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Javel2 - A fast and simple HTTP framework for bah

This is the second version of javel, better, faster, prettier.

Get started

Install using BPM:

bpm -install ithirzty/javel2


Table of contents

  1. javel2 structure
  2. javel2_route structure
  3. javel2_stream structure
  4. HTML templating system

  1. structure javel2 (extend http_server) The javel2 HTTP server instance.
    • structure certFile: cpstring Path to your SSL certificate (PEM file).
    • structure keyFile: cpstring Path to your SSL private key (PEM file).
    • structure routes: []javel2_route* Array containing all your routes.
    • structure launch: launch() Launch the javel2 HTTP server. This function will block the calling thread.

  1. structure javel2_route A javel2 route.
    • structure base: cpstring Path to the root of your route in your file-system.
    • structure path: cpstring Path to your route in the URL.
    • structure cacheMaxAge: int If >= 0, the number of seconds that this route's request should be kept in cache (will not work if you set a custom handle).
    • structure disableParsing: bool Will disable HTML parsing (will not work if you set a custom handle). This is set to false by default.
    • structure handle: function(javel2_route*, http_request*, http_response*) Custom handle (useful for making API...).
    • structure error: function(javel2_route*, int, http_request*, http_response*) Errors handle, first int argument is the http error code that must be sent to the client.

  1. structure javel2_stream A javel2 stream.
    • structure send: send(s cpstring) bool Will send the cpstring s through the stream. Will return true on success and false on error (as if the client as disconnected).
    • structure sendBytes: send(arr []char) bool Works as send() but will send an array on characters instead of a string of text.

  1. HTML templating system. The HTML templating system works with the following tag: <% type:name %>.
    • <% function: myFunc %> Will call the myFunc(req http_request*) cpstring function. For this to work: myFunc should have a single argument that is http_request* and return the HTML code as cpstring. Additionaly, the function should be evaluable (by using the keyword #eval myFunc).
    • <% stream: myFunc %> Will call the myFunc(req http_request*, stream javel2_stream*) function. The HTML code must be sent through the stream. This enables you to push HTML in real-time to the client.
    • <% file: path/myFile.html %> Will include the specified HTML file. The HTML file will be parsed.


Javel2 HTTP/HTML framework for Bah.







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