but with enabled sudo for this user

Edit inventory file: vim inventory

[ever_node] ansible_user='root' ansible_ssh_pass='secretpassword' ansible_user='someuser' ansible_ssh_pass='supersecretpassword' ansible_become=true

There is no need to specify more than one monitoring server. All agents will connect only to the first one

Edit the variable files vars/ever_node.yml, vars/system.yml and vars/monitoring.yml

vim vars/ever_node.yml
vim vars/system.yml
vim vars/monitoring.yml

Be careful and don't forget to change standard passwords in monitoring.yml file

  • Run playbook: ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml

  • If you run playbook locally, use -c local parameter ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -c local

  • To skip monitoring server installation role, specify '-t basic' ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -c local -t basic


See the vars/ever_node.yml, vars/system.yml and vars/monitoring.yml files for more details

If you want use restoredb parameter in config, just uncomment restoreDB: true in vars/ever_node.yml


By default, after deploying the everscale node it gets started automatically (change this behavior in vars/ever_node.yml). You can control the running status of the everscale node using systemd commands: systemctl status ever-rnode
systemctl stop ever-rnode
systemctl start ever-rnode

Everscale node stores logs in /var/ton-work/rnode/logs directory (change this by specifying ton_node_log_dir var in vars/ever_node.yml). You can change log rules in file roles/ever_node_deploy/templates/log_cfg.yml.j2

Binary files located in /usr/local/bin, all other locations stored in vars/ever_node.yml

Monitoring services will start at the host specified in monitoring_server inventory section. You can access Grafana the monitoring observability solution with pre-installed dashboards via a web-browser:

Also you can access Chronograf - InfluxDB data observation tool - via a web-browser:

Upgrading node version

Upgrading for local installation:
ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -c local -t basic,genconfig

For remote:
ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -t basic,genconfig

Deploy for custom network

When you changing global network config, for example, you running network and want to change it to

You should change ever_node_config variable in vars/ever_node.yml and run playbook again with tag 'flush' in addition with tag 'basic' for local installation:
ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -c local -t basic,flush

For remote:
ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -t basic,flush

If you only want update your current network global config or change node ports, use 'genconfig' tag.

For local installation:
ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -c local -t genconfig

For remote:
ansible-playbook deploy_ever_node.yml -t genconfig

Do not use flush tag without any other tags


You can see installed grafana dashboard: http://<monitoring_server_ip>:3000/


  • Show current timediff and timediff graph
  • Current Election state (Started/Stopped)
  • Current Election start date (date or undefined value if election don’t started)
  • Current Election end date (date or undefined value if election don’t started)
  • Info that node already in validation participant list
  • Info that node already won election and waits for new validation cyclee
  • Count of unsigned transactions between wallet and depool
  • Wallet balance
  • Depool balance
  • Proxy-1 balance
  • Proxy-2 balance
  • Many system graphs, we going to change it after rustcup will happen

You can see chronograf dashboard on next address http://<monitoring_server_ip>:8888/


You can see or change credentials in vars/monitoring.yml

StatsD metrics

We support builded in everscale rust node StatsD service. It is disabled by default, to turn it on change ever_node_metrics_enabled to True in vars/ever_node.yml.

When you enable it you will able to use grafana dashboard:




You can use grafana alerts for alerting

  1. Create notification channel

Go to http://<monitoring_server_ip>:3000/alerting/notifications and create notification channel. You can use telegram, slack, email, webhook and others 2. Create alert

  • Go to dashboard
  • Edit dashboard panel
  • select tab Alert

More info here:

Automate staking through depool

You need to put your keys and data in /home/<username>/ton-keys:

  • $HOSTNAME.addr file with wallet address
  • depool.addr file with depool address
  • msig.keys.json file with wallet private key
  • [Optional] msig2.keys.json file with second sign private key
  • tik.addr - send ticktock request to depool wallet addr. You can put $HOSTNAME.addr data to here
  • tik.keys.json file with tik.addr private key

TIP: you can change keys default location in vars/ever_node.yml

To automate validation process with scripts you should place it in cron crontab -e -u <username>

Automate ticktock depool

Add to cron
*/3 * * * * /bin/bash && export PATH=$PATH:/home/<username>/scripts && cd /home/<username>/scripts && >> /var/ton-work/rnode/logs/crontab-ton-depool-ticktok.log
it will ticktock depool once in election cycle

Automate send validation request

Add to cron
*/10 * * * * /bin/bash && export PATH=$PATH:/home/<username>/scripts && cd /home/<username>/scripts && >> /var/ton-work/rnode/logs/crontab-ton-depool-validation-request.log
It will send validation request

[Optional] Sign transaction use secondary key

If you use wallet with RegConfirm = 2, you can sign transaction with secondary wallet key to depool To automate it, just add next string to cron
*/10 * * * * /bin/bash && export PATH=$PATH:/home/<username>/scripts && cd /home/<username>/scripts && >> /var/ton-work/rnode/logs/crontab-ton-wallet-transaction-confirm.log


All scripts will be added to PATH env for user. Monitoring agent use several scripts.

  • Main script. It store all shared variables that used in other scripts. Please, fill it first.

  • Main script for monitoring with icinga

These scripts are very usefull, but you need it only when not using scripts by Custler


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